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Correlational Subjects » SOCIAL PARTICIPATION : VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS » Current participation in voluntary associations » Membership of voluntary organizations

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SOCIAL PARTICIPATION : VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS Current participation in voluntary associations Membership of voluntary organizations
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Number of memberships in clubsand associations 15-64 aged, general public, Denmark, 1972 Number of memberships in clubs and associations 15-64 aged, general public, Finland, 1972 Membership of organizations 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Number of memberships in clubs and associations 15-64 aged, general public, Norway, 1972 Number of memberships in clubsand associations 15-64 aged, general public, Sweden, 1972 Voluntary association membership Males, metropolitan areas: London, Los Angeles and Sydney, 1977-80 Association member- ships 62-89 aged females, followed 4 years, USA, 1967-71 Organizational memberships Adult, general public, 4 towns, varying in economic prosperity, Illinois, USA, 1962 Membership 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1974-1983 Organizational memberships Schizophrenic males non-hospitalized, Monroe County, New York, USA, 1964-65 Diversity of organisational affiliations Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Religious participa-tion 30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965 Organizational membership 18+aged, general public, N.W. Wisconsin, USA, 1974 Organizational affiliation 18+ aged, general public, NW Wisconsin, USA, 1974 Organisational membership 18+ aged, general public, Great Britain, 1983 Organizational membership 18+ aged, general public, Winconsin, USA, 1974 Number of organiza- tional memberships Adult, general public,, USA, 1977 Organizational membership 18+ aged, general public, NW Wisconsin-residents, USA, 1974 Organizational membership 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 1974 Organizational membership 50+ aged, general public, North-Central Iowa, USA, 1975 Membership of voluntary association(vs no member) 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1975-1977 Membership of sport voluntary association (vs no member) 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1975-1977 Membership of sport voluntary association (vs. other voluntary) 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1975-1977 Number of groups belonged to 50+ aged, USA, 1972-1977 Sorority membership Female college students, New York, USA, 194? Formal organization participation 65+ aged, retired whites, Edmonton, Canada, 1976 Membership of Voluntary organisations 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1982 Social participation 18+ aged, general public, West-Germany, 1978-1988 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Denmark, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Britain, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, West Germany, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Italy, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Hungary, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, North Ireland, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1990 Membership of voluntary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Belgium, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Spain, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Ireland, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Canada, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Japan, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Mexico, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Sweden, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Norway, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Finland, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Iceland 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Argentina, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, South Korea, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Brazil 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Chile, 1990 Membership of voluntary organizations 18+ aged, general public, East Germany, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Slovenia, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Bulgaria, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Romania, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+aged, general public, China, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Portugal, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Austria, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Lithuania, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Latvia, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Estonia, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, Russia, 1990 Membership of volun-tary organizations 18+ aged, general public, France, 1990 Organizational membership 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1974-1997 Member of voluntary organization Adults, general public, 80 nations, 1990-2004 Membership 18+ aged general public, 64 countries, 1981-2004 Civic participation (individual level) 18+ aged, 19 European nations, 2002-2003 Total voluntary association memberships Adults, general public, USA, 1971 Membership in a special group or clique of friends Applicants for old age assistance, USA, 1971. Voluntary 18+ aged, general public, 39 nations, 1990-2001 Average memberships 18+ years, general public, 87 countries, 1995-2005 Member of a group 17+ aged general public, South-Africa., 2008 Number of memberships 18+ aged general public, 27 EU member states, 1994-2013 Member of farmer's cooperative Adults, age range not rpeorted, Bhutan, 2012 Social Participation 18+ aged general public, 47 countries, 2008 Active member of organization Adults, general public, Kazakhstan, 2010 Active member of organization Adults, general public, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Georgia, 2001 Active in organization Adults, general public, Armenia 2001 Active in organization Adults, general public, Georgia 2001 Active in organization Adults, general public, Kazakhstan 2001 Active in organization Adults, general public, Kyrgyzstan 2001 Association with voluntary organization Working people, Spain, 1999 -2003 Social capital: memberships 18+ aged, general public, 13 nations, 2005-2009 Voluntary organization: membership 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001