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Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: PHYSICAL » Current functional health » Degree of restriction

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HEALTH: PHYSICAL Current functional health Degree of restriction
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Physical ability 62-89 aged females, followed 4 years USA, 1967-71 Health limitations 18+aged, general public, N.W. Wisconsin, USA, 1974 Disability 18+ aged, general public, NW Wisconsin, USA, 1974 Health problems 18+ aged, general public, NW Wisconsin-residents, USA, 1974 Health problems 18+ aged, general public, NW-Wisconsin, USA, 1974 Health 65-90 aged whites Pretoria, South Africa, 198? Chronic illness 18-55 aged, general public, New York City, 1979 Lasting sickness or disabled 18+ aged, general public, West-Germany, 1978-1988 Satisfaction with environmental protection 18+ aged, general public, West-Germany, 1978-1988 Functional ability 50+ aged, Winnipeg,Canada, 1985 Perceived restrictions due to ill health Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural KwaZulu, South Africa, 1983 Physical capacity 80+ aged patients 2 months after hospitalization, USA, 1994 Dependence in self-care activities 80+ aged patients 2 months after hospitalization, USA, 1994 Physical functioning 18+aged, overweight, USA, 199?. Daily activity interference 57+ aged, The Netherlands, 1993 Activivity limitation days 13-18 aged high school students, public high schools grades 9-12, South Carolina, USA, 200? Activities of daily living 25-65 aged, 5 regions, Finland, 1997 Self-care Elderly living in long-term care settings, Taiwan 2000 Activities of daily living (ADL) 55+ aged, general public, rural areas, East and West Germany, 2000 Activities of daily living 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Disability Mental patients, UK, followed 3 years,1990-1993 Health opportunities restricted Mental patients and controls, followed 2 years, UK 1994-2001 Social Functioning 55-95 aged, Northern Interior Health Region, British Columbia, Canada, 1999 Limited Adults, general public, British Columbia, Canada, 1999 Disability 92-93 aged, Denmark, 1998 Poor functional ability-Barthel Index 70+aged, Hong Kong, 1991-1992 Long-standing illness 65+aged, Britain, 2000-2001 Chronic Illnesses Elderly, Hong Kong, 2001 Basic ADL 65+aged, ethnic Korean naturalized as Japanese and Japanese, Japan, 2005 Limitations in daily activities 60+ aged living alone, 10 European Nations, 2004 Health condition 15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001 Physical health 17+ aged, general public, Germany, 2004 Severity of disability Spinal Cord Injury, Swedish, 198? Home-making Spinal Cord Injury, Swedish, 198? Activities of daily living 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Activities of daily living 55+ aged, Germany, 2000 Activities of daily living 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Activities of daily living 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Activity of daily living index 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Pain Students, Taiwan, 200? Work Students, Taiwan, 200? Multiple restrictions Elderly, United States, 2011 ADL-score (Physical limitations) 65+ aged, China, followed 10 years, 1998-2008 Limited activities 50+ aged, general public, Europe, 2006,2007 Age no prevent 50+ aged, general public, Europe, 2006,2007 Disability 18-62 aged women, Germany, 2005-2009 Disability status 25-59 aged general public, Australia, 2002 Silent atrial fibrilation Atrial fibrilation patients and controls,,U.K,2001 Parent: ADL limitation Elderly left behind after migration, China, 2011-2013 Parent: IADL limitation Elderly left behind after migration, China, 2011-2013 Perceived restrictions due to ill health Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural Kwazulu, South Africa, 1984 degree disability 50-70 aged, followed 15 years, Germany, 1994-2009 Physical limitations 50+ aged, 13 European countries, 2006/07