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Correlational Subjects » EDUCATION » Current education » Years schooling

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EDUCATION Current education Years schooling
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Correlate as named by investigator People investigated Finding Education 18+ aged, general public, EU 10 nations, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, EU 10, 1981 Educational level 20-65 aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1968 Education Adults, general public, Los Angeles County, USA, 1972-1973 Level of education 18+ aged, general public, Great Britain, 1983 Education Married persons, non-institutionalized, USA, 1978-83 Education 18+ aged, general public, Winconsin, USA, 1974 Years of school completed 18-59 aged whites, non-institutionalized, USA, 1972-75 Education 25-54 aged, general public, ,USA, 1973-1978 Education 25-97 aged, general public, USA, 1971-1978 Education Adult, general public,, USA, 1977 Level of education 18+ aged, general public, City of Edmonton, Canada, 1977-1984 Education 50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78 Education 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1974-76 Education Adults, general public, Norway, 1981 Education 18-79 aged, general public, Norway, 1982 Education 50+ aged, whites, Durham, North Carolina, USA, 197? Education 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1987 Education 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1972-1982 Education Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural KwaZulu, South Africa, 1983 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, The Netherlands, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Denmark, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Britain, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, West Germany, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Italy, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, South Africa, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Hungary, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, North Ireland, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, USA, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Belgium, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Spain, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Ireland, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Canada, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Japan, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Mexico, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Sweden, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Norway, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Finland, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Iceland 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Argentina, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Brazil 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, India, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Poland, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Chile, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Belarus, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, East Germany, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Slovenia, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Nigeria, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Czechoslovakia, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Bulgaria, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Romania, 1990 Level of school- education 18+aged, general public, China, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Portugal, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Austria, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Turkey, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Lithuania, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Latvia, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Estonia, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, Russia, 1990 Level of school- education 18+ aged, general public, France, 1990 years of schooling 18-88 aged, general public, Denmark, 1993 number of years of schooling 60+ aged, general public, USA 1982-91 Education 60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975 education Adults, two villages (one equal in incomes, one unequal), Israel, 1976 employment / years of schooling 31-33 aged, Denmark 1993, born in University Hospital in Copenhagen Education 60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975 Years of education 15+ aged, general public West Germany, 1984-2000 Own education 16+ aged, general public, West Germany, 1984-1991 Years of education Croatian immigrants, Urban areas of Australia, 199? Years of Education Adults, general public, Croatia, 2001-2002 Education 16+ aged working force, USA, followed 5 years, 1973-1977 Education Couples, USA, followed 12 years, 1980-1992 Terminal Education Age 15+ aged, general public, EU 15 member states, 1998 Terminal Education Age 15+ aged, general public, EU 15 member states, 1999 Terminal education age 15+ aged, general public, EU 15 member states, 2000 Terminal education age 15+ aged, general public, EU 15 member states, 2000 Education White married women, USA, 1971-76 Age at leaving education 18+ aged, general public, 33 European nations, 1999-2000 Education Older white middle-class women, USA, 1970 Years of education in school and occupation 18-65 aged, on low wage or on social security, Germany, 2002-2003 education 15+ aged, general public, 12 European nations 2002-2006 Years of study 18+ aged, general public, living in Kibbutzim, Israel, 2004 Years of education 16+ aged, general public, Germany, 1990-2004 Education 18+ aged, general public, 12 European nations, 1990-2000 Age at end of formal education 15+ aged, general public, sub Sahara African countries, 1976 Age at end of formal education 15+ aged, general public, Far East countries, 1976 Age at end of formal education 15+ aged, general