
Specification Variables

Specification Variables » ethnicity

Related subjects
Related special publics
race, migrant, subculture

List of Findings using this Specification Variable

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Male sex Adults, general public, Houston, Texas, USA, 1969 Occupational skill level Adults, general public, Houston, Texas, USA, 1969 Marital satisfaction Marrieds, Alameda County, California, USA, 1965 Age Adults, general public, USA, 1946-1966 Educational level Adults, general public, USA, 1946-1966 Satisfaction with work Adult, general public, USA 1972 Occupational level Adult, general public, USA 1972 Age Adult, general public, USA 1972 Educational level Adult, general public, USA 1972 Male sex Adult, general public, USA 1972 Income Adult, general public, USA 1972 Satisfaction with health Adult, general public, USA 1972 Satisfaction with financial situation Adult, general public, USA 1972 Perceived danger for crime 25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197? Appreciation of Neighborhood 25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197? Satisfaction with dwelling 25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197? Wish to move 25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197? Community size Adults, varying age ranges general public, USA, 1963 Community size Adults, varying age ranges, general public, USA, 1957 Community size Adults, varying age ranges, general public, USA, 1952 Feelings about life as a whole 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973/3 Urbanism 18+ aged, general public, USA 1972-1983 Unemployment experience 18+ aged, general public, USA 1972-1983 Education 25-54 aged, general public, ,USA, 1973-1978 Mother's education 25-54 aged, general public, ,USA, 1973-1978 Religiosity 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1971 Church attendance 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1971 Urban living Adult, general public, urban areas, South African, 1983 Working at several places and living in hostels Adult, general public, urban areas, South African, 1983 Race Adult, general public, urban areas, South African, 1983 Race Adults, general public, urban areas, South Africa, 1988 Number of children 50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78 Having children 50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78 Marital happiness Marrieds, USA, 1973-78 Satisfaction with financial situation Marrieds, USA, 1973-78 Satisfaction with community Marrieds, USA, 1973-78 Satisfaction with non-working activities Marrieds, USA, 1973-78 Satisfaction with family life Marrieds, USA, 1973-78 Satisfaction with friendships Marrieds, USA, 1973-78 Satisfaction with health Marrieds, USA, 1973-78 Joint satisfaction Marrieds, USA, 1973-78 Age 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1977 Male sex 21+ aged, married, Japan and USA, 1987 Nationality 21+ aged, married, Japan and USA, 1987 treatment Patients with end-stage renal disease, 11 dialysis and transplantation centers, USA., 198? Acceptance of the rainbow 16+ aged, general public, South Africa, 1999 Gender 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2001 Collectivism University students, England and Spain, 1999 Overweight 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 2001 Marital Status 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1993 Marital satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1993 Satisfaction with familiy life 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1993 Changes in immediate experience from T1 to T2. Adolescents, USA followed 2 years, 1979-1981 Satisfaction with Standard of Living 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with Health 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with Achieviement in Life 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with Personal Relationships 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with safety 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with feeling part of community 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with future security 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with multiple domains of life 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with economic situation in New Zealand 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 satisfaction with New Zealands' environment 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with social conditions in New Zealand 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with government in New-Zealand 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with business in New Zealand 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with national security in New Zealand 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Satisfaction with life domains 18+ aged, general public, New-Zealand, 2005 Years of Education Prostitutes and prostitute's clients, Yunnan, China, 2003, Thailand, 2007 Income rank-good Prostitutes and prostitute's clients, Yunnan, China, 2003, Thailand, 2007 Current drug use Prostitutes and prostitute's clients, Yunnan, China, 2003, Thailand, 2007 HIV positive Prostitutes and prostitute's clients, Yunnan, China, 2003, Thailand, 2007 Married Prostitutes and prostitute's clients, Yunnan, China, 2003, Thailand, 2007 Age Prostitutes and prostitute's clients, Yunnan, China, 2003, Thailand, 2007 Feels not part of community Prostitutes and prostitute's clients, Yunnan, China, 2003, Thailand, 2007 Job conditions bad Prostitutes and prostitute's clients, Yunnan, China, 2003, Thailand, 2007 Place of residence 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1970 Importance of aspirations 21-22 aged, college students Romania and USA, 199? Likelihood that aspirations are met 21-22 aged, college students Romania and USA, 199? All Leisure satisfaction items 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972 All Job satisfaction Items 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972 Migration generation Adults, Turkish and Moroccan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2010 Education Adults, Turkish and Moroccan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2010 Gender Adults, Turkish and Moroccan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2010 Perception of Discrimination Adults, Turkish and Moroccan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2010 Absolute Income (per month) Adults, Turkish and Moroccan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2010 