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Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT » Current psychological treatment » Mode of positive psychological treatment » Iteration in positive psychological treatments » One-time treatment

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HEALTH: PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT Current psychological treatment Mode of positive psychological treatment Iteration in positive psychological treatments One-time treatment
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Positive reminiscence exercise Student participants in a positive reminisence training, USA, 2002 Subjective well-being and engagement increasing activities Students in a human relationships course and controls, Eskisehir, Turkey, 2012 Best Possible Self Intervention Young adults participating in a happiness training, Spain, 201? Change activity or circumstance Participants in a happiness training, USA 200? Appreciation of Beauty Intervention Aged 18-69, Spain, 2016 Best possible self exercise Student participants in a psychological experiment, Netherlands, 2011 Best Possible Self Activity Students, Singapore, 2013