
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » POSSESSIONS » Current possessions » Total wealth

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POSSESSIONS Current possessions Total wealth
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capital, stock assets

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Material style of life 18+ aged, general public, Stirling County, Canada, 1963-1968 Wealth Adult, wealthy and controls (general population), USA, 1984 Total Worth 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 2003 Total worth 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 2004 Total Worth 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 2004 Total worth 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 2004 Household income 15+ aged, general public, Australia 2002 Household income 16+ aged, general public, Germany 2002 Household income 15+ aged, general public, Great Britain, 2000 Household income 16+ aged, general public, Hungary, 1996 wealth composite index; possessions&savings Heads of households, Malaysia, 2003 Household wealth 15 + aged, general public, households, Australia, 2002 Wealth 41 aged, Brabant, the Netherlands, followed 1952-1993 Wealth Eldery, United States, followed through retirement 1992-2004 Net financial assets 16+ aged rural-urban migrants, China, 2002 household assets Household heads, Malawai 2004-2005 Net Wealth Heads of households, Germany, 2002, 2007 Asset 15+ aged, general public, Indonesia, 2007 Log net worth 25-59 aged general public, Australia, 2002 Ln(Net Wealth) 16-93 aged general public, Australia, 2002, 2006, 2010 Net wealth ('000 Yuan) Adult general public, rural areas, China, 2002 Net worth 50+ aged general public, Australia, 2006 Net worth 50+ aged general public, USA, 2006 Log(net assets) Adult general public, urban areas, China, 2002 Debts and Wealth 50+ aged general public, Germany, 2006 Asset index 18+ aged, general public, Malawi, 2004 Debts and Wealth 50+ aged, general public, Israel, 2006 Debts and Wealth 50+ aged general public, Sweden, 2006 Net wealth ('000 yuan) Adults, China, 2002 Household net asset position +15 aged, urban households,South Korea, followed 12 years 2000-2012 Household net wealth logarithm 50+ aged, 12 nations, followed 4 years, 2006/08-2010 Wealth 50+ aged, employed, Netherlands, followed 6 years, 2001-2007 Household wealth 44-85 aged, followed 4 years before and after retirement, USA, 2008/12--2010/14 Household wealth 50-70 aged, 12 European countries, followed 5 years into retirement, 2006/07-2011/12