
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » VALUES: CURRENT PREFERENCES (own) » General value-principles » Terminal values » Hedonic values

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VALUES: CURRENT PREFERENCES (own) General value-principles Terminal values Hedonic values
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delight, enjoyment, happiness, hedonism, lust, satisfaction

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Personal values_B University students, USA, 1971 Ways to live University students, USA, 1971 Happiness vs work 15+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2005 View on happines as governement's prime objective 15+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2005 Value priorities Being 20+ aged, general public, Singapore, 2006 Hedonism 55+ aged, people in transition, United States, 196? Valence of thoughs when answering question on happiness 18-79 aged, general public, USA, 2013 Happiness attitude at baseline University community members participating in happiness training, USA, 200? Prioritizing positivity Aged 17-40, undergraduate university students, Canada, 2017 Life of pleasure Schoolteachers, Hongkong, China, 2008