
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » PERSONALITY: CURRENT TRAITS » Sociable

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social abilities, trust in people, sociable personality, affiliation, own participation, agreeable, affiliative, distant, social skills, sociable personality

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Sociability 35-85 aged white males (largely veterans), USA, 1976 Sociability 35-85 aged white males (largely veterans), USA, 1976 Ease of making friends 21+ aged, general public, USA, 1946 'Tact' in getting onwith people Male college students, England, 1912 Sociability Mentally retarded males, hospital, USA, 196? Companionablenes Employees, commercial and textile-manufacturing occupations, West-Germany, 1977 Companionableness Employees, metal industry, West-Germany, 1977 Companionableness Skilled labourers, West-Germany, 1976 Companionableness Administrative employees, General Sickfund, West-Germany, 1976 Companionableness Employees, glass industry, West-Germany, 1976 Companionableness Employees, assembly industry, West-Germany, 1976 Companionablenes Young female employees, cure-clinic, West Germany, 1976 Success in acquiringfriends 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, Israel, 1973 Friendliness 18+ aged, general public, Salt Lake County, USA, 1973-74 Eye-contact 18+ aged, general public, Salt Lake County, USA, 1973-74 Having problems with getting along with others High school pupils and college students, USA, 193? Interpersonal reactivity 18+ aged, general public, Stirling County, Canada, 1963-1968 Acceptance of social values Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74 Social distance Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74 Be a good family person 18+ aged, general public, Hong Kong, 1967 Sociability 18-65 aged, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981 to 1987 Positive relations with others Adults, USA, 198? Positive relations with others 25+ aged, USA, 199? Social skills 20-70 aged, chronic mental patients, USA, 1989 Agreeableness University students, USA and Singapore, 200? Relatedness need satisfaction 18+ aged, students USA, followed 3 months,199? Sociability 8-12 aged children, 2 schools, Canada, 200? Positive relations Remitted mental out-patients and controls, Italy, 199? Gregarious Students, University of Illinois, USA, 200? Amiable personality Adults, general public, urban areas, China, 2002 Interpersonal strenghts Midle school pupils, Israel, followed 1 year 2010? Gregariousness Students, Russia, 2006-2007