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Correlational Subjects » NATION: ECONOMY » Current economic conditions in the nation » Affluence in nation » Productivity in nation » GDP per capita » Purchasing power (`real' GDP pc)

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NATION: ECONOMY Current economic conditions in the nation Affluence in nation Productivity in nation GDP per capita Purchasing power (`real' GDP pc)
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purchasing power parities PPP

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Income per head 18+ aged, general public, 45 nations, 1990 affluence: real gnp Adults, general population, 19 first world nations, 1980 Income Adults, general public, 43 nations, 1946-1992 Economic prosperity 18+ aged, general public, 40 nations, early 1990s Economic development Adults, general public, 14 nations, 1957-1962 Economic development General public, 9 nations, 1965 Wealth 18+ aged, general public, 14 nations, 1957-1962 Real GNP per head 1961 Adults, general public, 9 nations, 1965 Change in GNP in % 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975-1986 Real income per capita Adults, general public, 30 nations, 1980 Buying power per capita Adults, general public, 48 nations, around 1990 Real income per capita Adults, general public, 41 nations, 1990 log GDP per capita 18+ aged, general public, 74 nations, 1997-2001 Purchasing power Adults, general public, 65 nations, 1995 and 1997 GDP per capita (thousands) 18+ aged, general public, 68 nations, 1990-2001. Economic development Adults, general public, 90 nations, 1995-2000 GDP per capita 18+ aged, general public, 80 nations, 1990-2001 Purchasing power per head Adults, general public, 67 nations, 1990s GDP per capita 18+ aged, general public, 67 nations, 1995-2002 Purchasing power p/c Adults, general public, 90 nations, 1990s Purchasing power per head Adults, general public, 90 nations, 1990s national income Adults, general public, West Germany 1985-2000 1997 purchasing power p/c 15+ aged, general public, EU 14 member states, 1973-2001 GDP per Capita Adults, general public, USA, 1975-1997 Income per capita Adults, general public, 42 nations, 1995-1997 real income per capita University students, 39 nations around 1985 real income per capita Adults, general public, 32 countries, around 1980 Income per head: Adults, general public, 48 nations, around 1990 Purchasing power Adults, general public, 96 nations, 1990s Purchasing power per head Adults, general public, 98 nations, 2000s (Change in) GDP per capita (in PPP/pc) 18+ aged, general public, 52 nations, 1981-2007 Nationalwealth 15+ aged, general public, 132 nations, 2005-2006 GDP per Capita 15+ aged, general public, OECD Nations, 1975-1997 GDP per Capita 15+ aged, general public, 10 Central and Eastern European Nations, 1999, 2008 Log-linear GDP per capita 15+ aged, general public, 54 nations, 2007 GDP 15+ aged, general public, 32 OECD member states, 1981-2001. Real GDP per capita (in logs) 18+ aged, general public, 87 nations, 2006 income 14+ aged general public, 22 rich countries, 2005 Log GDP per capita 14+ aged, 29 countries (EU member states and potential members), 1975-2011 GDP per capita 15+ aged, general public, OECD member states, 1973 GDP per capita 15+ aged, general public, EU 10, 10 nations, 1975 Real GDP per capita (in logs) 18+ aged, general public, 87 nations, 2006 GDP/capita 18+ aged general public, USA followed bi annually, 1972-1991 Mean income General public, 8 developed countries, 1972-1994 Average happiness and GDP/capita Adutl general population in 21 nations, 1972-1996 GDP/capita Adults, general public, 131 nations, 2006 GDP per capita: Levels 18+ aged general public, 61 nations, 1981-2004 GDP/capita: level 18+ aged general public, Europe, 1973-2007 GDP/capita 15+ aged general public, 135 nation followed at least 3 years, 2005-2011 GDP/capita 18+ aged general public, 131 nations 2005-2008 GDP/capita 18+ aged general public, 44 countries, 2002 Log GDP 18+ aged general public, 79 nations, 1981-2004 Real GDP/capita 18+ aged general public, 79 nations, 1981-2004 GDP 15+ Aged, general public, 164 nations, 2005-2013 Gross National Income (GNI) 18+ aged, general public, OECD member states, 2008 LogGDP per Capita 18+ aged, general public, 132 nations, 2006 Log GDP per capita (2011 PPP) 18+ aged general public, 27 EU member states, 1994-2013 National income 15+ aged, general public 10 EU nations 1990-1997 Logged GDP per capita 18+ aged, general public, 157 nations, followed 7 years, 2005-2012 GDP growth Adults, Denmark, 1980-2013 GDP growth Adults, France, 1980-2013 GDP growth Adults, Germany, 1980-2013 GDP growth Adults, Netherlands, 1980-2013 GDP growth Adults, Greece, 1980-2013 GDP growth Adults, Ireland, 1980-2013 GDP growth Adults, Italy, 1980-2013 GDP growth Adults, Portugal, 1980-2013 GDP growth Adults, Spain, 1980-2013 GDP per capita 18+ aged general public, 89 nations, 1995- 2007 GNI per capita 15+ aged general public, 27 European nations 2001-2005 GDP per capita 18+ aged general public, 16 OECD nations, 1995- 2007 Per capita GDP Adult general public, 61 nations, 2000-2009 GDP per capita 18+ aged general public, World, 2004 GDP per Capita 15+ aged, general public, 156 nations, 2005-2019