Study Lohmann (2013): study ZZ 2005
- Public
- 18+ aged, general public, 57 nations, 2004-2009
- Survey name
- INT-WorldValuesSurvey 5
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 53325
- Non Response
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Info source: internet
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- No: 70%; Yes: 30 %
- Related specification variables
- Operationalization
- Selfreport on single question: "People use different sources to learn what is going on in their country and the world. For each of the following sources, please indicate whether you used it last week or did not use it last week to obtain information:
- internet and e-mail?"
1 yes
0 no
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Internet:
- Income*Internet
- Socio-economic:
- Selfreported income
- Age + age squared
- Gender
- Marital status
- Employment status
- Education
- Selfreported health
- Attitudes:
- Honesty
- Trust
- Freedom
- Family important
- Friends important
- Leisure important
- Politics important
- Work important
- Religion important
- Country dummies
Stronger in the lower income bracket.