
Correlational findings

Study Dingemans & Henkens (2014): study NL 2001

50-64 aged, Netherlands, followed before and after retirement, 2001-2011
Survey name
NL-NIDI work and retirement panel
N = 1248
Non Response
Questionnaire: Paper & Pencil Interview (PAPI)


Authors's Label
Health change
Our Classification
Assessed at T1: 2001 T2: 2006/7 T3: 2011 Most participants retired in this period
Pooled mean and SD in postretirement:
(a) M=0.58, SD=0.5
(b) M=0.17, SD=0.38
(c) M=0.09, SD=0.29
(d) M=0.14, SD=0.35
selfreport on single question in pre- and post-retirement:
Do you currently have to deal with chronic health problems ?
1: yes
0: no

Categorized into 4 category:
(a) no health problem at all (reference group)
(b) continue dealing with health problems
(c) health status to more negative
(d) health status to more positive

Observed Relation with Happiness

Happiness Measure Statistics Elaboration / Remarks M-CO-u-mq-v-5-b b = -.09 p < .05 Postretirement happiness CHANGE by CONTINUED  health problems (vs no health problem at all). M-CO-u-mq-v-5-b b = -.05 ns Postretirement happiness CHANGE by DETERIORATION of health (vs no health problem at all). M-CO-u-mq-v-5-b b = +.06 ns Postretirement happiness CHANGE by IMPROVEMENT health status to more positive (vs no health problem at all).

All b controlled for:
Personal characteristics
- preretirement happiness(to capture change)
- time of retirement in survey wave
- age
- gender
- perceived pension shortfall
Household composition
- partner status
- had children
Preretirement work context
- job satisfaction
- supervisor
- occupation level
- years of retirement
Retirement transition
- reasons for involuntariness
- bridge employment status
- bridge job in the past
- motives for bridge employment