
Correlational findings

Study Sanjuan et al. (2016): study ES 2014

Cardiac patients, Spain, 2014
Survey name
Unnamed study
N = 93
Non Response
Questionnaire: Conputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI)


Authors's Label
Programme to Improve Well-Being (PWI)
Our Classification
1: analyzed N = 50, 0: analyzed N = 43
Participants were randomly assigned to:
1. CRP + PIW (cardiac rehabilitation programme + programme to improve well-being). For CRP see below.  In each of the six weeks of the PIW, one session lasting an hour was held in a group format with five to eight participants. These face-to-face sessions were held in the hospital and were conducted by a clinical psychologist. Each of the sessions was structured as follows: (1) the psychologist outlined the benefits that the experience of positive emotions has on health, and specifically on cardiovascular health, and presented different effective positive activities to increase positive emotions; (2) the psychologist explained the activty that patients should carry out during the coming week (awareness of received acts of gratitude, recognition of three good things that have happened during the day,or carrying out acts of kindness) with some examples; (3) patients were asked to carry out the previously explained activity during the ses-sion The psychologist then answered the questions posed by the patients; (4) patients were asked to perform the activity once per day in the coming week and to record it on their self-report sheet; and (5) self-reports from the previous week were collected. Each of the activities was repeated for 2 weeks.
0: CONTROL (CRP only). Six week programme, consisting of physical exercise and relaxation as well as information on healthy lifestyles, focusing on diet, exercise habits, medication, and stress management. In each of the six weeks  four sessions (each lasting an hour) were held in a group format with seven to 10 participants. Two sessions were devoted to physical exercise, one to the practice of relaxation, and one to healthy lifestyles.

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks A-BW-cw-mq-n-7-b DM = + p < .05                         T1      T2       T2-T1
Intervention (CRP+PIW)  2,05    2,96     +0,94
Control (CRP)           2,10    2,27     +0,17
- DIFFERENCE                             +0,77
A-BW-cw-mq-n-7-b D%sr = + p < .05                         T1      T2       T2-T1
Intervention (CRP+PIW)                   +7,8%
Control (CRP)                            +1,4%
- DIFFERENCE                             +6,4%

Scale range -6 to 6
Happiness measured at:
T1 = baseline
T2 = post-intervention