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Correlational Subjects » INCOME » Sufficiency of current income » Subjective poverty

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INCOME Sufficiency of current income Subjective poverty
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Evaluation of familyincome 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, Israel, 1973 Perceived financial adequacy 60+ aged chronically-ill, followed three years, USA, 1959-62 Income adequacy Adults, general public, Oakland California, USA, 1960-1965 Subjective income adequacy 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1974 Evaluation of familyincome 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, Israel, 1973 Financial security Undergraduate students, Temple University, Pennsylvania, USA, 1973 Income sufficiency 65+ aged, retired whites, Edmonton, Canada, 1976 Perceived sufficiency of income 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1988 Perceived financial adequacy Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural KwaZulu, South Africa, 1983 Scantiness of social allowance (disability etc.) 18+ aged, general public, former province Kuopio, Finland, 1991-1996 Scantiness of health compensation 18+ aged, general public, former province Kuopio, Finland, 1991-1996 Scantiness of a pension 18+ aged, general public, former province Kuopio, Finland, 1991-1996 Feeling about household income 15+ aged, general public, 9 European countries, 2005 Subjective economic situation Russian Diaspora migrants, Russia to Finland, followed 4 years, 2008-2013 Poor General public, Italy, 2008 Housing facilities 18+ aged, general public,rural and urban areas, Bangladesh, 2004 Food shortage 18+ aged, general public,rural and urban areas, Bangladesh, 2004 Adequate clothing 18+ aged, general public,rural and urban areas, Bangladesh, 2004 Subjective Economic Hardship 50+ aged general public, Germany, 2006 Lived poverty scale 18-75 aged, general public, China, 2012-13 Subjective poverty Recipients of housing subsidy, followed 10-15 years, 5 cities USA, 2005-2009 Subjective Economic Hardship 50+ aged, general public, Israel, 2006 Subjective Economic Hardship 50+ aged general public, Sweden, 2006 Financial distress, making ends meet 50-75 aged, general public, 12 European nations, 2006-2007 Self-perceived poverty Adults, age range not rpeorted, Bhutan, 2012 Feeling of relative poverty + 20 aged, Chai Nai and Kanchnaburi provinces, Thailand, 2005 Subjective poverty status 16+ aged general public, South Africa, 2012 Low Income level 18+ aged general public, 47 countries, 2008