
Contents Introductory text to Collection Distributional Findings on Happiness in Nations

Chapter 1Quest for the good societyabstract
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Chapter 2Criteria for the evaluation of human societiesabstract
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Chapter 3Indicators of livability of societiesabstract
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Chapter 4Measurement of happinessabstract
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Chapter 5Validity of happiness as an indicator of livabilityabstract
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Chapter 6Available data about happiness in nationsabstract
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Chapter 7How the data are homogeinizedabstract
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Chapter 8Uses of this data-collectionabstract
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These texts were first published in: Ruut Veenhoven, ‘Happiness in nations: subjective appreciation of life in 56 nations 1946-1992‘, RISBO, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 1993, ISBN 90-72597-46-X, 365 pages. Some of the texts have been revised, in particular chapter 4.