Study Mollenkopf & Kaspar (2005): study DE 2000
- Public
- 55+ aged, general public, rural areas, East and West Germany, 2000
- Survey name
- Sample
- Respondents
- N = 762
- Non Response
- 41,6%
- Assessment
- Interview: face-to-face
- Authors's Label
- Activities of daily living (ADL)
- Our Classification
- Distribution
- West Germany: M=25,1; SD 5,1; East Germany: M=25,8; SD=5,1; p<0,04
- Operationalization
- Sum score of subjective difficulties with 10 selected activities of daily living (range 10-30), higher scores indicating higher competence.
Single question: Can you perform the following activities:
1. move within your house
2. stoop
3. going up and down the stairs
4. leaving home by foot
5. going on errands (shopping)
6. carrying heavy things e.g. errands or traqelling luggage
7. carrying a crate of bottles
8. walking 2 km
9. doing a household chore e.g. washing up the dishes
10.doing a tough job e.g. cleaning the windows?
Observed Relation with Happiness
- Socio-demographic:
- sex
- age
- satisfaction with finances
- Health-related:
- visu-motoric coordination
- affect balance score
- satisfaction with health
- Social network:
- household type
- network variety
- Housing:
- basic household features
- home ownership
- satisfaction with housing
- Living area:
- available services
- neighbourhood features
- satisfaction with living area
- Mobility:
- car use as passenger
- car use as driver
- satisfaction with public transport
- satisfaction with mobility
- Leisure time activities:
- outdoor leisure activities
- satisfaction with leisure activities
Interaction with region: stronger in East Germany