List of Findings using this Specification Variable
Correlate as named by investigatorPeople investigatedFinding
Sibling interaction
60+ aged, Washington State, USA, 1975
Satisfaction with family-life
18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197?
Satisfaction with standard of living
18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197?
Satisfaction with work
18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197?
Satisfaction with sparetime activities
18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197?
Satisfaction with community
18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197?
Satisfaction with food
18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197?
Number of siblings
18+ aged whites, USA, 1973-78
Happiness (affective dimension)
15+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1977
18+ aged, married or widowed, USA,1972-73
18+ aged, married or widowed, USA,1972-73
Negative orientationto children
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Perceived short- comings in the self
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Feeling inadequate as a parent
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Expected future happiness
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Self-perceived physical health
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Ever expected a nervous breakdown
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Physical Anxiety
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Psychological anxiety
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Feelings of marital inadequacy
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Problems in marriage(in the past)
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Having problems in raising children
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Problems with job (in the past)
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Marital happiness
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Job satisfaction
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Perceived strong points in the self
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
Perceived uniquenessof self
21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957
21+ aged, general public, USA, 1946
Employed status
Low-income women with children, small cities and rural areas, New York State, USA, 1970
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973
Married vs never married
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973
Married vs divorced
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973
Never married vs widowed
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973
Never married vs divorced
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973
Widowed vs divorced
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973
Employed status
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973
25 - 65 aged marrieds, The Netherlands, 1968
Enjoying life
18+ aged, general public, Washington County, Maryland, USA, 1973-1974
Usual affect
18+ aged, general public, Washington County, Maryland, USA, 1973-1974
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Educational level
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Household income
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Going to the movies
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Eating in restaurants
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Betting or gambling
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Reading newspapers
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Frequency of shopping
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Estimate of changes of being robbed
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Living conditions inthe neighbourhood
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Marital status
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Going to church
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Marital happiness
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Attending parties
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Participating in sports
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Employed status
21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972
Adults, general public, Houston, Texas, USA, 1969
Occupational skill level
Adults, general public, Houston, Texas, USA, 1969
Widowed vs divorced
Aged persons, Detroit, USA, 197?
Frequency of low mood
Highschool pupils, New York State, USA, 1960
Anxiety symptoms
Highschool pupils, New York State, USA, 1960
Having fun in life
Highschool pupils, New York State, USA, 1960
Tending to be a discouraged person
Highschool pupils, New York State, USA, 1960
Being retarded
Children, retarded and normal, USA,197?
Male sex
Undergraduate students, Nassau Community College, USA, 1970
Marital satisfaction
Marrieds, Alameda County, California, USA, 1965
15+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 1975
15+ aged, general public, EU 9 nations, 1975
15+ aged, general public, Belgium, 1975
15+ aged, general public, West Germany, 1975
15+ aged, general public, Italy, 1975
15+ aged, general public, Ireland, 1975
15+ aged, general public, Luxembourg, 1975
15+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1975
Mental health
21+ aged, general public, New Hampshire, USA, 196?
Perceived desirability of happiness as atrait
21+ aged general public, New England and Mid-Atlantic States, USA, 197?
Married vs never married
21+ aged, general public, USA,1957
Married vs widowed
21+ aged, general public, USA,1957
Married vs divorced
21+ aged, general public, USA,1957
Never married vs widowed
21+ aged, general public, USA,1957
Never married vs divorced
21+ aged, general public, USA,1957
21+ aged, general public, USA,1957
21+ aged, general public, USA,1957
Social participation
21+ aged, general public, New Hampshire, USA, 196?
Satisfaction from sports
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Playing sports
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Watching sports
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Talking about sports
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Reading sports page
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Subscribe/read sports magazines
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Behavioral involve- ment in sports
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Sports seen as a wayto relax
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Sports seen as a waste of time
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Little satisfaction received from sports
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Sports seen as help against worries and pressures of the day
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Affective involve ment in sports
Adults, general public, City of Toledo, Ohio, USA, 1973
Graduate students of education (teachers), Columbia University, USA, 192?
Perceived happy image
Graduate students of education (teachers), Columbia University, USA, 192?
Popularity with samesex
Graduate students of education (teachers), Columbia University, USA, 192?
Popularity with opposite sex
Graduate students of education (teachers), Columbia University, USA, 192?
Closeness of total family life
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Desire for having more amusement
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Want to spend more time in work around the house
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Want to spend less time in work around the house
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Want to spend less time on work around the house
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Engaging in hobbies
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Desire for more amusement
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Being younger than spouse
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Age of marriage(<20 vs later)
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Age of marriage(<30 vs later)
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Job satisfaction
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Formal social participation
Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53
Educational level
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Worries about family members
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Doubt about meaning-fulness of own exis-tence
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Getting on well withother people
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Satisfaction with possibilities to pursue one's hobbies
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Satisfaction with daily activities
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Satisfaction with housing
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Satisfaction with heighborhood
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Satisfaction with health
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Satisfaction with family
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Satisfaction with friends
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Satisfaction with love life
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Satisfaction with S.E.S
20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968
Companionship vs being isolated
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Energy vs fatigue
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Fullness vs emptiness of life
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Harmony vs anger
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Impulse expression vs self-restraint
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Love and sex
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Personal freedom vs external constraint
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Personal moral judgment
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Present work
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Receptivity to the world
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Sociability vs withdrawal
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Social respect vs social contempt
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Thought processes
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Tranquility vs anxiety
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Academic status_C
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Academic status_B
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Academic status_A
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Stage of study
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
Psycho-social development
College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196?
18+ aged whites, USA, 1972-1974
Married vs never married
18+ aged whites, USA, 1972-1974
Married vs widowed
18+ aged whites, USA, 1972-1974
Married vs divorced
18+ aged whites, USA, 1972-1974
Never married vs divorced
18+ aged whites, USA, 1972-1974
Widowed vs divorced
18+ aged whites, USA, 1972-1974
Marital happiness
18+ aged whites, USA, 1972-1974
Satisfaction with occupational preference
College students, East USA, 197?
Satisfaction with status at work
15-64 aged, general public, Finland, 1966
Employed status
15-64 aged, general public, Finland, 1966
Social stratum
15-64 aged, general public, Finland, 1966
21-65 aged general public, City of Utrecht,The Netherlands, 1967
Educational level.
21-65 aged general public, City of Utrecht,The Netherlands, 1967
Married. Vs never married
21-65 aged general public, City of Utrecht,The Netherlands, 1967
Married.vs broken marriage
21-65 aged general public, City of Utrecht,The Netherlands, 1967
Religious affiliation.
