
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » LOCAL: SOCIETY » Current characteristics of local society » Safety in vicinity

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LOCAL: SOCIETY Current characteristics of local society Safety in vicinity
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Related special publics
local crime

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Neighbourhood characteristic: insecurity in the neighbourhood 15+ aged general public, Australia, 2001 Local status 45+ aged general public, South East Queensland, Australia, 2000-2001 Thefts Working aged (15-65), Albania, 2005 Crime rate 18+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, followed 18 years 1991 - 2008 Experience of crime in neighbourhood 20-83 aged, general public, Tokyo, Japan, 2014 Own safety from an attack 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2018 Own safety from an attack 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2015 Own safety from theft 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2015 Own safety from physical violence 18+ aged general public, Kazakhstan, 2015 Own safety from an attack 18+ aged general public., Kazakhstan, 2017 Own safety from theft 18+ aged general public., Kazakhstan, 2017 Own safety from physical violence 18+ aged general public., Kazakhstan, 2017 Safety from an attack 18+ aged general public Kazakhstan, 2019 Safety from theft 18+ aged general public Kazakhstan, 2019 Safety from physical violence 18+ aged general public Kazakhstan, 2019 Public security seen as a social problem 18+ aged general public in 30 cities, China, 2003 Crime rate 13+ aged general public, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009 Safety from physical violence 18+ aged general public Kazakhstan, 2020