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Correlational Subjects » INCOME » Relative income

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INCOME Relative income
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comparative income, relative deprivation, peer group

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Self-evaluated com- parative financial status Adults, general public, Alameda County, USA, 1965 Level of income, compared with other jobs Adults, general public, students and peasants excluded, Poland, 1960 Perceived relative income 18+ aged, general public, Hong Kong, 1967 Income 18+ aged, general public, 74 nations, 1997-2001 Relative Income 18+ aged, general public, 18 nations, 1995-1997 relative income Adults, general public, 42 nations, 1995-1997 Relative income 18+ aged, general public, 18 nations, 1995-1997 Relative income 18+ aged, general public, Switzerland, 1992-94 Discrepancy between relative income and current income 18+ aged, general public, Switzerland, 1992-94 Financial Status 60+aged, metropolitian areas, USA, 1982-1991 Log of reference income 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Relative Income (per month) Adults, Turkish and Moroccan immigrants, The Netherlands, 2010 Relative income 16+ aged, general public, East Germany, followed 1- 14 years, Germany, 1991-2004 Relative income 16+ aged, general public, West Germany, followed 1-21 years, Germany, 1984-2004 Relative income 16+ aged, Turkish immigrants, West Germany, Germany, followed 1-21 years, 1984-2004 Relative income 16+ aged, European immigrants, West Germany, Germany, followed 1-21 years, 1984-2004 Percentile in Tongan PINZMS weekly wage distribution 18-45 aged, aspirant migrants who stayed, Tonga, followed 3 years, 2005-2008 Percentile in NZ PI migrant weekly wage distribution 18-45 aged immigrants from Tonga, followed 3 years after migrattion, New-Zealand, 2005-2008 Wealth 15+ aged, general public in 17 Latin American nations, 1997-2006 Relative Income 18+ aged, general public, 39 nations, 1990-2001 Social reference income 18+ aged women, Northern Cyprus, 2011 Ln (household income) 18+ aged, heads of households, Germany, 2000-2008 Income relative to predicted income 18+ aged general public, UK, 1991-2005 Relative Income 18+ aged general public, Russia, followed 6 years, 1994-2000 Income 16-35 aged night scene public, 9 European cities, 2008 Combined efffects of comparison with others 18+ aged, general public, 35 nations in Europe and Asia, 2010 High income 20-50 aged partnered women, 26 EU nations, 2004 Rich/poor difference in happiness 20-50 aged mothers, 26 EU countries, 2003 Relative income 18+ aged general public, 27 EU member states, 1994-2013 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), China, 2003-2008 Discrepancy variables (with income in network) 16-66 aged general public, Norway, 1985 Relative personal income Working age public, Taiwan, 2009 Relative family income Working age public, Taiwan, 2009 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Hong Kong, 2006 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Japan, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), South Korea, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Taiwan, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Brunei, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Cambodia, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Indonesia, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Laos, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Malaysia, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Myanmar, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Philippines, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Singapore, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Thailand, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Vietnam, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), India, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Bangladesh, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Buthan, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Maldives, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Nepal, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Pakistan, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Sri Lanka, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Afghanistan, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Kazakhstan, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Kyrgyzstan, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Mongolia, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Tajikistan, 2003-2008 Relative standard of living Working aged (20-69), Uzbekistan, 2003-2008 Evaluation of material living conditions Adults, general public, Kazakhstan, 2010 Monthly income 17+ aged general public, Hangzhou city, China 2011-2012 Family income status 17+ aged general public, Hangzhou city, China 2011-2012 Monthly income 17+ aged general public, Xiamen city, China 2011-2012 Family income status 17+ aged general public, Xiamen city, China 2011-2012 Monthly income 17+ aged general public, Shenzhen city, China 2011-2012 Family income status 17+ aged general public, Shenzhen city, China 2011-2012 Standard of living 18+ aged general public, Turkey 2003-2017 Standard of living 18+ aged general public, Turkey 2013 Regional income Married couples with children, followed 10 years before and after 5-day work policy, South Korea 1998-2008 Social comparison 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Relative income 50+ aged, rural Vietnam, 2011 Relative income 20-64 aged general public, Japan, 2014 Income decile group 18+ aged general public, Russia 2018 Income quintile group 18+ aged general public, Russia 2018 Perceprion of welfare 13+ aged, general public, Russia, 2003 Income decile group 18+ aged general public, Russia 2019 Income quintile group 18+ aged general public, Russia 2019 Income decile group 18+ aged general public, Russia 2020 Income quintile group 18+ aged general public, Russia 2020 Income 18+ aged general public, 38 nations, 1995-2001 Income 16+ aged, general public, Russia, 1990 - 2017 Income decile group 18+ aged general public, Russia 2020 Income quintile group 18+ aged general public, Russia 2020 Income 30-60 aged, 4 western nations, 1981-2008, born before or after extension of maternity leave in nation Income 15+ aged, general public, 54 nations, 1980 - 2008