21-65 aged general public, City of Utrecht,The Netherlands, 1967
Satisfaction with marriage
21-65 aged general public, City of Utrecht,The Netherlands, 1967
Occupational level.
21-65 aged general public, City of Utrecht,The Netherlands, 1967
Self-rated health.
46+ aged, whites, North Carolina, USA, 1968-70
Internal control
46+ aged, whites, North Carolina, USA, 1968-70
Having a confident.
46+ aged, whites, North Carolina, USA, 1968-70
Organizational activity.
46+ aged, whites, North Carolina, USA, 1968-70
Employed status
46+ aged, whites, North Carolina, USA, 1968-70
Relative balance of posit. and negative feelings(aff.balan.)
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Married vs. never married
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Married vs. widowed
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Married vs. divorced
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Never married vs. widowed
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Never married vs. divorced
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Organizational memberships
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Employment status
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Eating in restaurants
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Participating in games or sports activities
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Attending games or sports activities
Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962
Earlier stage of life
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Earlier religious participation
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Earlier level of income
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Earlier socioeconomic status
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Earlier psychiatric symptoms count
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Earlier self-criticism
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Earlier number of doctor visits
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Earlier actvity scope
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Earlier and current stress
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Timeliness of transition
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Later psychiatric symptoms count
People in transition followed 11 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980
Perceived turning point impact in life
People in transition, followed 8 years, Metropolis USA, 1969-77
Change in happiness
People in transition, followed 8 years, Metropolis USA, 1969-77
Parents divorced vs parents together
School children, first to fitfth grade, USA, 1984
Male sex
27-47 aged academics, unemployed and reemployed, Israel, 1983
Traditional role at-titude
English speaking, 18+ aged women non-institutionalized, USA, 1972-78
Marital status
23-59 aged English speaking, Toronto and Ontario, Canada, 198?
Locus of control
23-59 aged English speaking, Toronto and Ontario, Canada, 198?
Satisfaction with living situation
23-59 aged English speaking, Toronto and Ontario, Canada, 198?
Marital status
23-59 aged, general public, Ontario, Canada, 1979
High academic achievers, members Phi Beta Kappa Association,New York, USA, 1981
Satisfaction with community's medical facilities
White collar workers, living in company towns, Columbia Canada, 196?
Satisfaction with cost of living in the community
White collar workers, living in company towns, Columbia Canada, 196?
Satisfaction with costs of housing in the community
White collar workers, living in company towns, Columbia Canada, 196?
Satisfaction with job
White collar workers, living in company towns, Columbia Canada, 196?
Satisfaction with management's res- ponse to complaints
White collar workers, living in company towns, Columbia Canada, 196?
Satisfaction with job
Male supervisors, chemical plant, USA,
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Male sex
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Living alone
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Expected satisfac- tion if married
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Positive self-image
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Negative self-image
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Religious affilia- tion
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Religious partici- pation
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Satisfaction with housing
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Marital satisfaction
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Job satisfaction
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Number of intimates,friends and aquaintances
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Quality of contacts with family members
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Quality of intimate relationships
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Number of married people among 4 closest friends
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Religious participa-tion
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Organizational activity
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Appreciation of being alone
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Occupational prestige
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Prefer to change jobwhen possible
30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965
Urban living
65+ aged, North Carolina, USA, 1970-71
Environmental stress
25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197?
Perceived danger for crime
25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197?
Appreciation of Neighborhood
25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197?
Satisfaction with dwelling
25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197?
Wish to move
25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197?
23+ aged, general public, San Francisco, USA, 1964
Never married
58-63 aged unmarried, followed 10 years, USA, 1969-1979
Stage of life
People in transition, followed 5 years,USA, 1969-1974
Earlier and current stress
People in transition, followed 5 years,USA, 1969-1974
Timeliness of transition
People in transition, followed 5 years,USA, 1969-1974
Self-reported popularity with opposite sex
University students, USA, 197?
University students, USA, 197?
Instrumental values
University students, USA, 1971
Terminal values
University students, USA, 1971
Value dimensions
University students, USA, 1971
Ways to live
University students, USA, 1971
Marriage satisfaction
Married persons, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1976
Job dissatisfaction
Working adults, Dunedin New Zealand, 1975
Sexual intercourse
Parents, followed 3 years, USA, 197?-7?
Time since divorced
Parents, followed 3 years, USA, 197?-7?
Parents, followed 3 years, USA, 197?-7?
Parents, followed 3 years, USA, 197?-7?
Feelings about life as a whole
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973/3
Earlier Identity
Allumni artschool followed 18 years, USA, 1963-81
Satisfaction with family life
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with friendships
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with financial security
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with spouse
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with health
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with transportation
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with recreation
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with housing
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with religion
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with area you live in
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with government services
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Joint effect
60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197?
