
Correlational subjects

Correlational Subjects » HEALTH: PHYSICAL » Development of physical health » Change in physical health » Deterioration of health, falling ill

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HEALTH: PHYSICAL Development of physical health Change in physical health Deterioration of health, falling ill
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falling ill

List of Findings on this Subject

Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Relapse Cancer patients, Sydney Australia, followed 6 years, 1991-1997 Long-standing illness/disability 42 aged, Great Britain, 2000 Change in employment status 20+ aged, The Netherlands, 1998-2009 Worsening of health condition General public, Italy, 2008 Health change 55-69 aged men, USA, 1976. Health change 50+ aged, employed, Netherlands, followed 6 years, 2001-2007 Health change 50-64 aged, Netherlands, followed before and after retirement, 2001-2011