
Specification Variables

Specification Variables » income

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Related special publics
rich, poor

List of Findings using this Specification Variable

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Satisfaction with family-life 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Satisfaction with work 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Satisfaction with health 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Satisfaction with sparetime activities 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Satisfaction with income 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Satisfaction with community 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Satisfaction with housing 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Satisfaction with food 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Satisfaction with spiritual matters 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Satisfaction with national governmen 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Joint effect 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? English language Adults, general public, Canada, 1977 Job satisfaction Heads of households, USA, 1977 Bodily defect Handicapped and controls Detroit, USA,197? Educational level Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962 Household income 23-59 aged English speaking, Toronto and Ontario, Canada, 198? Community size Adults, varying age ranges, general public, France, 1967 Community size Adults, varying age ranges general public, USA, 1963 Community size Adults, varying age ranges, general public, USA, 1957 Community size Adults, varying age ranges, general public, USA, 1952 Living arrangement 65+ aged, Metropolitan Boston, USA, 1965 Number of social contacts 65+ aged, Metropolitan Boston, USA, 1965 Feelings about life as a whole 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973/3 Religiosity 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1971 Church attendance 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1971 Satisfaction with physical health 16+ aged, general public, Austria, 1984 Material satisfaction 16+ aged, general public, Austria, 1984 Satisfaction with social involvement 16+ aged, general public, Austria, 1984 Satisfaction with work (-negative-) 16+ aged, general public, Austria, 1984 Domain satisfactions_A 16+ aged, general public, Austria, 1984 Satisfaction with partner 16+ aged, general public, Austria, 1984 Personal factor Adults, Phoenix, Arizona, USA,1979 Social factor Adults, Phoenix, Arizona, USA,1979 Community Adults, Phoenix, Arizona, USA,1979 National Health Insurance in 1995 Elderly, Taiwan, folowed 14 years 1989-2003, before and after change health insurance law in 1995 Household income 65+aged, Hispanics, United States, 1988 Missing income 65+aged, Hispanics, United States, 1988 Unemployment vs. low pay work 18+ aged, general public, 27 EU nations, 2010 Expenditure on food, beverages and tobacco 18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010 Expenditure on utilities 18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010 Expenditure on transportation 18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010 Expenditure on education 18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010 Expenditure on clothing and footwear 18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010 Expenditure on durable goods 18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010 Saving 18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 2010 Expenditures on food beverages and tobacco 18+ aged, general public, Trasition countries, 2006 Expenditures on clothing and footwear 18+ aged, general public, Trasition countries, 2006 Expenditures on transport and communication 18+ aged, general public, Trasition countries, 2006 Expenditures on recreation, entertainment and meals outside, etc. 18+ aged, general public, Trasition countries, 2006 Expenditures on education 18+ aged, general public, Trasition countries, 2006 Expenditures on health 18+ aged, general public, Trasition countries, 2006 Expenditures on furnishings 18+ aged, general public, Trasition countries, 2006 Expenditures on durable goods 18+ aged, general public, Trasition countries, 2006 Expenditures on food beverages and tobacco 18+ aged, general public, developed and transition nations, 2010 Expenditures on utilities 18+ aged, general public, developed and transition nations, 2010 Expenditures on transportation 18+ aged, general public, developed and transition nations, 2010 Expenditures on education 18+ aged, general public, developed and transition nations, 2010 Expenditures on health 18+ aged, general public, developed and transition nations, 2010 Expenditures on clothing and footwear 18+ aged, general public, developed and transition nations, 2010 Expenditures on durable goods 18+ aged, general public, developed and transition nations, 2010 Status 17+ aged, general public, Germany, followed 7 years 2000-2006 Income level 18+ aged general public, 60 nations, 1997-2001 Political freedom 18+ aged, general public, 54 countries, 2000 Rationality (Number of scientists and engineers per capita) 18+ aged, general public, 54 countries, 2000 Consumption-income ratio 18+ aged, general public, China, 2010-2012 Income 25-74 aged general public, United States, 1971-1984 Family income 18+ aged general public, Germany, 1992-1997 Trends in income before and after the fall of socialism 18+ aged, general public, Russia,1988-2005 Career-family combination: 'Have it all' 25- 54 aged high educated women, West Germany, followed 25 years 1984-2012 Maternal employment Mothers, Germany, followed 15 years, 1994-2009 Share of income consumed Adult general public, China, 2010-2012 Self-employed 18+aged,working people, 32 European countries, 2013 Age 18+aged,working people, 32 European countries, 2013 Marriage status 18+aged,working people, 32 European countries, 2013 Change in minimum wage per hour in one's state 18+ aged, general public, in 41 states of the USA, 2010-13 Use of Happiness-Diary Returning users of a happiness self-help website, Netherlands, 2011-2015 Info source: internet 18+ aged, general public, 57 nations, 2004-2009 Internet use indicators 16-60 aged, internet users, China, 2010 Size of earlier lottery win Earlier lottery winners and controls, Sweden 2016 Age and age squared 15+ aged, general public, Spain, 2008 Education and education squared 15+ aged, general public, Spain, 2008 Personal internet access 15+ aged, general public, Europe, 2013 Remittances Intimates left behind after migration, Multiple nations, 2009 - 2011 Relatives abroad Intimates left behind after migration, Multiple nations, 2009 - 2011 Change in household income 19-60 aged general public USA, followed 5 years 1987-88 to1992-94 Income Redistribution (in region) 18+ aged, general public, Germany followed 30 years 1984 - 2013 Income 16+ aged, United States of America, 1973 - 1998 Household income quartile +15 aged, general public, Canada, 1985-1998 Personal income quartile +15 aged, general public, Canada, 1985-1998 Income Redistribution 18+ aged, general public, 33 nations, followed 1989 - 2012 Gender 50+ aged, USA, followed 26 years 1972-1998 Age and age squared 15+ aged, general public, Galicia, 2008 Education and education squared 15+ aged, general public, Galicia, 2008 Retirement status 55-75 aged adults, Australia, followed 17 years, 2001-2018 Survey Time Reterees Ohio USA, followed 1 year, 1986-1987 Weekly Earnings 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Eligible for FAU anti-poverty program Heads of poor families, earlier benefactors and non-benefactors of a welfare program, Colombia, 2010 Income Heads of poor families, earlier benefactors and non-benefactors of a welfare program, Colombia, 2010 Level of control over one's life Heads of poor families, earlier benefactors and non-benefactors of a welfare program, Colombia, 2010 Education Heads of poor families, earlier benefactors and non-benefactors of a welfare program, Colombia, 2010 gender 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. marital status 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. working 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. years of education 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. age 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. chronic disease 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. household income 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. pension insecurity 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. home ownership 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. Affected by parental benefits extension New parents, Germany,before and after policy change, 2003-2005 or 2008-2010 Unemployment status Working aged, Germany, followed 17 years, 1996-2013 Expenditure inequality 50+ aged, rural Vietnam, 2011 Effect of Low Emission Zone Adult general public, Germany, followed 13 years 2005-2018 National pride 16+ aged, general public, Russia, 1990 - 2017 Progressive tax 18+ aged general public USA 1972-2014 Gini 18+ aged general public USA 1972-2014 Median Income 18+ aged general public USA 1972-2014 Prediction of progressive taxation 18+ aged general public USA 1972-2014 rural vs urban dwelling 15-60 aged, Thailand, 2007