
Correlational findings

Study Caliendo & Tübbicke (2019): study DE 2013

Participants in a subsidized business start-up program and controls, Germany, followed 40 months 2013-2016
Survey name
Unnamed study
N = 2452
Non Response
Interview: Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)
T1 20 month after entry in program T2 40 months after entry in program


Authors's Label
Participation in subsidized business start-up program
Our Classification
Control group propensity score matched for - socio-demographics - age - sexe (share female) - education (share university) - Labour market history - fraction unemployed in last 10 years - daily last income - share self-employed before undmployment - share wage-employment before unemployment - intergenerational transmission - share parentshaving been self-employed - Personality - Concientiousness - - extraversion - Agreableness - Neuroticism - Openness - Readiness to take risks - Locus of control - regional characteristics - macro-economic conditiobs - share self-employed
Related specification variables
Unemployed people could apply for a subsidy. If their  business plan weas approved, they received a monhtly equivalent of their unemployment benefits and some additions; on total about 10.000 Euro a year.
1 Participants
0 Controls
   a unmatched
   b matched

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks O-SLu-c-sq-n-7-f DM = - ns                Happiness at          CHANGE
               T1         T2          T2-T1
Participants   5,68       5,62        -0,06
Controls       5,02       5,21        +0,18
- difference  +0,66(000) +0,41(000)   -0,12(ns)
O-SLu-c-sq-n-7-f DMa = + ns MATCHED
- difference  +0,15(022) +0,01(ns)
O-SLu-c-sq-n-7-f D%sr = + - difference  +11%       +0,8%

Slightly (but not significantly) stronger among
- males
- below age 45
- high skilled

Happiness assessed at
T1 20 months after entry in program
T2 40 months after entry in program