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Correlational Subjects » HAPPINESS: VIEWS ON HAPPINESS » Current happiness-attitudes » Perceived sources of happiness » Perceived sources of one's own happiness

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HAPPINESS: VIEWS ON HAPPINESS Current happiness-attitudes Perceived sources of happiness Perceived sources of one's own happiness
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Perceived sources ofhappiness 21+ aged, general public, USA,1957 Perceived sources ofunhappiness 21+ aged, general public, USA,1957 Number of sources of happiness mentioned 21+ aged, general public, USA,1957 Number of sources of unhappiness mentioned 21+ aged, general public, USA,1957 Sources of happiness 21+ aged, general public, USA, 1976 Sources of unhappiness 21+ aged, general public, USA, 1976 Perceived sources ofown happiness Adult college students, Denmark, 1946-47 Blaming orientation 18+ aged, general public, Salt Lake County, USA, 1973-74 Satisfying aspects of life Gifted women (IQ >135), followed 50 years, California, USA, 1921-72 Job as a major source of satisfaction in life 23-59 aged English speaking, Toronto and Ontario, Canada, 198? Source of own happiness 15+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2005 Career Value Orientation 22-64 aged women, USA, 1977 Perceived contribution of habits and lifestyles Exercisers and non-exercisers, Spain, 200? Social agents 7-11 aged boys living in institution, Bombay, India, 197? Hapiness 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respect is met with by others. 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when having contact with people you respect 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when contented with oneself. 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when you sense love and affection to others 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when you are doing good or helping people 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when you are thankful for what you have achieved 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Satisfaction when you are in love? 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respected by good friends 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respected by acquaintances 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respected by life partner 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respected by parents 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respected by children 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respected by family members 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respected by work collegues 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respected by superior 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respected by person with common hobby 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Mood when respected by others 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Importance of friends 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Importance of forgiveness 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Importance of self forgiveness 14-69 aged, Germany, 2011 Factors considered important to determine happiness 15-69 aged, general population, Japan, 2012 Materialistic virtues 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, Turkey, 2013 Valence of thoughs when answering question on happiness 18-79 aged, general public, USA, 2013 Importance for own happiness: Having plenty of money 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: People admire me 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: My life has a goal 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Loving intensely 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Experiences feeling alive 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Acting in line with my principles 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Appreciating small things in life 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: How to see the best in people 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Appreciating nature 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Feeling connected to a higher being 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: There is something after death 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Practising a religion 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Being at peace with myself 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Enjoying intense experiences 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Not afraid being alone 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Seeing that I produce things 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Being happy 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Make other people happy 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Having a good time 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Having what I want 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Doing whatever I want 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Being a useful person to others 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Having power over others 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Doing things well 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Others have a good memory of me 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Importance for own happiness: Having new experiences 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Combined self perceived aspects that contribute to happiness 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Use of the happiness-Analyser Users of a happiness app and controls, followed 9 weeks. Germany 2014 Well-being training program Employee well-being trainees and controls, Melbourne, Australia, 200? 9 day vipassana meditation retreat Participants in a 9 day meditation retreat and controls, Netherlands, 2009 Percieved sources of own happiness 18+ aged general public Greece, 2009 Life of meaning Schoolteachers, Hongkong, China, 2008 Life of pleasure Schoolteachers, Hongkong, China, 2008 Life of engagement Schoolteachers, Hongkong, China, 2008