
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HAPPINESS: DEVELOPMENT » Actual happiness-career (assessed in follow-up) » Actual changes in happiness

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HAPPINESS: DEVELOPMENT Actual happiness-career (assessed in follow-up) Actual changes in happiness
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change in age (aging), apparent in continuity of own happiness, actual changes, actual change in happiness (follow-up), change in appraisal of life-as-a-whole, of appreciation of life

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Past happiness. 60+ aged, employed at start, followed 2 years, USA, 1952-54 Consultation: mental health Catholic nuns, re-organized cloister, followed 4 years, Louisiana, USA, 1977-1981 Training in care for elderly 50-79 aged, females, trainees and controls, USA, 1970 age 46+ aged whites, followed 2 years, USA, 1968-1972/74 Happiness induction Psychology students, followed 2 weeks, University of Otago New Zealand, 1976 Life Happiness Couples, followed family therapy, USA, 1985-86 Retirement 50+ aged males, fulltime employed at T1, followed ten years, Iowa, USA, 1964-74 Beliefs about self Adults, trainees and controls, followed 10 weeks, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1978 Course on happiness and positive mental health Adults, trainees and controls, followed 10 weeks, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1978 change in life satisfaction Handicapped referred for vocational rehabilitation,followed 2 years, Umea, Sweden, 1984-1986 Change over time Black Americans, USA, followed from 1980 to 1992 Happiness following diet Obese persons, treated with meal substitutes, The Netherlands, 2000 meditation course Meditation trainees and controls, Oman, 1998 How patients change Psychiatric patients, before and after hospitalization, USA, 199? Vacation Working adults, USA, before and after vacation, 198?, Effect of Fluoxetine Participants in single blind drug experiment. Israel,1995 Efffect of happiness training Participants in a happiness training, Italy, 2001 Pulmonary rehabilitation program COPD patients, before and after 20 week rehabilitation programme, Netherlands, 2001-2002 Intensive Case Management Severe mental patients, London UK, followed 18 month, 1997-98 Three weeks daily program, improving psychological skills 15-20 aged, before and after training, Mexico, 2005 Impact of programme on caregivers Family caregivers followed before and after stress coping programme, Canada, Quebec, 2006 Counseling program Breast cancer patients and partners, USA, 2000. Change in quality of life Female mental patients, Berlin, followed 6 month,199? Mental health 18-65 aged, differing in mental health, followed 2 years, UK, 1999-2001 Change in mental health consultations 18-65 aged, differing in mental health, followed 2 years, UK, 1999-2001 Mental health Mental patients and controls, followed 2 years, UK 1994-2001 Cheerfulness over time 20-90 aged, general public, Nord-Trondelag, Norway followed 1 year, 1985-1996 added life satisfaction before and after marriage First married, followed 7 years, Germany, 1984-2004 Responsiveness to further treatment Remitted mental outpatients, before and after additional therapy, Italy,199? Psycho-therapy 40-50 aged, female therapy clients, followed 4 weeks, USA 196? Life satisfaction at T1 Home buyers and controls, Baltimore, USA, followed 18 months 1992-93 Wellness program 10-12 aged, participants in wellness program, USA, followed 6 months, 2008 Residential treatment 11-14 aged in residential treatment followed 4 months, USA, 1996 Earlier quality of life Medical Patients, Michigan, United States, followed 1 year, 199? Change in Life Satisfaction 79 + aged men, Canada, followed 5 years, 200-2005 Positive Psychology Intervention School children, aged 9 and 11, Wales, United Kingdom, 2013 Happiness training Participants happiness training and controls, , 2012, followed 12 weeks, Germany Happiness increasing activity Users of on-line self-help program, USA, 200? Group Counseling Intervention Students, before and after a 6 week counseling course,, USA, 2015 - 2016 Positive reminiscence exercise Student participants in a positive reminisence training, USA, 2002 Gratitude increasing intervention 12-17 aged participants in a gratitude exercise and controls, USA 2006 Talking, writing, thinking about happiest experiences in life Student participants in a life review exercise and controls, California, USA, 2003 Gratitude writing intervention Students, participants in a gratitude training, Madrid, Spain, 2007 Psychological strength and problem solving training Participants in a strength training and controls, Australia, 2009 Change in affect before-after course Users of a 6 week online psychoeducation course, 35 nations, 201? Self-affirmation training Student participants in a self-affirmation training and controls, South Korea, 200? Use of Happiness-Comparer Returning users of a happiness self-help website, Netherlands, 2011-2015 Happiness lessons Students of a happiness course and controls, Netherlands 2009 Well-being training program Employee well-being trainees and controls, Melbourne, Australia, 200? Sacred moments intervention Healthy adults, USA, 200? 9 day vipassana meditation retreat Participants in a 9 day meditation retreat and controls, Netherlands, 2009 Recalling positive events in the past week Student participants in a savouring exercise and controls, USA, 2011 Positive psychotherapy training Participants in a happiness training and controls, followed 1 year, Philadelphia, USA, 2004 Laughter Yoga Participation Participants in a laughter Yoga Class and a control group , Australia 200? Goal-training intervention Psychology students participating in a growth training, USA, 200? Gratitude Intervention for older adults Elderly participants in a gratitude training,UK 2014 Counting blessings, hassles, and social comparison. Students, participating in a gratitude excercise, USA, 1998 self-affirmation training Students participanting in a well-being training and controls, USA 200? Activity change or circumstance change intervention Students actively participating in happiness training, USA, 201? Program to increase personal happiness Student participants in a happiness training, USA 197? Positive psychotherapy training, study 2. Adults with mild-moderate depressive symptoms, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2006-2007 Positive psychotherapy training, study 3 Adults with mild/moderate depressive symptoms, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 2007-08 Character strengths-based intervention Adolescents, participants in a strengt training and controls, UK, 2009 training program for enhancing goalsetting techniques Managers participating in a personality development course, Germany, 2000 Self-help Positive Goal-focused intervention Depressed adults, United Kingdom, 200? Program to increase personal happiness Student participants in a happiness training, USA 198? Program to increase personal happiness Student participants in a happiness training, USA 198? Program to increase personal happiness Student participants in a happiness training, USA 198? Program to increase personal happiness Student, participants in a happiness training 9-18 months ago, USA 198? Mindfulness training and pre-test, post-test and follow-up SWB Participants in a mindfulness meditation course, USA, 200? Best Possible Self Intervention Young adults participating in a happiness training, Spain, 201? Health self-management course Poor health participants in a course of mind-body therapies, Sweden, 2000-2001 Life review proces program Homebound elderly participating in life review program, USA, 198? Subjective well-being training Students participating in a happiness training, Italy, 200? Gratitude inducing exercises vs recalling events Participants in a 4-week psychological training, Canada, 2008 Positive Psychology Intervention program Students participating in happiness training, United Arab Emerates, 2015-2016 Frequent use of mood-tracker Users of a mood-tracking website,followed 3 months or more, USA, 2010 Gratitude intervention program School teachers participating in happiness training, Hong Kong, 2007 Time Scarcety Intervention Students participating in happiness training, USA, 2014 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Distressed adults, the Netherlands, 2005 Change in life satisfaction 16+ aged, United Kingdom, 1996-2000, 2002-2006 Survey year 45+ aged adults, Canada, followed 13 years. 1994-2007 Time before/after the childbirth New parents, Germany, followed before and after first child, 1984 - 2009 Time before/after the childbirth New parents, United Kingdom, followed before and after first child, 1991 - 2008