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Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT » Current psychological treatment » Mode of positive psychological treatment » Delivery methods used in positive psychological treatments » Guided intervention » Support group with professional

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HEALTH: PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT Current psychological treatment Mode of positive psychological treatment Delivery methods used in positive psychological treatments Guided intervention Support group with professional
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List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Well-being training program Employee well-being trainees and controls, Melbourne, Australia, 200? Positive psychotherapy training Participants in a happiness training and controls, followed 1 year, Philadelphia, USA, 2004 Goal-training intervention Psychology students participating in a growth training, USA, 200? Qualitative focus group discussion 20-65 aged women participants mental health intervention, India, 2009 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Distressed adults, the Netherlands, 2005 Programme to Improve Well-Being (PWI) Cardiac patients, Spain, 2014 Foregiveness intervention Elderly people with a serious and unresolved interpersonal transgression, Switzerland, 2010 Intervention to promote well-being Physicians, USA, 2010-2012 Positive Psychology Group Intervention Breast cancer patients, Spain, 2007-2011 Linking affect and coping (LILAC) intervention Women with metastatic breast cancer, USA, 2011-2014