Satisfaction with health
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with financial security
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with family relations
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with paid employment
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with friendships
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with housing
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with area you live in
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with recreation activity
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with religion
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Self esteem
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with transportation
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with government services
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Male sex
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Chronological age
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Formal education
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Language spoken
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Work status
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Marital status
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Time in area
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Joint effect
18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982
Satisfaction with health
Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with financial security
Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with family relations
Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with paid employment
Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with friendships
Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with recreation activity
Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with religion
Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984
Self esteem
Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with education
Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984
Joint satisfaction
Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with health
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with financial security
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with friendships
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with housing
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction with spouse
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Self esteem
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Satisfaction sumscores
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Level of education
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Life compared with that of others
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Life compared with needs
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Life progress
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Life compared with best previous experience
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Life compared with wants
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Joint effects
60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984
Students, undergraduates, Kent State University at Ashtabula, Ohio, USA., 1966-67
Students, undergraduates, Kent State University at Ashtabula, Ohio, USA., 1966-67
Students, undergraduates, Kent State University at Ashtabula, Ohio, USA., 1966-67
Liberality of sexualattitude
Students, undergraduates, Kent State University at Ashtabula, Ohio, USA., 1966-67
Sexual conflict
Students, undergraduates, Kent State University at Ashtabula, Ohio, USA., 1966-67
18+ aged, general public, 4 big cities South East Asia, 1967-1968
Satisfaction with local government
18+ aged, general public, USA, May 1972
Satisfaction with the way young people think and act
18+ aged, general public, USA, May 1972
Satisfaction with media
18+ aged, general public, USA, May 1972
Satisfaction with job
18+ aged, general public, USA, May 1972
Married state
18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized,
USA, 1972-75
Presence of child or children
18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized,
USA, 1972-75
18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized,
USA, 1972-75
Frequency of attendance of religious services
18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized,
USA, 1972-75
Family income
18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized,
USA, 1972-75
Occupational prestige of males
18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized,
USA, 1972-75
Fulltime employment
18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized,
USA, 1972-75
Years of school completed
18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized,
USA, 1972-75
Not named
18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized,
USA, 1972-75
25-54 aged, general public, ,USA, 1973-1978
Mother's education
25-54 aged, general public, ,USA, 1973-1978
Being an only child, birth order
Couples, white, middle/upper class, USA, 1975
Male sex
Couples, white, middle/upper class, USA, 1975
Level of attachment of male partner
Female students college seniors, followed two months, Rochester, USA, 1965-66
Level of attachment to male partner
Female students college seniors, followed two months, Rochester, USA, 1965-66
46+ aged whites, followed 2 years, USA, 1968-1972/74
Family income
65+ aged, USA, 1971
Health satisfaction
65+ aged, USA, 1971
Satisfaction with standard of living
65+ aged, USA, 1971
Saisfsaction with family life
65+ aged, USA, 1971
Joint effects
65+ aged, USA, 1971
Communication with spouse
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Treatened separation
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Satisfaction with spare time use
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Satisfaction with present residence
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Liking of neigh- berhood
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Financial prospects
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Number of close relatives
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Number of close friends
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Number of organiza- tional memberships
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Voted in last two years
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Family income
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Male sex
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Joint effects
Adult, general public,, USA, 1977
Highschool pupils, rural area, followed 25 years, Pennsylvania, USA, 1946-71
Miles to metropolis
Highschool pupils, rural area, followed 25 years, Pennsylvania, USA, 1946-71
Population size
Highschool pupils, rural area, followed 25 years, Pennsylvania, USA, 1946-71
not named
Highschool pupils, rural area, followed 25 years, Pennsylvania, USA, 1946-71
Male sex
Highschool pupils, rural area, followed 25 years, Pennsylvania, USA, 1946-71
Marital happiness
18+ aged, general public, USA., 1976
Male sex
18+ aged, general public, Hong Kong, 1967
Family status
Children, Winnipeg, Manitoba, U.S.A., 1978
Male sex
18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1982
Earlier cheerfulness
Highschool pupils, followed from age 11 to 35, USA, 1936-1957
Cheerful vs Glum
Highschool pupils, followed from age 11 to 32, USA, 1936-51
Membership of voluntary association(vs no member)
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1975-1977
Membership of sport voluntary association (vs no member)
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1975-1977
Membership of sport voluntary association (vs. other voluntary)
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1975-1977
50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78
Church attendance
50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78
50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78
50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78
Part-time work
50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78
Full-time work
50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78
50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78
Marital happiness
Marrieds, USA, 1973-78
Satisfaction with work
Marrieds, USA, 1973-78
Satisfaction with financial situation
Marrieds, USA, 1973-78
Satisfaction with community
Marrieds, USA, 1973-78
Satisfaction with non-working activities
Marrieds, USA, 1973-78
Satisfaction with family life
Marrieds, USA, 1973-78
Satisfaction with friendships
Marrieds, USA, 1973-78
Satisfaction with health
Marrieds, USA, 1973-78
Joint satisfaction
Marrieds, USA, 1973-78
Stage of life
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Familial roles
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Instrumental activities
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Expressive activities
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Philosophical activities
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Social service activities
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Ease-contentment activities
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Hedonistic activities
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Growth activities
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Non-goal directed activities
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Respondent- interviewer agreement
People in transition, metropolis,USA, 1969
Community size
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1978
Previous happiness
Dating couples, midwest university, USA, 1975
Dating love
Dating couples, midwest university, USA, 1975
General love
Dating couples, midwest university, USA, 1975
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1971
View on mariage: not lonely
Unmarried adults, big cities, the Netherlands, 1978
Self perceived drug abuse problem
University students, undergraduates, psychology course, S.W.-Texas State University, USA, 1980
Past happiness
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Future happiness
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Satisfaction with entitlement
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Satisfaction with town
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Satisfaction with neighbourhood
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Satisfaction with house
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Satisfaction with standard of living
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Satisfaction with income
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Satisfaction with job
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Satisfaction with success
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Satisfaction with the development of the nation
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Level of education
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Arrival in place of residence
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Urban background
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Occupational level
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Employment status
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Age at arrival in place of residence
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Attitude towards urban life
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Attitude towards citylife
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Having work
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Size of town
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Male sex
Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981
Broken home background
18+ aged whites, USA, 1973-82
Prosecuted during WW II
European born Jews, Survivors of WW II and controls, USA, 1978
Feeling of inadequate job performance
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Married vs. never married
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Married vs. widowed
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Married vs. divorced
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Married vs. separated
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Never married vs. widowed
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Never married vs. divorced
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Never married vs. separated
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Widowed vs. divorced
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Widowed vs. separated
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Marital tension
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Marriage companionship
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Marriage sociability
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Satisfaction with work_B
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
White collar job
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Marriage hap[piness
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Employment status of spouce
21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Speed of movements
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Later marital happiness of mother
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Mother characteristics (at Ss age 0-3)
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Mother's characteristics (at Ss age 9-14)
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Freedom allowed by the mother (at Ss age 0-3)
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Freedom allowed by the mother (at Ss age 9-14)
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Current characteristics (at 10-36 months of age)
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Later characteristics (at 27-96 months of age)
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Later characteristics (at 9-12 years of age)
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Active leisure
50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975
Passive leisure
50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975
Education related activities
50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975
50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975
Organizational participation
50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975
Personal care activity
50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975
Forage activity
50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975
Work activity
50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975
Household activity
50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975
Child care activity
50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975
Cheerful vs glum
High school pupils, followed into adulthood, California USA, 1934-53
Personal morale_A
Senior high-school pupils, followed into adulthood, USA, 1938-53
Personal morale_B
Senior high-school pupils, followed into adulthood, USA, 1938-53
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Speed of movements
Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47
Satisfaction with self
University students, Austria, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Austria, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Austria, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Austria, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Bahrain, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Bahrain, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Bahrain, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Bahrain, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Bangladesh, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Bangladesh, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Bangladesh, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Bangladesh, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students,Brazil,1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students,Brazil,1991
Satisfaction with family
University students,Brazil,1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students,Brazil,1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Cameroon, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Cameroon, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Cameroon, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Cameroon, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Canada, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Canada, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Canada, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Canada, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Chile, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Chile, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Chile, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Chile, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Egypt, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Egypt, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Egypt, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Egypt, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Finland, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Finland, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Finland, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Finland, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Germany, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Germany, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Germany, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Germany, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Greece, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Greece, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Greece, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Greece, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, India, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, India, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, India, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, India, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Israel, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Israel, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Israel, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Israel, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Japan, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Japan, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Japan, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Japan, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Jordan, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Jordan, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Jordan, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Jordan, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Kenya, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Kenya, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Kenya, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Kenya, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Korea, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Korea, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Korea, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Korea, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Mexico, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Mexico, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Mexico, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Mexico, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Netherlands, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Netherlands, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Netherlands, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Netherlands, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, New Zealand,1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, New Zealand,1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, New Zealand,1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, New Zealand,1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Norway, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Norway, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Norway, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Norway, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Philippines, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Philippines, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Philippines, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Philippines, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Puerto Rico, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Puerto Rico, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Puerto Rico, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Puerto Rico, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Singapore, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Singapore, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Singapore, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Singapore, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, South Africa, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, South Africa, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, South Africa, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, South Africa, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Spain, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Spain, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Spain, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Spain, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Tanzania, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Tanzania, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Tanzania, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Tanzania, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Thailand, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Thailand, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Thailand, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Thailand, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Turkey, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Turkey, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Turkey, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, U.S.A, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, U.S.A, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, U.S.A, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, U.S.A, 1991
Satisfaction with self
University students, Yugoslavia, 1991
Satisfaction with finances
University students, Yugoslavia, 1991
Satisfaction with family
University students, Yugoslavia, 1991
Satisfaction with friends
University students, Yugoslavia, 1991
proportion of neighbours known
18+ aged, general public, City of Edmonton, Canada, 1977
18+ aged, general public, City of Edmonton, Canada, 1977
Subjective health
18+ aged, general public, former province Kuopio, Finland, 1991-1996
later selfrating health
46+ aged whites, North Carolina, USA, followed from 1968 to 1976.
