
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » VALUES: LIVING UP TO » Current living up to values

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VALUES: LIVING UP TO Current living up to values
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actual, present, prevailing, ongoing

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Realized homestead production 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989 Realized Ecological Sensitivity 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989 Realized Country Asceticism 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989 Realized Homestead Production 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989 TSR -country asceticism gap 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989 TSR-homestead production gap 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989 TSR-Ecological Sensitivity Gap 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989 HFP-homestead production gap 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989 HFP- country asceticism gap 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989 HFP-Ecological sensitivity gap 'Back to the land' mini farmers, USA,1989 Discrepancy: TSR-CA gap 'Back to the landers', USA 1998 Discrepancy: TSR-HP gap 'Back to the landers', USA 1998 Discrepancy: TSR-ES gap 'Back to the landers', USA 1998 Discrepancy: HFP-CA gap 'Back to the landers', USA 1998 Discrepancy: HFP-HP gap 'Back to the landers', USA 1998 Discrepancy: HFP-ES gap 'Back to the landers', USA 1998 Satisfaction with Value Realization 18+ aged, general public, living in Kibbutzim, Israel, 2004 Satisfaction with ability fit 18+ aged, general public, living in Kibbutzim, Israel, 2004 Self-affirmation training Student participants in a self-affirmation training and controls, South Korea, 200? Values index Basic school children, Mexico, 200?