
Specification Variables

Specification Variables » rural/urban

Related subjects
Related special publics
city, village

List of Findings using this Specification Variable

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Unemployment experience 18+ aged, general public, USA 1972-1983 Religiosity 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1971 Church attendance 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1971 Urban living Adult, general public, urban areas, South Africa, 1983 Living environment 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 1974 Male sex Residents communities,planned and unplanned, USA, 1973 Age 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Gender 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Satisfaction with living area 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Car in household 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Satisfaction with public transportation 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Medical services 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Services and shops 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Satisfaction with services 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Cultural amenities 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Natural environment 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Satisfaction with leisure possibilities 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Security at night 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Household type 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Diversity social network 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Friends/kin nearby 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Income per person 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Satisfaction with finances 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Activities of daily living 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Satisfaction with health 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Satisfaction with domains ol life 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Size of municipality where the household lives Mothers aged 20-65, Germany, followed 14 years, 1994-2007 Age 18+ aged general public, China, 2009 Gender 18+ aged general public, China, 2009 Between-Group (urban hukou vs rural hokou) income inequality 16+ aged general public, 26 cities, China, 2002 Age General public, Peruvian corridor region, Peru, 2005 Married General public, Peruvian corridor region, Peru, 2005 Gender General public, Peruvian corridor region, Peru, 2005 Years of education General public, Peruvian corridor region, Peru, 2005 Migrant General public, Peruvian corridor region, Peru, 2005 Household expenditure General public, Peruvian corridor region, Peru, 2005 Average expenditure in community General public, Peruvian corridor region, Peru, 2005 Home-work distance 18+ aged, general public, multiple nations, 2007 Age 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Gender 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Housing amenities 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Apartment/house ownership 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Satisfaction with living area 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Car in household 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Satisfaction with public transportation 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Satisfaction with mobility 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Medical services 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Services and shops 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Satisfaction with services 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Cultural amenities 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Natural environment 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Satisfaction with leisure possibilities 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Security at night 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Household type 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Diversity social network 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Age 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Gender 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Housing amenities 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Apartment/house ownership 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Satisfaction with living area 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Car in household 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Satisfaction with public transportation 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Satisfaction with mobility 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Medical services 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Services and shops 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Satisfaction with services 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Cultural amenities 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Natural environment 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Satisfaction with leisure possibilities 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Security at night 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Household type 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Diversity social network 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Friends/kin nearby 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Income per person 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Satisfaction with finances 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Activities of daily living 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Satisfaction with health 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Satisfaction with domains ol life 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Age 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Gender 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Housing amenities 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Apartment/house ownership 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Satisfaction with living area 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Car in household 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Satisfaction with public transportation 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Satisfaction with mobility 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Medical services 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Services and shops 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Satisfaction with services 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Cultural amenities 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Natural environment 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Satisfaction with leisure possibilities 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Security at night 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Household type 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Diversity social network 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Friends/kin nearby 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Income per person 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Satisfaction with finances 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Activities of daily living 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Satisfaction with health 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Satisfaction with domains ol life 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Consumption expenditures 18+ aged, general public, China, 2010-2012 Specific consumption categories 18+ aged, general public, China, 2010-2012 Moved Working age people, Germany, followed 5 years 2004-2009 Total consumption Adult general public, China, 2010-2012 Expenditures on food Adult general public, China, 2010-2012 Mortage Adult general public, China, 2010-2012 Urbanization 18+ aged, general public,rural and urban areas, Bangladesh, 2004 Internet use indicators 16-60 aged, internet users, China, 2010 Gender Adults, China, 2002 Age and age squared Adults, China, 2002 Married Adults, China, 2002 Divorced Adults, China, 2002 Widowed Adults, China, 2002 In good health Adults, China, 2002 Log of per capita household income Adults, China, 2002 Net wealth ('000 yuan) Adults, China, 2002 Working hours ('00 per year) Adults, China, 2002 Duration of urban residence in years Adults, China, 2002 Origin of residence 17+ aged general public, Hangzhou city, China 2011-2012 Origin of residence 17+ aged general public, Xiamen city, China 2011-2012 Origin of residence 17+ aged general public, Shenzhen city, China 2011-2012 sex 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 age 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 nationality 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 standards, which you do live by 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 economic status of the family 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 living conditions 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 health 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 spiritual well-being 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 relationships in the family 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 relationships with friends 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 relationships with members of a religious community 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 own qualities 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 professional realization 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 personal safety 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 the situation in the country 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 government work 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 education 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 marital status 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 poor 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 Age 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Education 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Ethnicity 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Culture (Language) 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Family status 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Health 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Gender 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Employment 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Household size 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Household variables 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Social capital variables: Religion 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Income variables: Household income 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Social capital variables: Crime 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Social capital variables: Trust 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Income variables: Relative income 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Income variables: Expectations income 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Dynamic life satisfaction 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Income variables: Social rank 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 consider yourself a believer 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 Time, which spend on the Internet Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 About play games Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 About to spend time on the Internet 3-6 hours Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Able to quit a game or chat if called Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Postponing houshold chores because online Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 First always check el-c messengers, then proceed to other things Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 I give myself 'a few minutes' every time before I log off the i-t Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 As a recreation, I prefer Internet surfing Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 The Internet takes up most of my time Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 I have virtual friends Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 I find it easier in virtual Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 I have it easier in virtual life than in real life Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Internet interferes with my studies, life Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Tell your parents what you do online Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Parents are interested in what you do online Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Feel yourself safe on the street Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Feel yourself safe at school Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Feel yourself safe in the Internet Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Feel yourself safe at home Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Situations of abusive user behavior on the Internet and s-l net-s Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Involved in humiliation\bullying of another person at school Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Humiliated at school Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Participate in cyberbulying Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Cyberbullied Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Sex Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Age Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Log household income 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Social comparison 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Individualistic attributions of inequality 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Structural attributions of inequality 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Ascribed attributions of inequality 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Institutional trust 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Assessment of social protection 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Social trust 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Education 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Gender 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Age 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Married 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 CCP member 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Household size 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Self-reported health 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 R squared 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Gender 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Age 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Employment 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Income 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Attitudes rural conservation 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Farmer 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Rural activity 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Perspective on food/agriculture 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Neighbor friendliness 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Attendance regional activities 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Trust person 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Norms of reciprocity 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Shock 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Time discount 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Risk aversion 1 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Risk aversion 2 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Altruism 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Population decrease 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Economic prosperity 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Economic inequality 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Unemployment rate 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Medical provision 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Training opportunities 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Climate conditions - Rainfall 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Infrastructure 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Natural surface 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Fertility rate 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Foreigner share 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Life-satisfaction in Germany over time 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Climate conditions - Temperature 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Climate conditions - Sunshine duration 16+ aged general public, Germany, 1998-2012 Farmland 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Pseudo R-squared 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Age 18+ aged, general public, EU nations, 2003 Gender 18+ aged, general public, EU nations, 2003 Income Middle aged, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 1971 - 1984 Number of friends Middle aged, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 1971 - 1984 Number of relatives Middle aged, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 1971 - 1984 Traditional religious beliefs Middle aged, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 1971 - 1984 Multiple R Middle aged, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 1971 - 1984