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Correlational Subjects » INCOME » Current income level (unspecified) » Personal income

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INCOME Current income level (unspecified) Personal income
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Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Level of income 21-71 aged divorced women, San Diego, California, USA, 1980 Monthly cash income Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural KwaZulu, South Africa, 1983 Net income Artists, Austria, 199? annual income 18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993 Monthly personal income 15-54 aged, general public, Singapore, 1993 personal income Adults, general public, City of Tokyo, Japan 197? annual income 31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen income per standard adult Adults, two villages (one equal in incomes, one unequal), Israel, 1976 Household Income 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 2003 Income 16+ aged, general public, 16 nations, 1995 Correlation happiness - income in nations Adults, general public, 13 nations of varying wealth, around 1990 Income per person 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Wage rate 16+ aged, general public, Germany, 1995 Personal income Employed females, Germany 1985-2000 Income bracket Adults, general public, Switzerland, 1992 Absolute Income 18+ aged, general public, 18 nations, 1995-1997 Income 18+ aged, general public, Great Britain, 2000 Income quartile 18+aged general public, 15 EU member states and Turkey, 2003 Own yearly net labour income 18-65 aged, couples, neither unemployed nor disabled, Germany, 1999 Income 18+ aged, general public, USA, 2008 Income 18+ aged, employees, followed 3 months before and after receiving a bonus, USA, 2008 Income Adults, general public, Croatia, 2005 Salary, Income 18+ aged, general public, 96 nations, 1981-2000 Annual income (in Dutch Florin) 21+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1969 Income rank-good Prostitutes and prostitute's clients, Yunnan, China, 2003, Thailand, 2007 Income rank-good 18+ aged, Yunnan region, China, 2003 Income 65+ aged, Spain, 1996 Income 60+aged, China, 2000 Personal income 65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996 Log of unemployment benefits 16+ aged, recently fallen unemployed, Germany, 2007-2008 Weekly wage (100 NZD) 18-45 aged, aspirant migrants who stayed, Tonga, followed 3 years, 2005-2008 Weekly wage (100 NZD) 18-45 aged immigrants from Tonga, followed 3 years after migrattion, New-Zealand, 2005-2008 Hourly income 19+ aged, general public, China, 2008 Income 15+ aged, general public, 10 Central and Eastern European Nations, 1999, 2008 Income 15+ aged, general public, 10 Central and Eastern European Nations, 1999, 2008 Income 15+ aged, general public, 15 Industrialized Democracies, 2005-2009. Income Home buyers and controls, Baltimore, USA, followed 18 months 1992-93 Earnings 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 1984-2001 Income per person 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Income per person 55+ aged, Germany, 2000 Income per person 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Income per person 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Income Employees, Italy, 2004 Income 18-65 aged working couples, Germany, followed 7 years, 1999-2006 Income 18+ aged general public, Australia, followed 4 years 2001-2005 Earnings 15-60 aged, urban population, Ghana, followed 7 years, 2004-2010 Income (log equivalent) Working age people, Germany, followed 5 years 2004-2009 Personal income 18+ aged, general public, Canada, 2002-2003 Personal income Middle-aged employed Lithuanian women, 200? Personal income Middle-aged employed Swedish women 1998 Income 15+ aged general public, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 2000 Personal income (in CAD) 12+ aged, general public, Canada, 2003-2012 Labor income (log) Working aged (22-65), Australia, followed 12 years, 2001-2013 Monthly income 15+ aged, general public, Thailand, 2013 Personal income (log) Participants in a mindfulness meditation course, USA, 200? Income levels 20+ aged urban population, Wuhan city, China, 2001 Income 15+ aged, general public, Spain, 2008 Log income 15+ aged, general public, Europe, 2013 Personal income 18-60 general public, urban China, 2003 Absolute personal income Working age public, Taiwan, 2009 Net income (log) 16-65 aged, taxpayers, Germany, 1985-2010 Gross monthly income in euro's 21-65 aged, commuters from Slowakia, Tsjechia and Hungary, 2012-2013 Income 14+ aged general public, Switserland, followed 12 years 1999-2012 Log Earnings 25-65 aged males, Indonesia, 2007 Personal income quartile +15 aged, general public, Canada, 1985-1998 Wage (monthly in euros) Working people, Spain, 1999 -2003 Personal income Working population, Canada, 2002 - 2003 Income Working population, United Kingdom, 2000 Income Working population, USA, 2005 Income 16+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2005 Income 16+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2006 Own income Female university students, members of a sorority, The Netherlands, followed 1 year 2012-2013 Income 15+ aged, general public, Galicia, 2008 Monthly cash income Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural Kwazulu, South Africa, 1984 Income Band 18+ aged, 85 developed and developing countries, 1994-2007 personal income Elderly followed 5 years before and after reaching pension age, Ukraine, 2003-2007 Income 45+ aged adults, Canada, followed 13 years. 1994-2007 Income 16+ aged, general public, Netherlands 2020 Income 20-64 aged rural, migrants and urban population China, 2010 Absolute income 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 2008 Income(ln) 55+ aged, Russia, 2009 - 2012 Total monthly income 25-55 aged schizophenic outpatients, Scandinavia, 2000 Income (ln) Fathers of child below age 19, USA, followed 5 years 1987 - 1994 Income 60+aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013 Income 60+ aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2012 - 2013