Special publics Special public: Female Path GENDER Female Number of studies 105 Additional keywords girls, women Related publics Related correlational subjects List of Studies on this Public Reference Title of publication Public Bankoff (1981): study US 1979 Effects of Friendship Support on the Psychological Well-Being of Widows. Widowed women in grief, USA, 198? Betz (1984): study US 1982 Two Tests of Maslow's Theory of Need Fulfillment. College graduated women, USA, 1982 Tobacyk (1981): study US 1979 Personality Differentiation, Effectiveness of Personality Integration, and Mood in Female College Students. Female undergraduate students, U.S.A., 198? Wessman et al. (1960): study US 1957 Characteristics and Concomitants of Mood Fluctuations in College Women. Female college students, followed 6 weeks, Radcliffe, USA, 1957 Washburn et al. (1926): study US 1924 A comparison of directed and free recalls of pleasant and unpleasant experiences as test of cheerful and depressed temperaments. Female students, cheerful and depressed, USA, 192? Harder (1969): study US 1969 Self-Actualization, Mood, and Personality Adjustment in Married Women. Married females, USA, 196? Wessman & Ricks (1966): study US 1957 Mood and Personality. Female college students, Radcliff USA, followed 6 weeks, 1957 Snyder & Kivlin (1975): study US 1973 Women athletes and aspects of psychological well-being and body image. Female athletes and controls, USA, 197? Washburn et al. (1925): study US 1923 Further experiments on directed recall as a test of cheerful and depressed temperaments. Female students, cheerful and depressed, USA, 192? Baxter et al. (1917): study US 1915 Directed Recall of Pleasant and Unpleasant Experiences. Female college students, USA, 191? Brim (1974): study US 1972 Social Network Correlates of Avowed Happiness. Females Feminists and controls. Seatle, USA, 197? Gordon & Hall (1974): study US 1971 Self-Image and Stereotypes of Femininity: Their Relationship to Women's Role Conflicts and Coping. Married female graduates of liberal arts college, Univ. of Connecticut, USA,1971 Graney & Graney (1973): study US 1971 Scaling Adjustment in Older People. 62-89 aged females, USA, 1971 Graney (1975): study US 1967 Happiness and Social Participation in Aging. 62-89 aged females, followed 4 years, USA, 1967-71 Graney (1973): study US 1967 The Affect Balance Scale and Old Age. 62-89 aged females, followed 4 years USA, 1967-71 Morgan et al. (1919): study US 1917 An Attempt to Test Moods or Temperaments of Cheerfulness and Depression by Directed Recall of Emotionally Toned Experiences. Female students, college USA, 191? Kahana & Kahana (1975): study US 1970 The Relationship of Impulse Control to Cognition and Adjustment among Institutionalized Aged Women. 55+ aged white females living in nursing home, USA, 197? Ludwig (1971): study US 1966 Elation-Depression and Skill as Determinants of Desire for Excitement. Female students, undergraduates, University of Wisconsin, USA, 196? Antonovsky et al. (1971): study IL 1968 Twenty-Five Years Later: A Limited Study of Sequelae of the Concentration Camp Experience. Females, born between 1914-1923 in Central Europe, Israel 1968 Alspach (1982): study US 1972 Women's Sex Role Attitudes and Life Satisfaction. English speaking, 18+ aged women non-institutionalized, USA, 1972-78 Bennett (1970): study US 1969 Avowed Happiness in Communities of Religious Women. Nuns, Catholic congregations, USA, 1969 Bahr & Harvey (1980): study US 1972 Correlates of Morale Among the Newly Widowed. Recently widowed miner`s wives and controls,USA, 1972 Forti & Huyg (1983): study US Louisiana 1977 A Documented Evaluation of Primary Prevention through Consultation. Catholic nuns, re-organized cloister, followed 4 years, Louisiana, USA, 1977-1981 Forrester (1980): study US San Diego County, California 1980 Factors Contributing to Life Satisfaction of Divorced Women. 21-71 aged divorced women, San Diego, California, USA, 1980 Lewis (1972): study US 1967 Actual and Perceived Age Differences in Self-Concept and Psychological Well-Being for Catholic Sisters. 24-75 aged Catholic sisters, Eastern USA. 196? Fillenbaum & Willis (1976): study US 1970 Effects of a Training Program: Older Persons Caring for the Elderly. 