
Specification Variables

Specification Variables » life change

Related subjects
Related special publics
disruption, loss, transition

List of Findings using this Specification Variable

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Supported self- disclosure 60+ aged, retirees, Los Angeles County, USA, 1971 Life change 18+ aged, general public, Renton, Washington, USA, 197? Alterations in health status 18+ aged, general public, Renton, Washington, USA, 197? Future happiness People in transition, followed 4 years, metropolis, USA, 1969-1980 Age Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Education Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Married before Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Satisfaction with income Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Current family contact Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Diversity of organisational affiliations Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Leisure Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Church membership Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Religiousness Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Participates in church social activities Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Summary social contact score Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Change in friends Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Family income Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Number of contacts with friends and relatives Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Extent of organisational activity Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Importance of religion Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Socially active before the fire Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Joint effects Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Stage of life People in transition, followed 5 years,USA, 1969-1974 Condition after surgery Early breast cancer patient, followed 11 and 18 month after treatment, The Netherlands, 1981-1987 Psychological complaints Early breast cancer patient, followed 11 and 18 month after treatment, The Netherlands, 1981-1987 Fatigue Early breast cancer patient, followed 11 and 18 month after treatment, The Netherlands, 1981-1987 Pain Early breast cancer patient, followed 11 and 18 month after treatment, The Netherlands, 1981-1987 Gastro-intestinal symptoms Early breast cancer patient, followed 11 and 18 month after treatment, The Netherlands, 1981-1987 Activity level Early breast cancer patient, followed 11 and 18 month after treatment, The Netherlands, 1981-1987 Fear of recurrence of cancer and death Early breast cancer patient, followed 11 and 18 month after treatment, The Netherlands, 1981-1987 Change satisfaction with democracy 18+ aged, general public, Switzerland, followed yearly 1999 - 2013 Self-control of retirement 50+ aged Australia, followed 3 years before and after retirement, 1998-2002 Age 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Non-white 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Age of youngest child 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Qualification Level 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Work Hour 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Weekly Earnings 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Welfare 18+ aged unemployed single mothers, UK, followed 5 years. Participants and controls in a program, 2003-2008 Years since retirement 57-65 aged Germany, followed 6 years before to 8 years after retirement, 2004-2018 Hartz Reform 18-65 aged, followed 2 years before and after social security reform, Germany 2001-2006