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Correlational Subjects » LOCAL: GEOGRAPHY » Current local geographical conditions » Community size » Rural dwelling (vs urban)

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LOCAL: GEOGRAPHY Current local geographical conditions Community size Rural dwelling (vs urban)
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campestral, country side

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Metropolitan living 15+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1985 Urban dwelling 20+ aged general public, 14 countries, ±1960 Urban dwelling 21+ aged, general public, Nigeria, 1962-63 Urban dwelling 21+ aged, general public, Panama, 1962 Urban dwelling 21+ aged, general public, Philipines, 1959 Urban dwelling Adults, general public, West-Germany, 1957 Urban dwelling 21+ aged, general public, Yugoslavia, 1962 Urban dwelling 18+ aged, general public, Brazil, 1960-1961 Urban dwelling 20+ aged, general public, urban areas, Cuba, 1960 Urban dwelling 21+ aged, general public, Dominican Republic, 1962 Urban dwelling 15+ aged, general public, Egypt, 1960 Urban dwelling 20+ aged general public, India, 1962 Living in an urban setting 15-64 aged, general public, Finland, 1966 Urban living 15-60 aged, general public, followed 12 month, The Netherlands, 1967-77 Urbanization of area were S grew up 18+ aged, general public, Oklahoma, USA, 1978 Urban residence 21+ aged, general public, Dominican Republic, Panama and Yugoslavia, ± 1960 Urban dwelling 21+ aged, general public, USA, 1959 Urban living 65+ aged, North Carolina, USA, 1970-71 Urban living Adult, general public, urban areas, South Africa, 1983 Urban living Adult, general public, urban areas, South African, 1983 Urban living 18+ aged, general public, NW Wisconsin-residents, USA, 1974 Urban background Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981 Community size Adults, varying age ranges, general public, USA, 1968 rural versus urban dwelling 21+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2006 Urbanization Households, 18 areas, Mozambique, 1991 Rural/urban 9-17 aged children, 17 countries/regions East Asia and Pacific 2001 satisfaction with local environment 55+ aged, East and West Germany, 1995 and 1999 Urbanization 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Urban (vs rural) 55+ aged, 6 European countries, 2000 Rural vs Urban Employed mothers, rural and urban areas USA,1983 Type of community 18+ aged, general public, EU 27 and Turkey, 2003 Urban living environment 12+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2005 Location Adults, general public, USA, 2005 Urban area 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Living in urban area 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2001 Urban resident 20-69 aged, general public, China, 2006 Urban 18+ aged Blacks, USA, followed 1979 to 1992 Urbanicity of place of residence 18-65 aged, diagnosed as having mental disorder, Netherlands, 1996 Size of municipality where the household lives Mothers aged 20-65, Germany, followed 14 years, 1994-2007 Region 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Current residence 65+ aged, China, 2002 Neighbourhood 60+ aged living alone, 10 European Nations, 2004 Living in Rural vs. Urban area 31-aged general public, Finland, 1997-1998 Hukou location Adults, general public, urban areas, China, 2002 Rural/urban living 18+ aged general public, China, 2009 Size of city 15+ aged, general public, 10 Central and Eastern European Nations, 1999, 2008 Urbanity aged 18+, Netherlands, 2009 urban/rural Household heads, Malawai 2004-2005 Residence 80+ aged, China, 2002 Location General public, 7 poor communities, Peru, 2005 Rural-urban living General public, Peruvian corridor region, Peru, 2005 Urbanization Under 12 aged, children, Taiwan, 2001 Rural hukou Adult, general public, China, 2011 Urbanization 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Urbanization 55+ aged, Germany, 2000 Urbanization 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Urbanization 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Size of settlement 14+ aged, general public, 23 EU nations 2002-2007 Urban (residence) 65+ aged, China, followed 10 years, 1998-2008 Urban/rural 18+ aged, general public, China, 2010-2012 Residence 16+ aged, general public, Russia, 1994-2005 Living in city 18+ aged general public, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2005 Place of residence 8-13 aged,school children, India, 2014 rural area 60+ aged, general public, regions, Zimbabwe, 1994-1995 Urban/rural area 15+ aged, general public, Canada, 2003 Urban/rural area 15+ aged, general public, Canada, 2003-2011 Rural/urban area 15+aged, general public, Canada, 2009-2011 