50-79 aged, females, trainees and controls, USA, 1970 Johnson (1940): study US 1940 The Social Meaning of Mood. Female university students, members of a sorority, USA, 1940 DeHaes et al. (1987): study NL 1981 The Distinction between Cognition and Affect. Early breast cancer patient, followed 11 and 18 month after treatment, The Netherlands, 1981-1987 Levy et al. (1988): study US 1979 Survival Hazard Analysis in First Recurrent Breast Cancer Patients: Seven-Year Follow-Up. Breast cancer patients, first recurrence cases, Eastern USA, 1979 Neuberger & Allerbeck (1978): study XZ Germany West 1976 /3 Messung und Analyse von Arbeitszufriedenkeit. (Measurement and Analysis of Satisfaction with Work). Young female employees, cure-clinic, West Germany, 1976 Dermer et al. (1979): study US 1978 Evaluative Judgements of Aspects of Life as a Function of Vicarious Exposure to Hedonic Extremes. Female students, moderately happy, USA, 1978 Dermer et al. (1979): study US 1978 /1 Evaluative Judgements of Aspects of Life as a Function of Vicarious Exposure to Hedonic Extremes. Female students, moderately happy, USA, 1978 Dermer et al. (1979): study US 1978 /2 Evaluative Judgements of Aspects of Life as a Function of Vicarious Exposure to Hedonic Extremes. Female students, moderately happy, USA, 1978 Dixon et al. (1984): study US 1979 Fisherman's Wives: A Case Study of a Middle Atlantic Coastal Fishing Community. Fishermen and wives, and non-fishermen's wives controls, U.S.A., 1979 Porter (1967): study US 1965 Sex-Role Concepts, Their Relationship to Psychological Well-Being and to Future Plans of Female College Seniors. Female students college seniors, followed two months, Rochester, USA, 1965-66 Gump (1972): study US 1965 Sex-Role Attitudes and Psychological Well-Being. Female students college seniors, followed two months, Rochester, USA,1965-66 Nelson (1981): study US 1978 Moderators of Women's and Children's Adjustment Following Parental Divorce. Recently divorced women, Manitoba, USA, 1978 Adams (1988): study US 1981 Which comes First: Poor Psychological Well-Being or Decreased Friendship Activity? 62+ aged, white non-married females, middle class suburb of Chicago, USA. followed 1981-84 Chassie & Bhagat (1980): study US 1978 Role Stress in Working Women: Differential Effect on Selected Organizational Outcomes. Working women, USA, 197? Meleis (1982): study KW 1982 Effect of Modernization on Kuwaiti Women. 17-40 aged females, Kuwait, 1982 Washburne (1941): study US 1939 Factors Related to Social Adjustment of College Girls. Female college students, New York, USA, 194? Clement (1980): study FR 1975 De la Variation de Quelques Traits de Personalité en Fonction, notamment, de l'Age, du Sexe et du Niveau Intellectuel. (The Variation of Certain Personality Traits in Relation to Age, Sex, and Intelligent Level). 29-88 aged women, upper middle class, France, 1975 Clement (1980): study FR 1975 /1 De la Variation de Quelques Traits de Personalité en Fonction, notamment, de l'Age, du Sexe et du Niveau Intellectuel. (The Variation of Certain Personality Traits in Relation to Age, Sex, and Intelligent Level). 60-69 aged women, lower class, France 1975 Clement (1980): study FR 1975 /2 De la Variation de Quelques Traits de Personalité en Fonction, notamment, de l'Age, du Sexe et du Niveau Intellectuel. (The Variation of Certain Personality Traits in Relation to Age, Sex, and Intelligent Level). Adult women, France, 1975 Clement (1980): study FR 1975 /3 De la Variation de Quelques Traits de Personalité en Fonction, notamment, de l'Age, du Sexe et du Niveau Intellectuel. (The Variation of Certain Personality Traits in Relation to Age, Sex, and Intelligent Level). 50-69 aged women, France, 1975 Wright (1978): study US 1971 Are Working Women Really More Satisfied? Evidence from Several National Surveys. White married women, USA, 1971-76 Townsend & Gurin (1981): study US 1972 Re-examining the frustrated homemaker hypothesis: Role fit, personal dissatisfaction, and collective discontent. 