public, Latin America, 1976 Education 18+ aged Blacks, USA, followed 1979 to 1992 Education Mothers of young child, rural areas, Cameroon, 196? education 20-80 aged, general public, metropolitan St. Louis area, USA, 197? Education Mother-child pairs, followed 18 months after birth, USA, 1981-82 Education years 18+ aged, general public, Germany, 1984 Education level 65+ aged, China, 2002 Education 56+aged, Arab-Americans, USA, 2001-2002 Education Adults, general public, Poland, 2007 Years of education 14+ aged, Germany, 1988 - 2007 Years of education 16+ aged, general public, 17 countries in Latin America, 2001 Years of education 18+ aged, general public, United States, 1972-98 Years of schooling 21-64 aged, general public, Germany, followed 14 years, 1985-1999 Education 15+ aged, general public, Germany, 2002-2009 Education 16+ aged rural-urban migrants, China, 2002 Years of schooling completed 16+ aged general public, 26 cities, China, 2002 Years of education 16+ aged general public, Germany, followed 1-26 years, 1984-2010 Years of education 18-65 aged general public, Germany, followed 16 years, 1994-2009 Education 25+ aged general public, United States, 2000-2006 Education (years of education) 17+ aged, general public, Germany, 2004 Educational degree 16+ aged, recently fallen unemployed, Germany, 2007-2008 Years of education 18-45 aged, aspirant migrants who stayed, Tonga, followed 3 years, 2005-2008 Years of education 18-45 aged immigrants from Tonga, followed 3 years after migrattion, New-Zealand, 2005-2008 Years of education 19+ aged, general public, China, 2008 Terminal Education Age 16+ aged, general public, urban areas, United Kingdom, 1971 Years of education 18+ aged, general public, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2007 Education 18+ aged, general public, Australia, 1984-2001 Education 18+ aged, general public, World, 2005 Education Home buyers and controls, Baltimore, USA, followed 18 months 1992-93 Years of schooling 6000+ adults, aged 15 to 75, Ukraine Education 80+ aged, China, 2002 Years of education General public, Peruvian corridor region, Peru, 2005 Education Poor household, rural areas, India, 2008 Years of education 18+ aged, heads of households, Germany, 2000-2008 Schooling Adult, general public, China, 2011 Education 18+ aged, low income households, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2009 Education Elderly, Taiwan, folowed 14 years 1989-2003, before and after change health insurance law in 1995 Education 18+ aged, general public, France, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, Great Britain, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, West Germany, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, Italy, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, Netherlands, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, Denmark, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, Belgium, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, Spain, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, Ireland, 1981 Education 18+ aged, general public, Northern Ireland, 1981 Education in years 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Years of schooling 15-75 aged, Ukraine, followed 4 years, 2003-2007, Education years 14+ aged, general public EU nations 1979-1994 Education 18+ aged, general public, urban areas, China, 2003 Education 14+ aged, general public, 23 EU nations 2002-2007 Years of schooling completed 17+ aged general public, South-Africa., 2008 years of education 19+ aged couples, United States, followed 6 years, 1987-1994 Years of education 18+ aged general public, Germany, followed 17 years, 1984-2001 Education 25-74 aged, general public, USA, 1995 Years of education 18+ aged general public, USA, 1989-1996 Years of education 18+ aged general public, followed 15 years, 1992-2007, Germany Years of education Working age people, Germany, followed 5 years 2004-2009 Education Marrieds with children, Michigan, USA, 1980 education (years) Working aged (18-64) Uruguay, 2013 Education Working aged (22-65), Australia, followed 12 years, 2001-2013 Education 15+ aged, general public, Europe 2010-2015 Education 18+ aged happy and unhappy people, Croatia, 2008 School 16-66 aged general public, Norway, 1985 eduaction in years 18+ aged, general public, China, 2002 Schooling Adults, urban areas, age range not reported, China, 2011 Education household head Households, Rural regions, India, 2008-2010 Education 20+ aged general public, South Africa, 2008 Years of Education 18+ aged, general public, Germany followed 30 years 1984 - 2013 Education 55+ aged males, USA, 1974 Education years 55-69 aged men, USA, 1976. Education 55-69 aged men, USA, followed 5 years, 1976-1981 Education Cancer out-patients, Warsaw, Poland, 2008 Education 50+ aged, employed, Netherlands, followed 6 years, 2001-2007 Education Ex-migrant workers, returned to rural Kwazulu, South Africa, 1984 Years of education Reterees Ohio USA, followed 1 year, 1986-1987 Education 15+ aged general public, 16 EU countries 1983-2013 Years of education Female pensioners, followed 9 years, USA, 1982-1991. years of schooling Elderly followed 5 years before and after reaching pension age, Ukraine, 2003-2007 years of education 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. Education 17+ aged general public South Africa, followed 9 years 2088-2016 Education 18-70 aged general public, China, 2009 Education 20-64 aged rural, migrants and urban population China, 2010 Education 15+ aged, 41 European countries and regions 1990-2011 Total years of schooling 13+ aged, general public, Russia, 2003 Years of education 20-50 aged, general public in 19 European nations, 2006 Education Mothers, Utah, USA, 1987 - 1988 Education 55+ aged Chinese migrants, Honolulu, USA, 2018 Education 60+aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013 Education 60+aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013 Education 60+ aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2012 - 2013