organizational activity
46+ aged whites, North Carolina, USA, followed from 1968 to 1976.
later social activity hours
46+ aged whites, North Carolina, USA, followed from 1968 to 1976.
later performance status (Physical function)
46+ aged whites, North Carolina, USA, followed from 1968 to 1976.
18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993
18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993
18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993
satisfaction with sex-life_B
18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993
18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993
number of biological children
18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993
"masculine" and "feminine" values
18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993
characteristics of one's children
18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993
only child
18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975
60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975
Marital satisfaction
60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975
Length of marriage
60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975
Self-reported health
60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975
Satisfaction with standard of living
60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975
Employment status
60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975
Not named
60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975
number of subordinates
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
bodymass index
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
acceptance of own body
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
satisfaction with one's sexlife
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
sexual preferences
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
sexual problems:having or not
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
sexual problems, kind of
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
Satisfaction with Marriage: earlier, later
18-65 aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981-1987
talk with close friends
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
daily personal contacts
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975
Marital status
60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975
60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975
60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975
Number of children
60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975
60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975
Aid given
60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975
Aid received
60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975
"masculine" and "feminine" values"
31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen
regression of morale on indepent variables
60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975
25+ aged, general public, USA, 1986-1989
Baseline health
18-64 aged adult twin pairs, Finland, 1975
Interest in life
18-64 aged adult twin pairs, Finland, 1975
general easy of living
18-64 aged adult twin pairs, Finland, 1975
18-64 aged adult twin pairs, Finland, 1975
Life satisfaction
18-64 aged adult twin pairs, Finland, 1975
Infertility seen as problem
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
Home stress
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
Personal control
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
satisfaction with social support
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
Spouse support
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
Spouse conflict
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
Problem-solving coping
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
Escape coping
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
Intercourse frequency
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
Global Life Quality at initial interview
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
Anxiety about the World Situation
18+aged, general public, Australia, 2003
Oxford Happiness Inventory
Secondary school students, Kuwait 2002
satisfaction with life scale
Secondary school students, Kuwait 2002
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
positive affect
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
Self-rating of physical health
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
Negative affect
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
Use of hypnotics
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
Use ofalcohol
University undergraduates, Kuwait 2002
Political Support
18+aged, general public, Australia, 2003
18+ aged, general public, Australia, 2004
Regional variation
12-15 aged, Canada, 1998
12-15 aged, Canada, 1998
Worship frequency of the child
12-15 aged, Canada, 1998
Faith commuity affiliation
12-15 aged, Canada, 1998
12-15 aged, Canada, 1998
Family composition
12-15 aged, Canada, 1998
Education of the mother
12-15 aged, Canada, 1998
Work status of the mother
12-15 aged, Canada, 1998
Smoking of the mother
12-15 aged, Canada, 1998
Household income
12-15 aged, Canada, 1998
Satisfaction with health
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Satisfaction with work
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Satisfaction with family life
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Satisfaction with relationship with spouse/partner
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Length of commuting time
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Length of partner's commuting time
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Length of work week
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Length of partner's work week
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Preference for more time with family
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Preference for more personal time
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Number of shared household tasks
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Amount of domestic/childcare help
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Satisfaction with childcare arrangements
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Acceptability of leaving earlier/arriving later (colleagues)
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Acceptability of leaving earlier/arriving later (managers)
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Acceptability of bringing child to work (colleages)
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Acceptability of bringing child to work (managers)
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
How well colleagues take account of childcare responsibilities
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
How well supervisor takes account of childcare responsibilities
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
How well employer takes account of childcare responsibilities
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Perceived resentment when men take extended leave for childcare
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Perceived resentment when women take extended leave for childcare
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
View on men in work-family programs
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
View on women in work-family programs
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Perceived expectations about overwork
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Perceived pressure to put job ahead of family/personal life
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Potential flexibility at work
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Actual flexibility at work
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Family friendly policies in workplace
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Problems with childcare arrangements
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
Difficulty combining work and family life
Dual career parents in four European cities, 200?
15+ aged, general public, Canada, 1997, 2000
15+ aged, general public, Canada, 1997, 2000
faith community
15+ aged, general public, Canada, 1997, 2000
church attendance
15+ aged, general public, Canada, 1997, 2000
15+ aged, general public, Canada, 1997, 2000
15+ aged, general public, Canada, 1997, 2000
Happiness of twin sibling
Adolescent same-sex twins, USA, 1963
Ethnic groups
18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2001
Period (time sequentional analysis)
25-74 aged, USA, samples in 1971-75 and 1981-84
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
State Anxiety
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
Explained variance
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
Perceived physical health
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
Number of diseases
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
Perceived health
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
Activities of daily living
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
Availability of social suport
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
Satisfaction with family
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
Satisfaction with life achievements
25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997
Counseling program
Breast cancer patients and partners, USA, 2000.