18+ aged, white women, USA, 1972 Sears & Barbee (1977): study US 1921 Career and Life Satisfactions among Terman's Gifted Women. Gifted women (IQ >135), followed 50 years, California, USA, 1921-72 Callan (1986): study AU 1986 Single Women, Voluntary Childlessness and Perception about Life and Marriage. About 20 aged single women Australia, 1986 Schaefer & Bayley (1963): study US 1929 /1 Maternal Behavior, Child Behavior and Their Intercorrelation. Girls, followed from age 0 to 18, Berkely, California, USA, 1929-47 Bell (1975): study AU 1973 Significant Roles among a Sample of Australian Women. Women, ever married, Melbourne, Australia, 1975 Wilken & Kemmler (1997): study XZ Germany West 1985 Ledige Frauen der Kriegsgeneration: Eine explorative Studie zu ihrer Lebenszielen und ihrer Lebenszufriedenheit. (Never-Married Women of the World War II Generation: An Explorative Study of Their Life Goals and Their Life Satisfaction). 66-80 aged women, Germany,1985 Danner et al. (2001): study US 1991 Positive Emotions in Early Life and Longevity: Findings from the Nun Study. Nuns who lived in cloister since early adulthood. Followed into old age, USA, 1991 Moen et al. (1995): study US 1956 Caregiving and Women's Well-Being: A Life Course Approach. Mothers USA, followed 30 years 1956-1986 Miller et al. (1991): study US 1956 Motherhood, Multiple Roles, and Maternal Well-Being: Women of the 1950 s. White married mothers with children under age 13, USA 1956 Philips Nederland (1988): study NL 1984 De Nederlandse Huisvrouw. Op Weg naar het Jaar 2000. (The Dutch Housewife. On the Road to the Year 2000). Housewives, The Netherlands, 1984 Kantor et al. (1978): study US 1976 Comparative Psychologic Effects of Estrogen Administration on Institutional and Noninstitutional Elderly Women. Eldery women in oestrogen therapy, followed 1 year, USA,1976 DeHaes et al. (1992): study NL 1987 The Distinction between Affect and Cognition in the Quality of Life of Cancer Patients - Sensitivity and Stability. Breast-cancer patients, The Netherlands, 198? Estwing-Ferrans & Rolling-Ferrell (1990): study US 1985 Development of a Quality of Life Index for Patients with Cancer. Female breast-cancer patients, USA, 198? Rudolf & Priebe (1999): study DE 1994 Subjective Quality of Life in Female In-Patients with a Depression: a Longitudinal Study. Female mental patients, Berlin, followed 6 month,199? DiTella & MacCulloch (2006): study XZ Germany West 1985 /1 Some Uses of Happiness Data in Economics. Employed females, Germany 1985-2000 Kahneman & Krueger (2006): study US 2004 Developments in the Measurement of Subjective Well-Being. Employed females, USA , 2004 Coleman & Antonucci (1983): study US 1976 Impact of Work on Women at Midlife. 40-59 aged women, USA, 1976 Godoy-Izquierdo et al. (2009): study ES 2004 Balance Afectivo en Hombres y Mujeres: Implicaciones de la Edad y el Sexo. (Affect Balance amon Men and Women: Implications of Age and Sex). Pregnant and nonpregnant women, Granada, Spain, 200? Gash et al. (2010): study DE 1996 Women between Part-Time and Full-Time Work: The Influence of Changing Hours of Work on Happiness and Life Satisfaction. Married women aged 20-59, Germany, followed 10 years, 1996-2006, DeJong et al. (1984): study US 1947 Childless and One Child, but Not by Choice: A Note on Some Long-Term Consequences for Life Satisfaction of Rural-Reared Married Women. Rural-reared married women, Pennsylvania, USA, followed 1947-1971 Gash et al. (2010): study GB 1996 Women between Part-Time and Full-Time Work: The Influence of Changing Hours of Work on Happiness and Life Satisfaction. Married women aged 20-59, United Kingdom, followed 10 years, 1996-2006, Palmore (1974): study US 1955 Predicting Longevity: A New Method. 60-94 aged, USA, 1955-1959, followed 15 years Davis (1929): study US 1925 Factors in the Sex Life of Twenty-Two Hundred Women. Female college graduates, USA, 192? Treas et al. (2011): study ZZ Developed nations 2001 The Happy Homemaker? Married Women's Well-Being in Cross-National Perspective. Women with partner, aged 18-65, 28 countries, 2001-2004 Reinhardt (1968): study US 1967 Characteristics of Moods in Hospitalized and Normally Functioning Women. Female mental patients and controls, USA, 1967 Muffels & Kemperman (2011): study XZ Germany West 1984 Does a Better Job Match Make Women Happier? Work Orientations, Work-Care Choices and Subjective Well-Being in Germany. 