
Correlational findings

Study Börsch-Supan & Jürgens (2006): study XZ Germany West 1984

50-65 aged, West-Germany, followed 18 years, 1984-2002
N = 10000
Non Response
Interview: face-to-face


Authors's Label
Our Classification
Related specification variables
a: men and women retiring at age 55 to 59 and legally disabled
b: all other men and women retiring at age 55 to 59
c: men retiring at age 60 to 62
d: women retiring at age 60
e: men retiring at age 63 or later
f: women retiring at age 61 or later (short employment history).

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLW-c-sq-n-11-d DM = CHANGE in happiness before and after retirement.

The most unhappy are those who retire early and are disabled at retirement.
O-SLW-c-sq-n-11-d DMa = CHANGE happiness before and after retirement. Controled for:
- log household income
- individual disability status.

Men only.
O-SLW-c-sq-n-11-d DMa = Women only. O-SLW-c-sq-n-11-d DM = CHANGE happiness by age of retirement.

Among males retirement is followed by a rise in happiness:both among early male retirees because of disability and among male retirees at age 60-62.

Happiness is lowest at the year of retirement (retirement dip).

Men only.
O-SLW-c-sq-n-11-d DM = Among females retirement is not followed by a rise in happiness.

Women only.