Blood pressure
18+ aged, general public, county, Maryland, USA 1971-1974
Work pressure
Dual-earning parents of young children, the Netherlands, 2000
Emotional Demands
Dual-earning parents of young children, the Netherlands, 2000
Work to Family Interference (WFI)
Dual-earning parents of young children, the Netherlands, 2000
Dual-earning parents of young children, the Netherlands, 2000
Time use / enjoyment
23-49 aged, USA, 1979-1981
21-64 aged, Germany, followed 13 years ,1992-2005
Long-term unemployed
21-64 aged, Germany, followed 13 years ,1992-2005
Permanent income
21-64 aged, Germany, followed 13 years ,1992-2005
Ex-cancer patients, the Netherlands, 1987
German nationality
Employed, who fell unemployed, West-Germany 1984-2004
Satisfaction with Standard of Living
18+ aged, general public, Hong Kong, 2002
Level of education
25-65 aged, The Netherlands,1968
Employment Status
42 aged, UK, 2000
Part-time vs full-time work
42 aged, UK, 2000
Occupational Status
42 aged, UK, 2000
Parental status
42 aged, UK, 2000
Marital Status
Employed people, Finland, 2000
Part-time vs full-time work
Employed people, Finland, 2000
Occupational Status
Employed people, Finland, 2000
Parental status
Employed people, Finland, 2000
Employment Status
Marrieds and divorced, Estonia, 2003
Part-time vs full-time work
Marrieds and divorced, Estonia, 2003
Occupational Status
Marrieds and divorced, Estonia, 2003
Parental status
Marrieds and divorced, Estonia, 2003
Stress of combining job and parenting
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Spouse Support
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Support from Friends, Neighbors and Relatives
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Support from Co-workers
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Support from Supervisor
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Spousal Resentment
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Resentment from Friends, Neighbors and Relatives
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Resentment from Co-workers
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Resentment from Supervisor
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Poor Mental Health
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Poor Physical Health
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Job strain
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Job satisfaction
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Family strain
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Family satisfaction
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984
Own yearly net labour income
18-65 aged, couples, neither unemployed nor disabled, Germany, 1999
Partner's net yearly labour income.
18-65 aged, couples, neither unemployed nor disabled, Germany, 1999
Product of own and partner's net yearly income
18-65 aged, couples, neither unemployed nor disabled, Germany, 1999
Weekly working hours
18-65 aged, couples, neither unemployed nor disabled, Germany, 1999
Trend happiness in males and females
18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 1990-2001
50-65 aged, West-Germany, followed 18 years, 1984-2002
First sex pre-marital
18-59 aged, USA, 1992
Age at first sex
18-59 aged, USA, 1992
Context of first sexual experience
18-59 aged, USA, 1992
Approval of equal rights
Salaried workers, Switzerland, 2000-2001
Age group
20-70 aged identical twins, Denmark, 2002
At least one partnership
20-70 aged identical twins, Denmark, 2002
Number of additional partnerships (exept the first)
20-70 aged identical twins, Denmark, 2002
number of children
20-70 aged identical twins, Denmark, 2002
Number of additional children
20-70 aged identical twins, Denmark, 2002
Child born
Couples, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2004
Family income
Couples, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2004
Couples, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2004
Health of partner
Couples, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2004
Working hours
Couples, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2004
Working hours of partner
Couples, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2004
Marital status
18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2006
Parental status
18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2006
18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1977-2006
similarity in happiness
20-70 aged identical twins, Denmark, 2002
Happiness of twin sibbling
12+aged, mono- and dizygotic twins and their non-twin sibblings, The Netherlands, 2005-2007
Satisfaction with life
12+aged, mono- and dizygotic twins and their non-twin sibblings, The Netherlands, 2005-2007
Subjective Happiness
12+aged, mono- and dizygotic twins and their non-twin sibblings, The Netherlands, 2005-2007
Quality of Life in General
12+aged, mono- and dizygotic twins and their non-twin sibblings, The Netherlands, 2005-2007
18+ aged, general public, USA, 2008
Students, United Kingdom, 2005
Satisfaction with life domains
18-65 aged, general public, West Germany. 1988
19-69 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2006
Satisfaction with life domains
18-65 aged, general public, East Germany, 1990
Satisfaction with farm work
Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986
Satisfaction with family life
Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986
Satisfaction with oneself
Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986
Satisfaction with own health
Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986
Satisfaction with family income
Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986
Satisfaction with spare time, how spent
Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986
Marital Status
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1993
Marital satisfaction
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1993
Satisfaction with familiy life
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1993
Satisfaction with off-farm job
Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986
Satisfaction with house
Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986
Satisfaction with national government
Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986
Satisfaction with goods and services in local area
Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986
birth of first child + conditions
Infertile couples and matched controls, followed 3 years, USA 1988-1990
ego- resilience
18-aged, followed 5 years; Berkeley, USA, 19??-19??.
18-aged, followed 5 years; Berkeley, USA, 19??-19??.
Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005
Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005
Active distraction
Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005
Cognitive engagement
Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005
Behavioral engagement
Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005
Venting and expressing affect
Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005
Passive distraction and acceptance
Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005
Rumination and withdraw
Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005
Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005
Not named
Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005
parental history
55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992
marital history/in second marriage
55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992
Early retirement
55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992
upward occupational mobility
55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992
loss of children
55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Current age
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Never had children
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Loss of children
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Marital history/first, second, third marriage
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Retirement career (exit-age)
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Occupational history, upward mobility
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Life History
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Marital history/single vs in first marriage
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Marital history/single after divorce
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Marital history/single after widowhood
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Marital history/single after several marriages
70-100+ aged, West-Berlin, Germany 1990-1993
Marital history/single never married
55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992
Marital history/single, divorced
55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992
Marital History/single, widowed
55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992
Marital history, single after more marriages
55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992
Employed (vs unemployed)
School leavers, Australia, 1980-81, followed 1 year
Attitude towards the future
60-65 aged, middle class, Germany, 1965
55+ aged, people in transition, United States, 196?
Transition of Retirement
55+ aged, people in transition, United States, 196?
92-93 aged, Denmark, 1998
12+ aged, The Netherlands, 2006-2009
Physical activity
15+ aged, Canada, 1978-1979
Physical activity
15+ aged, Canada, 1981
Social Interest Scale
Students, USA, 197?
Self-centeredness (S-E)
Students, USA, 197?
