
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » NATION: POLITICAL SYSTEM » Current political conditions in nation » Size of government in nation

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NATION: POLITICAL SYSTEM Current political conditions in nation Size of government in nation
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government consumption, breach, magnitude

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Government size 18+ aged, general public, 68 nations, 1990-2001. Government consumption 18+ aged, general public, 66 nations, 1997-2001 Change in government consumption, absolute and relative 16+ aged, general public, EU 15 member states, 1973-2002. Government consumption 18+ aged, general public, 67 nations, 1995-2002 Growth government expenditures Adults, general public, 26 nations, around 1980 Governmnet excpenditure Adults, general public, 26 nations, around 1980 Government expenditure Adults, general public, 26 nations, around 1980 Government expenditures Adults, general public, 26 nations, around 1980 Government Expenditures 18+ aged, general public, 12 European nations, 1990-2000 Size of Government in Consumption 18+ aged, general public, 130 nations, 2006 Size of Government in Expenditures 18+ aged, general public, 130 nations, 2006 Government expenditure 15+ aged, general public, 10 Central and Eastern European Nations, 1999, 2008 Government size 15+ aged, 29 EU nations, 2007-2010 Size of the state 15+ aged, general public, 15 Industrialized Democracies, 2005-2009. Quantity of government 15+ aged, general public, 131 nations, 2000-2008 Size of government 15+ aged, general public, Multiple nations, 2006 Government Consumption 18+ aged, general public, 87 nations, 2006 Government size 14+ aged, 29 countries (EU member states and potential members), 1975-2011 Government share in % of GDP 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Size of government 18+ aged, 79 countries, 1981-2007 Size of government 18+ years, general public, 87 countries, 1995-2005 Government consumption 18+ aged, general public, 87 nations, 2006 Public Spending 18+ aged, general public, 132 nations, 2006 Size of Government 18+ aged, general public, OECD member states, Multiple nations, 1981 - 2009 Size of Government 18+ aged, general public, 130 nations, 2006