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Correlational Subjects » NATION: ECONOMY » Current economic conditions in the nation » Affluence in nation » Productivity in nation » GDP per capita » GDP per capita in nation (raw)

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NATION: ECONOMY Current economic conditions in the nation Affluence in nation Productivity in nation GDP per capita GDP per capita in nation (raw)
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Gross Domestic Product, productivity, Gross National Product GNP

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding GNP per capita 15+ aged, general public, 55 nations, 1974-1976 GNP per capital 15+ aged, general public, 14 nations and regions, 1974-1976 GNP per capita 15+ aged, general public, EU 9 member states, Western Europe, 1975 Gross National Product Adults, general public, 30 countries, 1974-1999 affluence: simple gnp Adults, general population, 19 first world nations, 1980 GNPNational wealth College students, 41 countries, 1995-96 Income Adults, general public, 43 nations, 1946-1992 GNP per capital 15+ aged, general public, 5 parts of the world, (55 countries), 1974-1976 Real national income Adults, general public, 31 nations, circa 1980 GDP per capita, in dollars 18+ aged, general public, 33 European nations, 1999-2000 GDP per capita, 4 quartiles 18+ aged, general public, 33 European nations, 1999-2000 national wealth Unemployed adults, 42 nations, 1980-90 Income 15+ aged, general public, 132 countries, 2006 GDP per capita 18+ aged, general public, in 90 nations, 1999-2008 GDP per capita Working people, 9 European Union countries, 2003 GrossDomesticProduct Adults, 90 countries, 2004 GDP per capita 15+ aged general public, 13 EU nations, 2002-2009 Government expenditures/GDP 15+ aged general public, 13 EU nations, 2002-2009 GDP 15+ aged, general public, 15 Industrialized Democracies, 2005-2009. Log GDP 15+ aged, general public, 131 nations, 2000-2008 incnat: Per capita income 15+ aged, general public, 72 nations, 1981-2000 GDP per capita 15+ aged, 66 nations, 2009 Log GDP per capita 18+ aged, general public, 73 nations, 1997-2000 ln (GDP per capita) 18+ aged, general public, Latin America, 1997-2007 National income 18+ aged, general public, 27 EU nations, 2010 GDP per capita 18+ aged, general public, 23 European nations, 2004 Economic prosperity Adults, 6 European nations, 2000-2009 GNI per capita 18+ aged, 76 countries, 1990s GDP Adults, general public, 90 nations 1995-2005 Income 18+ aged, general public, 54 countries, 2000 Log GDP per Capita 15+ aged, general public, 156 nations, 2005-2015 Real GDP per capita 14+ aged, general public EU nations 1979-1994 Log GDP per capita 15+ aged, general public, 119 nations, 2015-2016 GNP/person 18+ aged students, 39 countries, 1984-1986 Trend happiness and GDP/capita 18+ aged general public, USA, 1972-2002 GDP 18+ aged general public, 79 nations, 1981-2004 GDP per capita 18+ aged general public, 16 EU countries, 1973-2007 GDP 18+ aged general public, 31 countries, 1973-2008 Per capita GDP 18+ aged, general public, World samples, 1981-2004 GDP 15+ aged, general public, 164 nations, 2005-2013 Standard of living in nation Married women, 44 nations, 2000 GDP per capita 15+ aged, general public, Europe 2010-2015 Per capita income Adults, varying age ranges, general public, Haryana, India, 2002 lGDPC: Log GDP per capita 15+ aged general public, 29 EU countries, 2005- 2008 Log GDP/capita 18+ aged general public, 47 countries, 2008 GDP 18+ aged, general public, 33 nations, followed 1989 - 2012 GDP per capita 18+ aged, general public, Eastern Europe, Multiple nations, 1999 - 2008 GNI per capita 15+ aged general public, Eastern European countries 2001-2008 GDP per capita 15+ aged general public,132 nations, 2007 Development of nation 15+ aged general public, 29 European countries, 2012 Wealthy nations (GDP higher than 20,000) and developing nations (lower than 20,000) GDP per capita 15+ aged, 41 European countries and regions 1990-2011 GDP (log) in nation 18-59 aged women in 24 European nations 2002 - 2012