Familial roles
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Total role scope
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Expressive activities
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Philosophical activities
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Social-service activities
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Ease-contentment activities
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Hedonistic activities
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Instrumental activities
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Growth activities
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Nongoal-directed activities
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Activity Scope
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
Respondent- interviewer agreement
People in transition, metropolis, USA, 1969
All Leisure satisfaction items
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972
All Job satisfaction Items
18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972
frequency life event
Elderly people, Ontario, Canada, 1990
Total variance
65+ aged couples, United States, 1991
Extracurricular participation when in highschool
High school pupils, rural area Pensylvania USA, followed 1947-1971
Father's occupation
High school pupils, rural area Pensylvania USA, followed 1947-1971
Father's education
High school pupils, rural area Pensylvania USA, followed 1947-1971
Mother's education
High school pupils, rural area Pensylvania USA, followed 1947-1971
Number of siblings
High school pupils, rural area Pensylvania USA, followed 1947-1971
High school GPA
High school pupils, rural area Pensylvania USA, followed 1947-1971
Educational attainment
High school pupils, rural area Pensylvania USA, followed 1947-1971
25-59 aged disability pensioners, Kristianstad, Sweden, 1992
25-59 aged disability pensioners, Kristianstad, Sweden, 1992
16+ aged, UK, 1993-2006
25-59 aged disability pensioners, Kristianstad, Sweden, 1992
Length of residency in Canada
Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991
Financial adequacy
Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991
English capacity
Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991
Activity level
Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991
Social support
Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991
Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991
Sense of personal control
Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991
Psychological health
Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991
Physical health
Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991
Self-perceived health
Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991
Satisfaction with job
18+ aged, full time employed, white and married, USA, 1973-1976
Marital status (reference=married)
50-75 aged, Japan, 2007
Co-residence with children
50-75 aged, Japan, 2007
Frequency of contact with children
50-75 aged, Japan, 2007
Co-residence with parents and parents-in-law
50-75 aged, Japan, 2007
Frequency of contact with parents and parents -in-law
50-75 aged, Japan, 2007
Provision of nursing care to parents and parents-in-law
50-75 aged, Japan, 2007
Number of friends
50-75 aged, Japan, 2007
Number of social activities
50-75 aged, Japan, 2007
General trust in people
50-75 aged, Japan, 2007
Cheerful - Glum
Teenagers observed 4 years during after school activities, USA, 194?
Content - dissatisfied
Teenagers observed 4 years during after school activities, USA, 194?
Happy - sad
Teenagers observed 4 years during after school activities, USA, 194?
Outdoor activity
60-80 aged, Israel, 1983
Indoor activity
60-80 aged, Israel, 1983
Satisfaction from indoor activity
60-80 aged, Israel, 1983
Satisfaction from outdoor activity
60-80 aged, Israel, 1983
Limitations in daily activities
60+ aged living alone, 10 European Nations, 2004
60+ aged living alone, 10 European Nations, 2004
Family Context
60+ aged living alone, 10 European Nations, 2004
Living arrangement
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
Living Arrangements
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
Personal income
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
Country of birth
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
Years in Canada
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
English-speaking ability
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
Have confidante
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
Number of close friends
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
Frequency of seeing non-coresident children
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
See children as often as want
65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996
Gender and Time Use Groups
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Age group
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Live with spouse
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Spouse employed
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Number of children under 16
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Age of youngest child
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Log(Household Income per Capita)
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Normal hours worked
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Extra hours worked
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Care hours (mid point)
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Housework hours
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Health Status
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Social Economic Class
16+ aged, general public, UK, followed 12 years 1996-2007
Life satisfaction partner
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Log (annual household income per capita)
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Number of children of different age groups
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Employment status
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Total hours worked
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Percentage share of housework
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Index of time use specialisation
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Health status
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Attitudes to Family Life
Adults, general public, UK, 1996-2007
Perceptual Sensitivity
3-12 months aged infants, Oregon, United States, 199?
Low Pleasure
3-12 months aged infants, Oregon, United States, 199?
31-aged general public, Finland, 1997-1998
Living in Rural vs. Urban area
31-aged general public, Finland, 1997-1998
31-aged general public, Finland, 1997-1998
Employment history
31-aged general public, Finland, 1997-1998
Social support
31-aged general public, Finland, 1997-1998
Active coping strategies
31-aged general public, Finland, 1997-1998
Passive coping strategies
31-aged general public, Finland, 1997-1998
Attitude towards the future
31-aged general public, Finland, 1997-1998
Log annual household income
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Neighbourhood characteristic: % unemployed
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Neighbourhood characteristic: % lone parents
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Neighbourhood characteristic: % immigrants
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Neighbourhood characteristic: % home owners
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Neighbourhood characteristic: % of professionals
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Neighbourhood characteristic: % over 64 years
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Neighbourhood characteristic: social interaction and support
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Neighbourhood characteristic: insecurity in the neighbourhood
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Residential duration
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Relative income
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Lone parent
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Number of children
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Number of parents
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Poor English speaking ability
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Health condition
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Level of education
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Employee (part-time)
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Permanently sick
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Full-time student
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Negative household income
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
House renter
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Religion is important
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Suspicious of interview questions
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Others present during interview
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Lived with both parents aged 14
15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001
Ethnic minority
13-16 aged general public, Netherlands, 198?
25+ aged general public, United States, 2000-2008
Terminal Education Age
16+ aged, general public, urban areas, United Kingdom, 1971
18+ aged, general public, Australia, 1984-2001
Parent's education
18+ aged, general public, Australia, 1984-2001
Parent divorced
18+ aged, general public, Australia, 1984-2001
Accessed internet
18+ aged, general public, World, 2005
Adults,, general public, Europe, Multiple nations, 1999
Self-reported health
18+ aged general public, Russia, 2001
Father's status
18+ aged, general public, Australia, 1984-2001
Number of siblings
18+ aged, general public, Australia, 1984-2001
Family size
18+ aged, general public, Australia, 1984-2001
National Health Insurance in 1995
Elderly, Taiwan, folowed 14 years 1989-2003, before and after change health insurance law in 1995
65+aged, Hispanics, United States, 1988
Minority vs Majority
55+aged Turkish migrants, Copenhagen, Denmark, 199?