Urbanization 18+ aged, general public,rural and urban areas, Bangladesh, 2004 Urban-rural difference 15+ aged general public, 80 countries,2005-2008 Urban/rural area 18+ aged, general public, Malawi, 2004 Rural vs. urban 18+ aged, general public, 34 European nations, 2011-2012 Living in urban areas 15+ aged, general public, Thailand, 2013 Geographical area 16+ aged general public, South Africa, 2012 Urban/rural Students, Shangdong Region of China, 2007 Living in urban or rural environment Adults, varying age ranges, general public, Haryana, India, 2002 Urban People left behind after migration, Former Sovjet States, Multiple nations, 2013 - 2015 Rural People left behind after migration, Former Sovjet States, Multiple nations, 2013 - 2015 Major city 20-69 aged, general public, Japan, 2013 urban vs rural 18+ aged, general public, China, 2002 Urban dwelling Adults, Ecuador, 2015 Urban vs. rural Adults, urban areas, age range not reported, China, 2011 Urban/rural Adults, age range not reported, Thailand, 2016 by Location 18+ aged, FYR Macedonie, 2008 Urban vs Rural General Public, China, 2013-2017 Mining communities 18+ General public, mining communities, South Africa, 2014/2015 Urban Area 15+ Aged General Public in 120 Nations 2010- 2012 Urban Area 15+ aged general public, North America, 2010- 2012 Urban Area 15+ aged general public , Latin American countries, 2010- 2012 Urban Area 15+ aged general public, Sub-Sahara African countries, 2010- 2012 Urban Area 15+ aged general public. Middle East and North African nations 2010- 2012 Urban Area 15+ aged general public, East Asian countries, 2010- 2012 Urban Area 15+ aged general public, South Asian countries, 2010- 2012 Urban Area 15+ aged general public, South East Asian countries, 2010- 2012 Urban Area 15+ aged general public, Australia and New Zealand, 2010- 2012 Urban Area 15+ aged general public, Commonwealth of Independant States, 2010- 2012 Urban Area 15+ aged general public, Eurppean nations, other than EU and Balkans, 2010- 2012 Geographic location 16+ aged general public, South Africa, 2012 Urban-rural Adult general public, Frisia, Netherlands, 1994 rural- urban living Poor people, black and white USA, 1987-88 Metro status and size 18-85 aged, 2361 counties, USA 2005 Locality 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2018 Locality 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2015 Locality 18+ aged general public., Kazakhstan, 2017 Locality 18+ aged general public Kazakhstan, 2019 Percent population in urban areas in county 18+ aged, general public, United States of America, 2005 - 2009 Place of residence 18+ aged lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgende people, Netherlands, 2012 Place of residence 18+ aged lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people, Netherlands, 2019 Rural/ urban poor Adult general public, USA, 1987-88 Rural 12+ aged general public, Canada 2002-2008 City size 18+ aged, general public, 13 nations, 2005-2009 Urban area 15+ aged general public, 10 western nations, 2009-2012 Residence 45+ aged, rural hukou, China, 2011 Live in urban area 45+ aged adults, Canada, followed 13 years. 1994-2007 City/village 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 remote rural 16+ aged, general public, Scotland, 2009 accesible rural 16+ aged, general public, Scotland, 2009 Rural 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Living area 18+ aged general public European Union, 2008 Place of residence Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Locality 18+ aged general public Kazakhstan, 2021 Locality 18+ aged general public Kazakhstan, 2020 Rural-urban 15+ aged general public, 29 European countries, 2012 Wealthy nations (GDP higher than 20,000) and developing nations (lower than 20,000) Residence 20-64 aged rural, migrants and urban population China, 2010 rural-urban 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Small rural 18+ aged general public, World, 2004 Rural residence 18+ aged, general public, EU nations, 2003 Type of place Adult general public Detroit metroplotian area, U.S., 2001 Place of residence 15-25 aged students, Anhui and Beijing area, China, 2010 Place of residence 18-70 aged general public, China, 2005 City 18+ aged, general public, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany 2010 Living area 18+ aged. general public, Germany 2003-2008 Area of residence 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Settlement type 18+ aged general public in Russia 2013 Type of settlement 55+ aged, Russia, 2009 - 2012 rural urban residence Working aged: rural , rural-urban migrants urban born, China, 2003 rural living 15+ aged, general public, 117 nations and territories, 2017 - 2019 rural vs urban dwelling 15-60 aged, Thailand, 2007