
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: BEHAVIOR » Current health behavior » Current healthy life-style » Healthy eating

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HEALTH: BEHAVIOR Current health behavior Current healthy life-style Healthy eating
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fruits, vegetables

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Eating healthy 15+ aged, general public, 114 nations, 2006-2008 Fruit and Vergetable Intake (FVI) Students, New England, United States of America, 2013 Fiber intake 17-30 aged students, 21 countries, 2000 Fruit intake 17-30 aged students, 21 countries, 2000 What one eats 18+ aged general public, Australia, followed 3 years 2007-2009 consumption of fruits University students, New Zealand, 2013, followed 13 days Average daily portions of fruits and vegetables 16+ aged, general public UK, 2012 consumption of vegetables University students, New Zealand, 2013, followed 13 days consumption of sweets University students, New Zealand, 2013, followed 13 days consumption of chips University students, New Zealand, 2013, followed 13 days Healthy diet 30-69 aged, general population, South Korea 2009 Fruit consumption 11-19 aged highschool girls, Iran, 200? Vegetable consumption 11-19 aged highschool girls, Iran, 200? Daily fruit and vegetables Employees of a firm, age 35-55, London, United Kingdom, 1985-1990 Fruit and vegetables consumption University students, Illinois, USA, 2007 Five portions of fruits and vegetables or more per day 16+ aged general public Northern Ireland, 2009 Fruits consumption (per day) Medical students, Teheran, Iran, 2011 Vegetables consumption (per day) Medical students, Teheran, Iran, 2011 Consumption of vegetables and fruits (g/day) 35-65 aged, general population, Germany, followed 4 years1994-2008 Consumption of whole grain bread (g/day) 35-65 aged, general population, Germany, followed 4 years1994-2008 Consumption of red meat (g/day) 35-65 aged, general population, Germany, followed 4 years1994-2008