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Correlational Subjects » MARRIAGE: RELATIONSHIP » Attitudes to marriage » Attitudes to own marriage-relationship » Satisfaction with marriage

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MARRIAGE: RELATIONSHIP Attitudes to marriage Attitudes to own marriage-relationship Satisfaction with marriage
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appreciation, contentment, enjoyment

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Satisfied with marriage 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1978 Satisfaction with spouse Mothers of 13-months infants, Florida, U.S.A., 1984 Marital happiness 21+ aged, married, with childeren, USA, 1957 Satisfaction with marriage 21+ aged, general public, USA, 1946 Marital happiness 21+ aged, general public, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1972 Marital satisfaction Marrieds, Alameda County, California, USA, 1965 Marital happiness 21+ aged, general public, USA,1957 Dissatisfaction withage of marriage Married couples, middle aged, middle-class, USA, 1952-53 Marital satisfaction Adults, general public, Alameda County, USA, 1965 Satisfaction with marriage 20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968 Marital happiness 18+ aged whites, USA, 1972-1974 Satisfaction with relationship to spouse 15-64 aged, general public, Finland, 1966 Marital happiness Adults, general public, students and peasants excluded, Poland, 1960 Satisfaction with marriage 21-65 aged general public, City of Utrecht,The Netherlands, 1967 Satisfaction with marriage Housewives, The Netherlands, 1964 Satisfaction with marriage and family life 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973/7 Satisfaction with marriage Adults, general public, Great Britain, 1971 Marital satisfaction 30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965 Marital happiness Married persons, metropolitan areas, USA, 1963 Marriage satisfaction Married persons, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1976 Satisfaction with spouse 60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197? Satisfaction with spouse 60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984 Marital happiness Adults, general public, The Netherlands, 1948 Marriage well-being Males, metropolitan areas, England, USA, Australia, 1977-1980 Marital happiness Married persons, non-institutionalized, USA, 1978-83 Satisfaction with marriage and sex 18+ aged, general public, Melbourne, Australia, 1985 Satisfaction with marriage Adults, students and churchmembers, USA, 197? Marital happiness 18+ aged, general public, USA., 1976 Marriage satisfaction Residents communities,planned and unplanned, USA, 1973 Marital happiness Marrieds, USA, 1973-78 Earlier satisfaction with marriage Gifted women (IQ >135), followed 50 years, California, USA, 1921-72 Satisfaction with partner 16+ aged, general public, Austria, 1984 Marriage hap[piness 21-60 aged, urban areas, USA, 1963 - 64 Satisfaction with marriage 25-97 aged, general public, USA, 1971-1978 Satisfaction with marriage-partnership 18+ aged, general public, West-Germany, 1978-1988 Satisfaction with living partner Students, Moscow and Glazov (Ural), Russia, 1990 Marital satisfaction 40+ aged male managers, Bell Telephone Company, 1956-1980 partner-relation 18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993 satisfaction with relationship 18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993 Marriage index Adults, general public, Australia, 1978 Marital satisfaction 60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975 relations with one's partner 31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen satisfaction with one's relationship situation 31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen Satisfaction with Marriage: earlier, later 18-65 aged, general public, Victoria, Australia, followed 1981-1987 Marital satisfaction Married academics, university of Georgia, USA, 1984 Satisfaction with relationship with spouse/partner Dual career parents in four European cities, 200? Unhappily married Couples, USA, followed 12 years, 1980-1992 Satisfaction with marriage/family during vacation Working adults, USA, before and after vacation, 198?, Family satisfaction Working parents with children <16, USA, 1984 Marital satisfaction Married women with a preschool child, USA, 1985 Marital satisfaction 16-80 aged, general public, Lahore, Pakistan, 2000 Marital satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1993 Living partner satisfaction 18+ aged, general public, British Columbia, USA, 1999 Satisfaction with marriage 20+ aged, general public, Singapore, 2006 Satisfaction with Living partner Adult general population, Prince George, Northern British Columbia, Canada, 1997 Satisfaction with your living partner Adults, City of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, 2001 Marital satisfaction Mothers of young child, rural areas, Cameroon, 196? Satisfaction with wife/husband Adults, general public, Poland, 2007 Marriage companionship Married people,USA, metropolitan areas, 1963-1965 Marriage sociability Married people,USA, metropolitan areas, 1963-1965 Marriage happiness rating Married people,USA, metropolitan areas, 1963-1965 Satisfaction with living partner 18+ aged, general public, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, 1997-2005 Satisfaction with living partner Elderly, British Columbia, Canada, 2005 Marital harmony 24+ aged, USA, followed 1986-1994 Satisfaction with social connections Adults, general public, urban areas, China, 2002 Quality of marriage 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 1984-2001 Satisfaction with partner domain 16+ aged, general public, UK, 2000 Intimacy life quality Infertile couples, United States, 1987 Marital and family satisfaction Former employees, Ontario, Canada, 1982 Marital satisfaction Married women, Seoul, South Korea, 1991 Realisation on 'satisfying relationship' General public, Flanders, Belgium, 2011+ 2012 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-59), 29 Asian nations, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-59), 15 Asian nations, 2006-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), China, 2003-2008 Domain satisfactions 20+ aged urban population, Wuhan city, China, 2001 Satisfaction with spouse Couples, Indiana, USA, 1986 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Hong Kong, 2006 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Japan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), South Korea, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Taiwan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Brunei, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Cambodia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Indonesia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Laos, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Malaysia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Myanmar, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Philippines, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Singapore, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Thailand, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Vietnam, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), India, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Bangladesh, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Buthan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Maldives, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Nepal, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Pakistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Sri Lanka, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Afghanistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Kazakhstan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Kyrgyzstan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Mongolia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Tajikistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Uzbekistan, 2003-2008 Marriage 17+ aged general public, Hangzhou city, China 2011-2012 Marriage 17+ aged general public, Xiamen city, China 2011-2012 Marriage 17+ aged general public, Shenzhen city, China 2011-2012 Same time satisfaction with marriage Newly wed couples, USA, followed one year 1987-1988 Family 18+ aged government sector employees, Korea, 1999 Satisfaction with love and marriage Divorced parenrs, Minnesota USA, 1981