Marital status Adults, Turkish and Moroccan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2010 Religion Adults, Turkish and Moroccan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2010 Relative Income (per month) Adults, Turkish and Moroccan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2010 Migration 15+ aged general public, Europe, Europe, 2002-2005 ln (income) 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 ln (age) and (ln) age squared) 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 ln (family size) 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 Religiosity 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 Health 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 Schooling 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 Married 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 Divorced 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 Widow(er) 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 Hebrew fluency 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 Years in Israel 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 Employed 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 (ln) War days 20+ aged general population, Israel, 2006 First-Generation migrants 16+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2009/2010 Hispanic ethnicity 65+aged, Hispanics, United States, 1988 Gender 55+aged Turkish migrants, Copenhagen, Denmark, 199? Actual rank in SA 17+ aged general public, South-Africa., 2008 Income 25-74 aged general public, United States, 1971-1984 Total consumption Adult general public, China, 2010-2012 Expenditures on food Adult general public, China, 2010-2012 Emigration Emigrants out of Germany 1984-2005 National pride Adults, 16+ aged, South Africa, 2010 Change in household income 19-60 aged general public USA, followed 5 years 1987-88 to1992-94 Race 16+ aged, United States of America, 1973 - 1998 Trend happiness in South Africa 16+ aged general public, South Africa, 2012 rural- urban living Poor people, black and white USA, 1987-88 Age 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Education 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Marital status 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Rural/ urban poor Adult general public, USA, 1987-88 Proximity to all types of Amenities 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to nearest clothing and fashion amenities 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to neareset computer and electronics amenities 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to cultural amenities 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to daily supply amenities 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to financial amenities 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to healthcare amenities 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to home supply amenities 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to horeca 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to recreational amenities 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to transportation hub 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Proximity to vehicle services 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Crime rate 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Public transport modes General public, 67 neighborhoods, Rotterdam Netherlanfs 2009 Public transport indicators General public, 67 neighborhoods, Rotterdam Netherlanfs 2009 Role accumulation 55-69 aged men, USA, followed 5 years, 1976-1981 Education 55-69 aged men, USA, followed 5 years, 1976-1981 R square 55-69 aged men, USA, followed 5 years, 1976-1981 Change happiness 55-69 aged men, USA, followed 5 years, 1976-1981 Role confuguration 55-69 aged men, USA, followed 5 years, 1976-1981 Participation in ERA program 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Unemployment propensity 20-59 aged, UK, followed 5 years, 2009-2014 Unemployment entry 20-59 aged, UK, followed 5 years, 2009-2014 Indiginous 15+ aged indigious people, Australia, 2008 Expenditure inequality 50+ aged, rural Vietnam, 2011 Gender 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Health 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Religious importance 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Children 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Absolute income 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Employment status 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Relative income 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Area of residence 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Explained variance 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Age Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Gender Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Marital status Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Income Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Education Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Norms Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Trust Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Partnership in community Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Information sharing Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Political participation Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Total variants Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Age 65+ aged Chinese and Korean immigrants, Los Angeles County, US, 2011 Gender (male) 65+ aged Chinese and Korean immigrants, Los Angeles County, US, 2011 Marital status 65+ aged Chinese and Korean immigrants, Los Angeles County, US, 2011 Income 65+ aged Chinese and Korean immigrants, Los Angeles County, US, 2011 Education 65+ aged Chinese and Korean immigrants, Los Angeles County, US, 2011 Depression 65+ aged Chinese and Korean immigrants, Los Angeles County, US, 2011 Total variance 65+ aged Chinese and Korean immigrants, Los Angeles County, US, 2011 General group membership 54+ aged immigrants , Queensland, Australia, 2017 Age Elderly, Australia, 2001 Age squared Elderly, Australia, 2001 Sexe: male Elderly, Australia, 2001 Married Elderly, Australia, 2001 Education Elderly, Australia, 2001 Physical health Elderly, Australia, 2001 Mental health Elderly, Australia, 2001 Ln income Elderly, Australia, 2001 Household size Elderly, Australia, 2001 Has children Elderly, Australia, 2001 Social network Elderly, Australia, 2001 Explained Variance Elderly, Australia, 2001