relative consumption
Household heads, Malawai 2004-2005
Household heads, Malawai 2004-2005
Household heads, Malawai 2004-2005
Ethnic group
65-85 aged, East End of London, 1989
Survey method
15-69 aged, general population, Japan, 2012
Perceived level of other family member's happiness
15-69 aged, general population, Japan, 2012
Residence of parents
15-69 aged, general population, Japan, 2012
Expenditure on food, beverages and tobacco
18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010
Expenditure on transportation
18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010
Expenditure on education
18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010
Expenditure on clothing and footwear
18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010
Expenditure on durable goods
18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010
18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010
Recovery from separation
Divorced, United Kingdom, followed 1991-2008
Fertility problem stress
Infertile couples, United States, 1987
Self esteem
Infertile couples, United States, 1987
Internal control
Infertile couples, United States, 1987
Interpersonal conflict
Infertile couples, United States, 1987
Intimacy life quality
Infertile couples, United States, 1987
Economic freedom
18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007
Size of government
18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007
Legal system and property rights
18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007
Sound money
18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007
18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007
15+ aged, general public, 100 nations 1981-2014
Social network too demanding
Marrieds with children, Michigan, USA, 1980
Consumption expenditures
18+ aged, general public, China, 2010-2012
Specific consumption categories
18+ aged, general public, China, 2010-2012
Relative consumption compared to others
18+ aged, general public, China, 2010-2012
Past poverty
16+ aged, general public, followed 10 years, Germany, 1992-2012
Logaritmic income
25-65 aged singles, (West-)Germany, 1984-2004
25-65 aged singles, (West-)Germany, 1984-2004
Montly household income (log)
17-96 aged, general public Germany, followed 4 years 2005-2008
18+ aged general public, (West-)Germany, followed 16 years 1984-2000
Ln puma earnings
19+ aged couples, United States, followed 6 years, 1987-1994
ln household income
19+ aged couples, United States, followed 6 years, 1987-1994
Psychiatric symptoms
Mental Patients, United States, 1986
Mental Patients, United States, 1986
Marital status
21-64 aged general public, East Germany, 1991-2001
Number of childeren
21-64 aged general public, East Germany, 1991-2001
21-64 aged general public, East Germany, 1991-2001
Employment status
21-64 aged general public, East Germany, 1991-2001
Houshold income
21-64 aged general public, East Germany, 1991-2001
Living on the border of East/West Germany
21-64 aged general public, East Germany, 1991-2001
Differences in income
21-64 aged general public, East Germany, 1991-2001
Marital status
18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001
18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001
18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001
Employment status
18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001
Household income
18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001
18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001
Regional income
18-65 aged general public, Russia, followed yearly, 1994-2001
20-64 aged couples, USA, 1972-2006
Household income
20-64 aged general public, West-Germany, 1984-2007
Absolute income
16+ aged general public, the UK, followed 7 years, 1996-2003
18+aged, white population, USA 1973-1974
Affiliate vs independents
18+aged, white population, USA 1973-1974
Working age people, Germany, followed 5 years 2004-2009
Moving within/across municipalities
Working age people, Germany, followed 5 years 2004-2009
Siblings happiness
12+ aged, siblings, West Germany, followed 26 years,1984-2010,
Marrieds with children, Michigan, USA, 1980
Marrieds with children, Michigan, USA, 1980
Health compared to others
Marrieds with children, Michigan, USA, 1980
Numer of contacts
Marrieds with children, Michigan, USA, 1980
Fruit and Vergetable Intake (FVI)
Students, New England, United States of America, 2013
Working (or not)
15-65 aged general public, 25 European nations, 2006
15-65 aged general public, 25 European nations, 2006
15-65 aged general public, 25 European nations, 2006
Perceived risk of unemployment
15-65 aged general public, 25 European nations, 2006
Employee and employer
15-65 aged general public, 25 European nations, 2006
Parental relationship
Female black students, Illinois, United States of America, 1981
Wive's working hours
Working aged, South-Korea, followed 10 years 1998-2008
Husband's working hours
Working aged, South-Korea, followed 10 years 1998-2008
17-30 aged students, 21 countries, 2000
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
Marital status
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
Age of youngest child
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
Job status
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
Household income
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
Sports activity
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
Days walk 30 mins per week
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
Parents occupation
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
Average daily portions of fruits and vegetables
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
Ease of access to sports facilities
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
16+ aged, general public UK, 2012
Fruit and vegetables consumption
University students, Illinois, USA, 2007
Use of stress management skills
University students, Illinois, USA, 2007
Total consumption
Adult general public, China, 2010-2012
Expenditures on food
Adult general public, China, 2010-2012
Adult general public, China, 2010-2012
Physical Activity frequency
University students, Illinois, USA, 2007
University students, Illinois, USA, 2007
15+ aged general public, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 2000
Sleep behavior
University students, Illinois, USA, 2007
Alcohol use
University students, Illinois, USA, 2007
Stage of change in physical activity frequancy
University students, Illinois, USA, 2007
Stage of change in fruit and vegetable consumption
University students, Illinois, USA, 2007
Stage of change in stress management skills
University students, Illinois, USA, 2007
Fresh vegetables
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
Fresh fruits
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
Olive oil
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
Red meat
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
Processed meat
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
Sweets and desserts
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
Fast food frequency
30+ aged, Adventist church atendees, North America 2002-2007
Hourly wage of female partner
Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003
Gender difference hourly wage
Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003
Non labour income (household)
Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003
Hours of domestic work
Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003
Age difference partners
Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003
Female higher educated than male (dummy)
Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003
Household has domestic help and baby-sitter
Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003
Number of children
Dual earner couples, Italy, 2002-2003
25-59 aged general public, Australia, 2002
Net worth
50+ aged general public, Australia, 2006
Net worth
50+ aged general public, USA, 2006
Age and gender
18+ aged, general public,rural and urban areas, Bangladesh, 2004
premarital co-habtation
19-24 aged Adolescents and young adults, USA 1986
15+ aged, general public, 96 nations, 2006-2010
Working aged (22-65), Australia, followed 12 years, 2001-2013
16+ aged, general public, Spain 2013
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Austria, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Austria, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Austria, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Austria, 2017
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), China, 2003-2008
Internet use indicators
16-60 aged, internet users, China, 2010
Size of earlier lottery win
Earlier lottery winners and controls, Sweden 2016
Character strengths-based intervention
Adolescents, participants in a strengt training and controls, UK, 2009
training program for enhancing goalsetting techniques
Managers participating in a personality development course, Germany, 2000
Self-help group
Women in households below poverty line participating in self-help groups, India, 2008
Internet addiction
Visitors of a 'digital societ' exhibition, Germany and Austria, 2016
Individual level and network variables
16-66 aged general public, Norway, 1985
Age and age squared
15+ aged, general public, Spain, 2008
15+ aged, general public, Spain, 2008
Marital status
15+ aged, general public, Spain, 2008
Internet overuse
12-19 aged, middle and high-school students, South Korea, 2011
10-15 aged, United Kingdom, 2010-2014
Personal internet access
15+ aged, general public, Europe, 2013
Students, Shangdong Region of China, 2007
Social media use
12-15 aged, UK, folowed 7 years 2009-2016
Welfare regimes
50-75 aged, general public, 12 European nations, 2006-2007
Financial distress, making ends meet
50-75 aged, general public, 12 European nations, 2006-2007
Socio-economic Index
50-75 aged, general public, 12 European nations, 2006-2007
Emigrants vs. no emigrants
Emigrants, Latin America, Multiple nations, 2009-2016
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Hong Kong, 2006
Intimates left behind after migration, Multiple nations, 2009 - 2011
Relatives abroad
Intimates left behind after migration, Multiple nations, 2009 - 2011
Migratory intensity
Intimates left behind after migration, Mexico, 2014
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Japan, 2003-2008
Living as single (cohabituation)
50-75 aged, general public, 12 European nations, 2006-2007
Being employed (paid job)
50-75 aged, general public, 12 European nations, 2006-2007
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), South Korea, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Taiwan, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Brunei, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Cambodia, 2003-2008
Lov style
Undergraduate students, Austin, Texas, USA
Love style
Adults, aged 30-83, USA
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Indonesia, 2003-2008
Adults, China, 2002
change in yearly household income
General public, age 18+, Japan, 1990-2010
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Chile, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Chile, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Chile, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Chile, 2017
Migrant Child
Elderly left behind after migration, China, 2011-2013
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Laos, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Malaysia, 2003-2008
log yearly income
General public, age 18+, Japan, 1990-2010
Number of migrant children
Elderly left behind after migration, China, 2011-2013
% of migrant children
Elderly left behind after migration, China, 2011-2013
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Belgium, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Belgium, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Belgium, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Belgium, 2017
surgery (vs not)
Transgender people, Australia and New Zealand, 2006-7
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Myanmar, 2003-2008
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Czech Replublic, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Czech Replublic, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Czech Replublic, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Czech Replublic, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Estonia, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Estonia, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Estonia, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Estonia, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students,
Finland, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students,
Finland, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students,
Finland, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students,
Finland, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Greece, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Greece, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Greece, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Greece, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Hungary, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Hungary, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Hungary, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Hungary, 2017
