List of Findings using this Specification Variable
Correlate as named by investigatorPeople investigatedFinding
Current health
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
Health compared to pre-retirement
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
Financial security
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
More time spent with spouse
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
More time helping with chores
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
Improved relationship with spouse
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
Improved sexual relationship
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
Attending sports events
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
Attending performing arts
Retired physicians and spouces, USA, 2000
Household income
58-63 aged married, followed 2 years, USA, 1975-1979
Own health
58-63 aged married, followed 2 years, USA, 1975-1979
Joint leisure activities
58-63 aged married, followed 2 years, USA, 1975-1979
Contacts with adult children
58-63 aged married, followed 2 years, USA, 1975-1979
Contacts with siblings
58-63 aged married, followed 2 years, USA, 1975-1979
Spouse happiness
58-63 aged married, followed 2 years, USA, 1975-1979