
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » LOCAL: GEOGRAPHY » Current local geographical conditions » Community size » Size of urban setting

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LOCAL: GEOGRAPHY Current local geographical conditions Community size Size of urban setting
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Related special publics
scale, population, city, metropolis

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Residential City Size Heads of households, USA, 1977 Urbanicity of later dwelling Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74 Size of town Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981 Place of residence 60+ aged, general public, USA 1982-91 City size, size of the region ("Kreis") 18+ aged, general public, Germany, 2004 Size of city 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1977-2006 Living in big city 16+ aged general public, 26 cities, China, 2002 Less urban 25+ aged general public, United States, 2000-2006 City size 17+ aged general public, Germany, followed 7 years, 2000-2006 Major city 45+ aged general public, South East Queensland, Australia, 2000-2001 metropolian area population 19+ aged couples, United States, followed 6 years, 1987-1994 nonmetropolian area 19+ aged couples, United States, followed 6 years, 1987-1994 Community size 18+ aged general public, followed 15 years, 1992-2007, Germany Big city 18+ aged, general public, Eastern Europe, Multiple nations, 1999 - 2008 Metro status and size 18-85 aged, 2361 counties, USA 2005 Place of residence 18+ aged lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgende people, Netherlands, 2012 Place of residence 18+ aged lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people, Netherlands, 2019 City size 18+ aged, general public, 13 nations, 2005-2009 Living area 18+ aged general public European Union, 2008 Big urban 18+ aged general public, World, 2004 Type of place Adult general public Detroit metroplotian area, U.S., 2001 Settlement type 18+ aged general public, Russia 2018 Settlement type 18+ aged general public, Russia 2019 Settlement type 18+ aged general public, Russia 2020 Settlement type 18+ aged, general public, Russia, 2021 Settlement type 18+ aged, general public, Russia, 2022/2 Settlement type 18+ aged general public, Russia 2020 Settlement type 18+ aged general public, Russia 2022/1