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Correlational Subjects » LIFE APPRAISALS: OTHER THAN HAPPINESS » Happiness inventories involving unacceptable items

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LIFE APPRAISALS: OTHER THAN HAPPINESS Happiness inventories involving unacceptable items
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Satisfaction with life Psychology students, selected for earlier happiness, USA, 198? satisfaction with life scale Secondary school students, Kuwait 2002 Satisfaction with life College students, 41 countries, 1995-96 Satisfaction with Life scale (SWLS) 18+ aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, 1981-1989 Diener's Life satisfaction College students, 41 nations, 1994 Satisfaction with life Travelers, Norway, 200? Satisfaction with Life (SWLS) College students, USA 199? Satisfaction with life (SWLS) University students, USA, followed 4 years 1986-1990 Peer satisfaction with life University students, USA, followed 4 years 1986-1990 Satisfaction with life (SWLS) College students, Korea, 199? Satisfaction with Life Scale Students, Northern Ireland, 1993 Satisfaction With Life scale University students, Northern Ireland, 1995. Satisfaction with life Students, religious affiliated college, USA, 199? Oxford Happiness Inventory Students, London, UK, 2003 Satisfaction with life 12+aged, mono- and dizygotic twins and their non-twin sibblings, The Netherlands, 2005-2007 Subjective Happiness 12+aged, mono- and dizygotic twins and their non-twin sibblings, The Netherlands, 2005-2007 Satisfaction with Life Scale Psychotherapy outpatients, Philadelphia, USA, 2004 Life satisfaction Students and technical staff university, Norway, 2005 SWLS Adults, British Comumbia, Canada, followed 3 years, 2005-2007 Oxford Happiness Inventory (OHI) 18+ students, Ulster, UK, 1995 Self-esteem Students, Lebanon, 2007 Oxford Happiness Inventory 16+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2002 Life scale Students, Lebanon, 2007 SWLS University students, South Africa, 201? Life satisfaction 17-40 aged, students, Brazil, 2008 Satisfaction With Life Scale SWLS Users of a happiness app and controls, followed 9 weeks. Germany 2014 Subjective Wellbeing index Users of a happiness app and controls, followed 9 weeks. Germany 2014 Life satisfaction Schoolteachers, Hongkong, China, 2008 Life satisfaction Residents neighborhoods in,Ohio and Texas, USA 2018 Happiness 18=78 aged general public, USA, 201? Happiness Palestinian Arab Adolescents, Israel, 201? Life Satisfaction College students, USA, followed 7 weeks 1991-1992 Satisfaction with life University students India, 200? Satisfaction with life Undergraduate university students, Germany , 200? Life Satisfaction Users of a positive psychology website, United States, 2002-2005 Personal satisfaction High school students; Italy; 200? Life satisfaction Directors, Canada, followed 8 weeks, 2005 Satisfaction with Life Managers, Spain, 2018 Life satisfaction 16-18 aged, UK, 200? SWLS Trans women >1 year after vaginoplasty, Netherlands 2012 SHS Trans women >1 year after vaginoplasty, Netherlands 2012