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Correlational Subjects » HOUSING » Attitudes to housing » Satisfaction with housing

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HOUSING Attitudes to housing Satisfaction with housing
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appreciation, contentment, enjoyment

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Satisfaction with residence 18-70 aged, general public, Sweden, 1982 Satisfaction with housing 18+ aged, general public, Wisconsin, USA, 197? Satisfaction with house Adults, general public, Great Britain, 1971-1975 Assessment of housing Heads of households, Illinois, USA, 1975 Satisfaction with housing 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1978 Satisfaction with housing Males, metropolitan areas, London, Los Angeles and Sydney, 1977-80 Satisfaction with apartment 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, Israel, 1973 Satisfaction with housing 20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968 Satisfaction with housing 15+ aged, middle class, Britain, 1971 Satisfaction with house, appartment 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1973/7 Satisafction with house, apartment 18+ aged, general public, USA, Nov 1972 Satisfaction with house, apartment 18+ aged, general public, USA, Nov 1972 Satisfaction with house Adults, general public, Great Britain, 1971 Sat. with living accommodation in thecommunity White collar workers, living in company towns, Columbia Canada, 196? Satisfaction with housing 30-55 aged, general public, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1965 Satisfaction with dwelling 25-60 aged married adults, Detroit, USA, 197? Satisfaction with house/apartment Catholic nuns, re-organized cloister, followed 4 years, Louisiana, USA, 1977-1981 Satisfaction with housing 16+ aged, recent refugees from Laos, USA, 1982 Satisfaction with housing 60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197? Satisfaction with housing 18+ aged, general public, rural community, North Ontario, Canada, 1982 Satisfaction with housing Students undergraduates University of Guelph, Canada, 1984 Satisfaction with housing 60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984 Satisfaction with house, apartment 18+ aged, general public, USA, May 1972 Satisfaction with house, apartment 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1973 Satisfaction with house, apartment 18+ aged, general public, Winconsin, USA, 1974 Satisfaction with house 18-65 aged, general public, followed 3 years, Melbourne, Australia, 1979-80 Satisfaction with present residence Adult, general public,, USA, 1977 Satisfaction with dwelling unit Residents communities,planned and unplanned, USA, 1973 Satisfaction with housing University staff members, Guelph Canada, 1979 Satisfaction with housing 40-60 aged male employees, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 197? Satisfaction with house Adult, general public, urban areas, Sierra Leone, 1981 Satisfaction with residence 25-97 aged, general public, USA, 1971-1978 Satisfaction with housing Adults, age range not reported, general public, Austria, 1985 Satisfaction with housing Residents housing estates, Vienna, Austria, 1987 Satisfaction with housing 18+ aged, general public, West-Germany, 1978-1988 Satisfaction with housing Students, Moscow and Glazov (Ural), Russia, 1990 Satisfaction with housing 16+ aged, general public, Catalonia, Spain, 1989 housing satisfaction 20-60 aged, general public, South Korea, 1996 Satisfaction with housing 18-64 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1982 House Adults, general public, Australia, 1978 Accommodation Mental patients, UK, followed 3 years,1990-1993 Satisfaction with housing 16+ aged, general public, Russia, 1993 Living situation Chronic mental patients, USA,1981 satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, East and West Germany, 1995 and 1999 Satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, general public, rural areas, East and West Germany, 2000 Satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Satisfaction with housing Tetraplegia patients and controls,USA,1984-86 Satisfaction with house Dairy farm couples, Utah, USA,1986 Satisfaction with housing 18-65 aged, mentally ill, USA, 1985 Satisfaction with housing 20+ aged, general public, Singapore, 2006 Satisfaction with your house Adults, City of Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, 2001 satisfaction with housing 18+ aged, general public, Australia, Brisbane-South East Queensland (SEQ), 2003 Satisfaction with housing Adults, general public, Poland, 2007 Satisfaction with housing University students Northern British Columbia, Canada, 1998 - 2005 Satisfaction with home 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1977-2006 Satisfaction with house 18+ aged, general public, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada, 1997-2005 Housing satisfaction 18+ aged, students, USA, 199? Satisfaction with housing Elderly, British Columbia, Canada, 2005 Quality of home environment Children 8-15, United Kingdom, 2010 Satisfaction with housing 18+ aged, Barbados, 1981 Housing Unit Satisfaction Low-income households, South Carolina, USA 197? Satisfaction with house Adults, Toledo, USA, 1973 Satisfaction with house 55+aged, Italy, followed 5 years 1995-200 Satisfaction with current housing conditions Adults, general public, urban areas, China, 2002 Poor livability Public housing tenants, USA, 1974 Low identification with housing project Public housing tenants, USA, 1974 Residential congruence University employees, California, USA, 1980 Satisfaction with house 373 heads of household, town in rural area, Mexico, Yucatan, 2008 Satisfaction with house domain 16+ aged, general public, UK, 2000 Satisfaction with dwelling 18+ aged, households' heads, Germany, 1984-2006 Satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, Germany, 2000 Satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Satisfaction with housing 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Home Students, Taiwan, 200? House/unit/flat Adults, Perth, Australia, 1998 Satisfaction from housing 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, Turkey, 2013 home 12-25 aged, general public, Netherlands, 2015. Housing facilities 18+ aged, general public,rural and urban areas, Bangladesh, 2004 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-59), 29 Asian nations, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-59), 15 Asian nations, 2006-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), China, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Hong Kong, 2006 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Japan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), South Korea, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Taiwan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Brunei, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Cambodia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Indonesia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Laos, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Malaysia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Myanmar, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Philippines, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Singapore, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Thailand, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Vietnam, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), India, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Bangladesh, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Buthan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Maldives, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Nepal, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Pakistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Sri Lanka, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Afghanistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Kazakhstan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Kyrgyzstan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Mongolia, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Tajikistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with life domains Working aged (20-69), Uzbekistan, 2003-2008 Satisfaction with house/apartment 18+ aged, general public, Oklahoma, United States of America, 1979 Housing 18+ aged government sector employees, Korea, 1999 Home satisfaction 55-75 aged adults, Australia, followed 17 years, 2001-2018