
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » MARRIAGE: DEVELOPMENT OF MARITAL STATUS » Change in marital status » Recent dissolution of marriage » Recent divorce/separation

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MARRIAGE: DEVELOPMENT OF MARITAL STATUS Change in marital status Recent dissolution of marriage Recent divorce/separation
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Marital status Recently separated, Pennsylvania.USA, followed 2 years, 1977-79 Length of separation Recently separated, Pennsylvania.USA, followed 2 years, 1977-79 Time since separation Children, living with divorced mothers, Manitoba, USA, 1978 Separation aftermath Separated, followed 2 years, Pennsylvania, USA, 1977-79 Married Male heads of households, followed 4 years, USA, 1968-72 Separation sequale Male heads of households, followed 4 years, USA, 1968-72 Recent separation/ divorce Male heads of households, followed 4 years, USA, 1968-72 Own divorce/separation 18+ aged, general public, former province Kuopio, Finland, 1991-1996 Divorce 16+ aged working force, USA, followed 5 years, 1973-1977 Divorced/Unmarried Couples, USA, followed 12 years, 1980-1992 Years since divorce/separation from first partner Young adults, followed from age 18 to 30, The Netherlands, 1987-1999 Got divorced from first partner Young adults, followed from age 18 to 30, The Netherlands, 1987-1999 Change in marital status 10+ aged, general public, Russia, 1995-2000 Change in marital status 20+ aged, The Netherlands, 1998-2009 Change in marital status 24+ aged, USA, followed 1986-1994 Separated in last year 21-64 aged, general public, Germany, followed 14 years, 1985-1999 Divorced in last year 21-64 aged, general public, Germany, followed 14 years, 1985-1999 Recovery from separation Divorced, United Kingdom, followed 1991-2008 Change in separated Working age people, UK, followed 10 years 1996-2006 Change in divorced Working age people, UK, followed 10 years 1996-2006 Marital status 14+ aged general public, Switserland, followed 12 years 1999-2012 Recent termination of personal relationship 18+ aged, general public, Switzerland, followed yearly 1999 - 2013 Change marital status 58-63 aged married, followed 6 years, USA, 1969-1975 Years before/after union dissolution 18-65 aged separated women, Germany, followed 2 years or more, 1994 - 2016 Recent divorce Parents, married vs. divorced, Flanders, Belgium, 2009 Months separated Fathers of child below age 19, USA, followed 5 years 1987 - 1994 Change happiness after recent divorce Fathers of child below age 19, USA, followed 5 years 1987 - 1994