
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » FRIENDSHIP » Attitudes to friendship » Satisfaction with friends

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FRIENDSHIP Attitudes to friendship Satisfaction with friends
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appreciation, contentment, enjoyment

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Satisfaction with time with friends and acquiantances 18-70 aged, general public, Sweden, 1982 Satisfaction with things done with friends/acquaint 18-70 aged, general public, Sweden, 1982 Satisfaction with circle of friends 18-70 aged, general public, Sweden, 1982 Satisfied with friendships 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1978 Satisfaction with friends 21+ aged, general public, USA, 1946 Fondness for small circle of intimate friends Male college students, England, 1912 Satisfaction with friends 20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968 Satisfaction with friends and acquain-tances. 21-65 aged general public, City of Utrecht,The Netherlands, 1967 Satisfaction received from friendships 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1974-1982 Satisfaction with one's friendship 15+ aged, middle class, Britain, 1971 Satisfaction with friendships 23-59 aged English speaking, Toronto and Ontario, Canada, 198? Satisfaction with friends 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973/7 Satisfaction with friends 18+ aged, general public, USA, Nov 1972 Satisfaction with friendships_C 55+ aged males, USA, 1971 Satisfaction with friendships_B 55+ aged males, USA, 1971 Satisfaction with frendships_A 55+ aged males, USA, 1971 Satisfaction with friendships 16+ aged, recent refugees from Laos, USA, 1982 Satisfaction with friends 18+ aged males, living with family, USA, 1973 Satisfaction with friends 18-65 aged, general public, followed 6 years, Melbourne, Australia, 1981-87 Satisfaction with friendships 60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197? Satisfaction with friendships 18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982 Satisfaction with friendships Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984 Satisfaction with friendships 60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984 Satisfaction with social contacts and friends 18+ aged, general public, USA, May 1972 Satisfaction with friendships and leisure 18+ aged, general public, Melbourne, Australia, 1985 Satisfaction with relations with friends Adults, students and churchmembers, USA, 197? Satisfaction with contacts with friends 18-65 aged, general public, followed 3 years, Melbourne, Australia, 1979-80 Friendship satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, City of Edmonton, Canada, 1977-1984 Satisfaction with friendships Marrieds, USA, 1973-78 Satisfaction with friendships University staff members, Guelph Canada, 1979 Satisfaction with friendships 50+ aged, USA, 1972-1977 Satisfaction with friends University students, Austria, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Bahrain, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Bangladesh, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students,Brazil,1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Cameroon, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Canada, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Chile, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Egypt, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Finland, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Germany, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Greece, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, India, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Israel, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Japan, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Jordan, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Kenya, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Korea, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Mexico, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Netherlands, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, New Zealand,1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Norway, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Philippines, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Puerto Rico, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Singapore, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, South Africa, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Spain, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Tanzania, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Thailand, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Turkey, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, U.S.A, 1991 Satisfaction with friends University students, Yugoslavia, 1991 Satisfaction with contacts with friends and acqaintences 25-55 aged, vocationally actives, Umea, Northern Sweden, 1986/87 Satisfaction with friendships 18+ aged, general public, City of Edmonton, Canada, 1977 Satisfaction with friendships Students, Moscow and Glazov (Ural), Russia, 1990 Satisfaction with friends 18-64 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1982 Satisfaction with friends 60+ aged, general public, USA 1982-91 satisfaction with acqaintances 18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993 Friends index Adults, general public, Australia, 1978 satisfaction with aquaintances 31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen Satisfaction with Friendship: earlier, later 18-65 aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981-1987 Friendship satisfaction 18-65 aged, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981 to 1987 Satisfaction with social network 16+ aged, general public, Russia, 1993 Satisfaction with Relationship with family and friends 18+aged, general public, Croatia, 2003 Satisfaction with social life Tetraplegia patients and controls,USA,1984-86 Friends Students, London, UK, 2003 Family and friends satisfaction Adolescents, Spain 1999 Family and friends satisfaction Adolescents, Spain 2003 Middle class families, Catalonia Interpersonal relationships satisfaction Adolescents, Spain 2003 Middle class families, Catalonia Relationships satisfaction Parents and adolescents, Spain, 2003 Middle class families, Catalonia. Friendship quality University students, USA, 2007 Friendship satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, British Columbia, USA, 1999 Satisfaction with social relations 18-65 aged, mentally ill, USA, 1985 Satisfaction with friendships 20+ aged, general public, Singapore, 2006 Friendship satisfaction General public, Regions, Mexico, 2001 Friendships 55-95 aged, Northern Interior Health Region, British Columbia, Canada, 1999 Satisfaction with Friendships Adult general population, Prince George, Northern British Columbia, Canada, 1997 Satisfaction with your friendships Adults, City of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, 2001 Satisfaction with friends and acquaintances Adults, general public, Poland, 2007 Satisfaction with friends University students Northern British Columbia, Canada, 1998 - 2005 Satisfaction with friends and acquaintances 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1977-2006 Satisfaction with friendships 18+ aged, general public, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, 1997-2005 Satisfaction with friendships 18+ aged, students, USA, 199? Satisfaction with friendships Elderly, British Columbia, Canada, 2005 Satisfaction with romantic relationships Elderly, British Columbia, Canada, 2005 Happiness with friends Children 8-15, United Kingdom, 2010 Interpersonal relations Non-teaching employees, university, Idaho, USA, 197? Satisfaction with activities and time with friends 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972 Satisfaction with friends 60+aged, metropolitian areas, USA, 1982-1991 Friendship satisfaction General public, five states, Mexico, 2001 satisfaction with friendships 50+ aged, Chicago area , USA, 200? satisfaction with friendship 50+ aged, Chicago area , USA, 2001 satisfaction with friendship Frail older adults,Chicago area, USA, 2005 Personal relationships 8-13 aged,school children, India, 2014 Satisfaction from friends 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, Turkey, 2013 friends 12-25 aged, general public, Netherlands, 2015. Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-59), 29 Asian nations, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-59), 15 Asian nations, 2006-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), China, 2003-2008 Friendship quality College students, Turkish and Southwestern American Universities, 2010 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Hong Kong, 2006 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Japan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), South Korea, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Taiwan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Brunei, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Cambodia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Indonesia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Laos, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Malaysia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Myanmar, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Philippines, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Singapore, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Thailand, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Vietnam, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), India, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Bangladesh, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Buthan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Maldives, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Nepal, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Pakistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Sri Lanka, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Afghanistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Kazakhstan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Kyrgyzstan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Mongolia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Tajikistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Uzbekistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with friendships 18+ aged, general public, Oklahoma, United States of America, 1979 Satisfaction with friendship Junior elite footbal players, Australia, 201? Satisfaction with your personal relationships 13-16 aged children Romania and Spain 1999 Satisfaction with friends 18+ aged general public, Turkey 2003-2017 Satisfaction with friends 18+ aged general public, Turkey 2013 Social life 18+ aged government sector employees, Korea, 1999 Satisfaction with friends 15-years-old highschool pupils, multiple countries, 2018 Satisfaction with domains of life 30 - 51 aged, urban areas in 7 countries, 2006 relationships with friends 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2021 Friendship Elderly immigrants, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America, 1999 Satisfaction with friends Divorced parenrs, Minnesota USA, 1981