
Specification Variables

Specification Variables » stage in study

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year group, class

List of Findings using this Specification Variable

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Perceived instrumentality of college Undergraduate college students, University of Rochester, USA, followed 12 month, 1965-68 Psycho-social development Undergraduate college students, University of Rochester, USA, followed 12 month, 1965-68 Academic status_C College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196? Attitude toward college College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196? Academic status_B College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196? Academic status_A College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196? Academic status (discrepancy betweenaptitude and achiev. College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196? Stage of study College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196? Psycho-social development College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196? Male sex College students, University of Rochester, USA, 196? Sorority membership Female college students, New York, USA, 194? Attendance to JVLV (Values education program) schools Basic school children, Mexico, 200?