
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » PERSONALITY: CURRENT TRAITS » Positive reacting

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cognitive style, comparison style, optimistic personality, perceptual style, discouraged, hopeful, pessimistic, satisfied, pessimism, tendency to react positively, trusting personality

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Inclination to recall pleasing words College students, psychol. course, USA, 1934-35 Being readily pleased by odors College students, psychol. course, USA, 1934-35 Promptness of plea- sant associations Female students, cheerful and depressed, USA, 192? Recall pleasant associations Female students, cheerful and depressed, USA, 192? Recall of pleasant associations Female students, cheerful and depressed, USA, 192? Promptness of plea- sant association Female college students, USA, 191? Pleasant associations. Female students, college USA, 191? Pollyannaism: pleasantness of pastweekend University students white, middle-class, State University of New-York, USA,197? Pollyannaism: selfrating University students white, middle-class, State University of New-York, USA,197? Pollyannaism: other rating University students white, middle-class, State University of New-York, USA,197? Pollyannaism: rosier view in retrospect University students white, middle-class, State University of New-York, USA,197? Pollyannaism: cognitive tendencies University students white, middle-class, State University of New-York, USA,197? Pollyannaism: cognitive tendencies University students white, middle-class, State University of New-York, USA,197? Positive thinking Students in stress, followed 8 weeks, Illinois, USA, 1983 Negative thinking Students in stress, followed 8 weeks, Illinois, USA, 1983 positive vsnegative disposition Mental patients and controls, followed 2 years, UK 1994-2001 Recognition of happy/sad faces Students and technical staff university, Norway, 2005 Attribution of positive traits Psycology students, USA, University of Idaho, 197? Intrapersonal well-being 60+aged, Thailand, 1999 Empathy-positive expression Toddlers, same-sex twins, Colorado, United States, followed from 14 to 24 months of age, 1986-1989 Prohibition-positive hedonic tone Toddlers, same-sex twins, Colorado, United States, followed from 14 to 24 months of age, 1986-1989 Vocal Reactivity 3-12 months aged infants, Oregon, United States, 199? High Pleasure 3-12 months aged infants, Oregon, United States, 199? Smile/Laughter 3-12 months aged infants, Oregon, United States, 199? Low Pleasure 3-12 months aged infants, Oregon, United States, 199? Cuddliness 3-12 months aged infants, Oregon, United States, 199? Personality trait 'optimistic' or 'postive attitude' General public, Flanders, Belgium, 2011+ 2012 Prioritizing positivity Aged 17-40, undergraduate university students, Canada, 2017 Positive affect 18+ aged general public, Russia 2012