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Philippines, 2003-2008
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Japan, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Japan, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Japan, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Japan, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Latvia, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Latvia, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Latvia, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Latvia, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Netherlands, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Netherlands, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Netherlands, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Netherlands, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Poland, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Poland, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Poland, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Poland, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Slovakia, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Slovakia, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Slovakia, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Slovakia, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Slovenia, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Slovenia, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Slovenia, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Slovenia, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Switzerland, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Switzerland, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Switzerland, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Switzerland, 2017
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Thailand, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Vietnam, 2003-2008
Prevalence of illness
Aged 23-96, Canada, 1981-1988
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), India, 2003-2008
Change marital status
Aged 23-96, Canada, 1981-1988
Change employment status
Aged 23-96, Canada, 1981-1988
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Bangladesh, 2003-2008
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Turkey, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Turkey, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Turkey, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Turkey, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United States of America, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United States of America, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United States of America, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United States of America, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Brazil, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Brazil, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Brazil, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Brazil, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, China, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, China, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, China, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, China, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Bulgaria, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Bulgaria, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Bulgaria, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Bulgaria, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Costa Rica, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Costa Rica, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Costa Rica, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Costa Rica, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Cyprus, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Cyprus, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Cyprus, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Cyprus, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Lithuania, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Lithuania, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Lithuania, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Lithuania, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Montenegro, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Montenegro, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Montenegro, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Montenegro, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Peru, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Peru, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Peru, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Peru, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Qatar, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Qatar, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Qatar, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Qatar, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Russia, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Russia, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Russia, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Russia, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Thailand, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Thailand, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Thailand, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Thailand, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Tunisia, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Tunisia, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Tunisia, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Tunisia, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Uruguay, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Uruguay, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Uruguay, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Uruguay, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United Arab Emirates, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United Arab Emirates, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United Arab Emirates, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United Arab Emirates, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Taiwan, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Taiwan, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Taiwan, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Taiwan, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Colombia, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Colombia, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Colombia, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Colombia, 2017
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Buthan, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Maldives, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Nepal, 2003-2008
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Malaysia, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Malaysia, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Malaysia, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Malaysia, 2017
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Pakistan, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Sri Lanka, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Afghanistan, 2003-2008
Gender dysphoria (vs control)
Pre-surgery gender dysphoric people and controls, Spain, 201?
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Kazakhstan, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Kyrgyzstan, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Mongolia, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Tajikistan, 2003-2008
Marital status
Working aged (20-69), Uzbekistan, 2003-2008
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, France, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, France, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, France, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, France, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Germany, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Germany, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Germany, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Germany, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Italy, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Italy, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Italy, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Portugal, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Portugal, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Portugal, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Portugal, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United Kingdom, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United Kingdom, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United Kingdom, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, United Kingdom, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Iceland, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Iceland, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Iceland, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Iceland, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Ireland, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Ireland, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Ireland, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Ireland, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Luxembourg, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Luxembourg, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Luxembourg, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Luxembourg, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Korea (South), 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Korea (South), 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Korea (South), 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Korea (South), 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Mexico, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Mexico, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Mexico, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Mexico, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Spain, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Spain, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Spain, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Spain, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Croatia, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Croatia, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Croatia, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Croatia, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Dominican Republic, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Dominican Republic, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Dominican Republic, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Dominican Republic, 2017
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Macao, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Macao, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Macao, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Macao, 2017
Transgender people (vs cisgender controls)
Transgender people and cisgender controls, Poland, 201?
School performance in science
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Hong Kong, 2017
Talking with friends
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Hong Kong, 2017
Physical activity outside school
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Hong Kong, 2017
Eating habits
15-16 aged, secundary school students, Hong Kong, 2017
Bareec 8 week intervention program
University students participating in a positive psychology training, Kuwait, 201?
Bareec 8 week intervention program
Highschool students participating in a positive psychology training, Kuwait, 2017
Percieved sources of own happiness
18+ aged general public Greece, 2009
15+ Aged General Public in 120 Nations
2010- 2012
15+ aged general public, North America, 2010- 2012
15+ aged general public , Latin American countries, 2010- 2012
15+ aged general public, Sub-Sahara African countries, 2010- 2012
15+ aged general public. Middle East and North African nations 2010- 2012
15+ aged general public, East Asian countries, 2010- 2012
15+ aged general public, South Asian countries, 2010- 2012
15+ aged general public, South East Asian countries, 2010- 2012
15+ aged general public, Australia and New Zealand, 2010- 2012
15+ aged general public, Commonwealth of Independant States, 2010- 2012
15+ aged general public, Eurppean nations, other than EU and Balkans, 2010- 2012
Marital status
20+ aged general public, South Africa, 2008
Participation in subsidized business start-up program
Participants in a subsidized business start-up program and controls, Germany, followed 40 months 2013-2016
Time spend on social networks: HaikuJAM vs others
Users of a Haiku website, world wide, 2018
Fell unemployed in 2008
18 to 60 age, working age urban population, China, 2008
Adult general public, Frisia, Netherlands, 1994
Unemployment rate
+18 aged, general public, 31European countries, 1975-2013