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Correlational Subjects » NATION: JUSTICE » Current justice in one's nation » Corruption in nation » Expert estimates of corruption in nation

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NATION: JUSTICE Current justice in one's nation Corruption in nation Expert estimates of corruption in nation
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Corruption Adults, general public, 48 nations, around 1990 Control of Corruption 18+ aged, general public, 78 nations, 1991-2001 Absence of corruption Adults, general public, 65 nations, 1995 and 1997 Corruption Adults, general public, 67 nations, 1990s Corruption Adults, general public, 90 nations, 1990s incidence of corruption Adults, general public, 48 nations, around 1990 Absence of corruption Adults, general public, 96 nations, 1990s Corruption Adults, general public, 98 nations, 2000s Control of corruption Adults, general public, 91 nations, early 2000s Control of Corruption 18+ aged, general public, in 90 nations, 1999-2008 Corruption in the country where one lives 18+ aged general public, 64 countries, 1981-2004 Corruption WB 15+ aged, general public, 10 Central and Eastern European Nations, 1999, 2008 Corruption TI 15+ aged, general public, 10 Central and Eastern European Nations, 1999, 2008 Institutional quality, absence of corruption, Clean 18+ aged, general public, 23 European nations, 2004 Low corruption 14+ aged general public, 22 rich countries, 2005 Corruption in nation 18+ aged, general public, Eastern Europe, Multiple nations, 1999 - 2008