
Specification Variables

Specification Variables » nation of residence

Related subjects
country, culture, state

List of Findings using this Specification Variable

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Activity Retired teachers, Oklahoma, USA and Taipei, Taiwan, 198? Religious participation 18+ aged, general public, EU 10 nations, 1981 Affect Balance 18+ aged, general public, EU 10 nations, 1981 Future satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, EU 10 nations, 1981 Tolerance 18+ aged, general public, EU 10 nations, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, EU 10 nations, 1981 Family Income 18+ aged, general public, EU 10 nations, 1981 Urban living 18+ aged, general public, EU 10 nations, 1981 Religousness 18+ aged, general public, EU 10 nations, 1981 Work 18+ aged, general public, EU 10 nations, 1981 Loneliness 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Satisfaction with family life 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Satisfaction with health 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Sense of control 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Satisfaction with income 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Age 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Satisfaction with life 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Marital status 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Work 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Income 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Type of dwelling 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Having children 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Membership of organizations 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Voluntary work 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Having children 21+ aged, general public, Dominican Republic, Panama and Yugoslavia, ± 1960 Urban residence 21+ aged, general public, Dominican Republic, Panama and Yugoslavia, ± 1960 Belief that life is interesting 15+ aged, general public, 5 parts of the world, 1974-1976. Belief that life is interesting 15+ aged, general public, 14 countries, 1974-1976 Social class 15+ aged, general public, 25 countries, 1974-1976 Friendship density 15+ aged, general public, 17 countries, 1974-1976 GNP per capita 15+ aged, general public, 55 nations, 1974-1976 Malnutrition 15+ aged, general public, 55 nations, 1974-1976 Public health expenditure 15+ aged, general public, 55 nations, 1974-1976 Income inequality 15+ aged, general public, 55 nations, 1974-1976 Coercion by government 15+ aged, general public, 55 nations, 1974-1976 Degree of 'interest democracy' 15+ aged, general public, 55 nations, 1974-1976 Degree of internal war 15+ aged, general public, 55 nations, 1974-1976 Suicide rates 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 GNP per capital 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Average life expectancy 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Inflation 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Public health expenditure 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Income inequality 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Coercion by government 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Freedom of press 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Liberal democracy 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Degree of 'interest democracy' 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Political protest 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Internal war 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Civic disorders 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 Suicide rates 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 GNP per capita 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Inflation 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Unemployment 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Social security 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Income inequality 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Coercion by government 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Freedom of press 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Liberal democracy 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Degree of 'interest democracy' 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Political protest 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Degree of internal war 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Civic disorders 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Modernity Adults, general public, 6 nations Middle East, 1950 Importance of Happiness College students, Korea, China, and USA, 198? Familiarity of subjective well-being concept College students, Korea, China, and USA, 198? Social desirability of positive emotional traits College students, Korea, China, and USA, 198? Positive emotion desirability College students, Korea, China, and USA, 198? Ambivalence over emotional expressiveness College students, Korea, China, and USA, 198? Age 16+ aged, general public, 16 nations, 1995 Health 16+ aged, general public, 16 nations, 1995 Gender 16+ aged, general public, 16 nations, 1995 Number of children 16+ aged, general public, 16 nations, 1995 Marital status 16+ aged, general public, 16 nations, 1995 Education 16+ aged, general public, 16 nations, 1995 Employment status 16+ aged, general public, 16 nations, 1995 Income 16+ aged, general public, 16 nations, 1995 Housing amenities 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Apartment/house ownership 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Satisfaction with mobility 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Drinking Adults, general public, 49 nations, mid 1990s Employment 18+ aged, general public, 18 nations, 1995-1997 relative income Adults, general public, 42 nations, 1995-1997 Trend 1973-2004 Adults, general public, 8 European nations and USA, 1973-2004 Relations between fluctuations in GNP and happiness Adults, general public, EU 9 member states, 1975-1986 number of facilities 16-75 aged, general public, City of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2007 Health self-assessed 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Destitute: rent, food, utilities 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Policy satisfaction 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Trust in people 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Income quartile 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Female 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Age 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Education 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Class tension 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Safe neighbourhood 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Church attendance 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Manual worker 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Urban area 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Employed 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Influences of characteristics on life-satisfaction 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 TV ownership 15+ aged, general public, 114 nations, 2006-2007 Hunger 15+ aged, general public, 114 nations, 2006-2008 Eating healthy 15+ aged, general public, 114 nations, 2006-2008 religiousness 18+ aged, general public, USA, The Netherlands, Denmark, 2000 religiousness 18+ aged, general public, USA, The Netherlands, Denmark, 2000 religiousness 18+ aged, general public, USA, The Netherlands, Denmark, 2000 religiousness 18+ aged, general public, USA, The Netherlands, Denmark, 2000 religiousness 18+ aged, general public, USA, The Netherlands, Denmark, 2000 religiousness 18+ aged, general public, USA, The Netherlands, Denmark, 2000 religiousness 18+ aged, general public, USA, The Netherlands, Denmark, 2000 Neuroticism University students, USA and Singapore, 200? self-esteem University students, USA and Singapore, 200? Social support University students, USA and Singapore, 200? Inter-level consistency University students, USA and Singapore, 200? Gender University students, USA and Singapore, 200? competence need satisfaction University students, USA and Singapore, 200? goal-progress University students, USA and Singapore, 200? same language Adults, general public, 98 nations, 2000s Job dangerous/ unhealthy Working people, 9 European Union countries, 2003 Has children (vs not) 21+ aged, married, Dominican Republic, Yugoslavia, Panama, 1962 Life satisfaction Students in Germany; Japan; Mexico, USA and Teachers in Ghana, 1997 Neuroticism Students in Germany; Japan; Mexico, USA and Teachers in Ghana, 1997 Extraversion Students in Germany; Japan; Mexico, USA and Teachers in Ghana, 1997 Region 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Age 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Gender 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Diversity of network 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Satisfaction with health 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Satisfaction with income 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Satisfaction with leisure activities 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Importance of being out 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Options of outdoor activities 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Housing Variable Set 75-89 aged, living alone in urban districts, five European nations 2002-2004 Volunteer vs non volunteer 50+ aged, 12 European Nations, 2007 Married 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Separated 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Divorced 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Widowed 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Age 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Household size 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Number of children in household 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Years of education 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Living with parents at 16 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Log of monthly household income 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Log of reference income 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Log of monthly household income 3 years before 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Monthly at cultural events 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Monthly at cinema, pop concerts and similar 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Monthly sport activities 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Monthly volunteering 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Monthly at social gatherings 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Monthly helping friends 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Monthly local political participation 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Unemployed 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Student 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Non-working 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Retired 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Military/civil service 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Living in West Germany 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Optimism/pessimism students, 5 western nations, 1967-1970, Germany,Great Britain, New Zealand, Sweden, USA. Education in years 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Living alone 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Driving car 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Use of public transport 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Participation in social activities 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Health impairments affecting mobility 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Activity of daily living index 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Performing physical activity 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Positive affect 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Health satisfaction 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Perception of hierarchy Adults, 6 European nations, 2000-2009 Perceived fate control (work) Adults, 6 European nations, 2000-2009 Approval of hierarchy Adults, 6 European nations, 2000-2009 Hofstede's Power Distance Index Adults, 6 European nations, 2000-2009 Perceived fate control (life) Adults, 6 European nations, 2000-2009 Economic prosperity Adults, 6 European nations, 2000-2009 Percentage of GDP spent on education Adults, developed nations, 2000 Income inequality Adults, developed nations, 2000 Public health expenditure Adults, developed nations, 2000 Gender equality Adults, developed nations, 2000 Government effectiveness Adults, developed nations, 2000 Participatory teaching Adolescents, 22 developed countries, 1997-2006 Social freedom Adults, developed nations, 2000 Psychological freedom Adults, developed nations, 2000 Potential freedom Adults, developed nations, 2000 Freedom Adults, developed nations, 2000 GNI per capita 18+ aged, 76 countries, 1990s Social trust 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Belief in God 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Investment price level 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Log GDP per capita 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Government share in % of GDP 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Size of government 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Legal system and property rights 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Sound money 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Freedom to trade internationally 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Regulation 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 GDP growth rate 18+ aged, 76 countries, 1990s Inflation 18+ aged, 76 countries, 1990s Militarism index 18+ aged, 76 countries, 1990s Latin America dummy 18+ aged, 76 countries, 1990s Annual growth of GDP 18+ aged, general public, World samples, 1981-2004 Gender 17-30 aged students, 21 countries, 2000 Mental health: professionals per capita in nation 18+ aged, general public, 143 nations, 2000-2009 Mental health: % mental health care in total health budget 18+ aged, general public, 143 nations, 2000-2009 Age University students, Brazil and United States, 2005-2006 Gender University students, Brazil and United States, 2005-2006 Income University students, Brazil and United States, 2005-2006 Working University students, Brazil and United States, 2005-2006 Status discomfort (Statusunbehagen) 18+ aged general public, 31 European nations, 2007 Friendship quality College students, Turkish and Southwestern American Universities, 2010 National advertising expenditures 15+ aged, 27 nations, Europe, 1980-2011 Satisfaction with sex life Students, aged 18-29, Angola, Brazil, Macao, and Portugal, 2013 gender +18 aged, metropolitan areas in 5 OECD nations, 2011 home size +18 aged, metropolitan areas in 5 OECD nations, 2011 land-use diversity +18 aged, metropolitan areas in 5 OECD nations, 2011 green space (fraction within 5km) +18 aged, metropolitan areas in 5 OECD nations, 2011 population density +18 aged, metropolitan areas in 5 OECD nations, 2011 centralization +18 aged, metropolitan areas in 5 OECD nations, 2011 Education 50+ aged, 12 nations, followed 4 years, 2006/08-2010 ADL (Activities of Daily Living) 50+ aged, 12 nations, followed 4 years, 2006/08-2010 Nation 50+ aged, 12 nations, followed 4 years, 2006/08-2010 Major health condition 50+ aged, 12 nations, followed 4 years, 2006/08-2010 Parenthood effect: children in household Adult general public, 22 OECD nations 2006-2008 Community Heads of poor families, earlier benefactors and non-benefactors of a welfare program, Colombia, 2010 Perceived functionality in neighborhood 18+ aged, urban areas, European countries, 2014 Perceived aethetics 18+ aged, urban areas, European countries, 2014 Employment status 50-70 aged, 12 European countries, followed 5 years into retirement, 2006/07-2011/12 Retirement 50-70 aged, 12 European countries, followed 5 years into retirement, 2006/07-2011/12 Career patterns for men 50+ aged, 13 European countries, 2006/07 Career patterns for women 50+ aged, 13 European countries, 2006/07 Employment status at T1 50-70 aged, 12 European countries, followed 5 years into retirement, 2006/07-2011/12 Happiness inhibition Undergraduate students in Russia and USA, 2015 Happiness inhibition Undergraduate students in Russia and USA 2014 Income 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Health 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Freedom 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Unemployed 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Married 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Education 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Age 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Male 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Religion important 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Trust 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Honesty 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Time spent with: family 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Time spend with: friends 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Time spend with colleagues 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Time spnd with: church 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Time spend with: sports 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Voluntary organization: membership 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Voluntary orgnization: activity 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 TV watching 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Living alone