20-55 aged, women, Germany, 1984-2007 Harkins (1978): study US 1973 Effects of Empty Nest Transition on Self-report of Psychological and Physical Well-Being. Empty Nest mothers, USA, 1973-1974 Wagner et al. (1984): study XZ Germany West 1983 Das Leid des Einen ist das Glück des Anderen: Soziale Vergleiche und Selbstdarstellung bei der Beurteilung des eigenen Wohlbefindens. (Social Comparison and Self presentation in Judgments of Own Well-Being.) Female university students, Mannheim Germany, 1983 Johnson (1937): study US California 1935 Euphoric and Depressed Moods in Normal Subjects. Female university students, members of a sorority, USA, 193? Deggeller et al. (1978): study NL 1978 Vrouw '78. (Women '78). 18-65 aged women The Netherlands, 1978 Gorchoff et al. (2008): study US Alameda County, California 1981 Contextualizing Change in Marital Satisfaction during Middle Age. 43-61 aged, married women, Berekley, United States, followed 18years from 1981-1999 Angrist (1974): study US 1974 Dimensions of Well-Being in Public Housing Families. Public housing tenants, USA, 1974 Farage et al. (2010): study US 2007 The Farage Quality of Life Measure for Consumer Products: Development and Initial Implementation. Women, aged 18-55, before and after menstruation, USA, 200? Bucchianeri (2011): study US Ohio 2005 The American Dream or the American Delusion? The Private and External Benefits of Homeownership for Women. 18+ aged, women, Columbus City, United States, 2005 Ozawa & Hofstetter (2004a): study JP 1997 Use of Longitudinal Panel Data to Estimate the Effects of Adopting New Activities to Household Consumption Patterns and Happiness. Women, aged 24-38, followed 2 years, Japan, 1997-1999 Cowan et al. (1998): study US 1993 Women's Hostility Toward Women. Heterosexual women college psychology students USA 199? Erlandsson et al. (2010): study US 1989 Women’s Perceived Frequency of Disturbing Interruptions and Its Relationship to Self-Rated Health and Satisfaction with Life as a Whole. Single black mothers receiving child care, Ohio, United States, 1989 Ahlstrand & Bränholm (1998): study SE 1993 Activity Performance, Life Satisfaction and Locus of Control in Young Women on Sick Leave. 30- aged women on sick leave, Sweden, 199? Cropanzano & James (1993): study US 1990 Dispositional Affectivity as a Predictor of Work Attitudes and Job Performance. Female nurses, United States, 1990 Liu et al. (2015a): study GB 1996 Does Happiness Itself directly affect Mortality? The prospective UK Million Women Study. Female, aged 50-69, United Kingdom, 1996-2001 Schaubert (2015): study DE West Germany 1984 Career, Private Life, and Well-Being among College educated West German Women. 25- 54 aged high educated women, West Germany, followed 25 years 1984-2012 Ferree (1984): study US 1971 /1 Class, Housework and Happiness: Women's Work and Life Satisfaction. Female, United States of America, 1971-76 Beja Jr. (2013): study ZZ 2000 Who is Happier; The Housewife or the Working Wife? Married women, 44 nations, 2000 Rutledge (1990): study US Illinois 1981 Black Parent-Child Relations: Some Correlates. Female black students, Illinois, United States of America, 1981 Daukantaite & Zukauskiene (2006): study LT 2001 Swedish and Lithuanian employed women’s subjective well-being. Middle-aged employed Lithuanian women, 200? Daukantaite & Zukauskiene (2006): study SE 1998 Swedish and Lithuanian employed women’s subjective well-being. Middle-aged employed Swedish women 1998 DeHoop et al. (2010): study IN Orrisa 2007 Women's Autonomy and Subjective Well-Being in India: How Village Norms Shape the Impact of Self-Help Groups. Women in households below poverty line participating in self-help groups, India, 2008 Nurdinova & Adacy (2020): study TR 1990 Socio--economic analysis of Turkish women's employment in terms of the happiness economics 15+ aged women, Turkey, 1990-2011 Smeets et al. (2014): study NL 2011 Meeting Suffering With Kindness: Effects of a Brief Self-Compassion Intervention for Female College Students Female psychology students, Netherlands, 2011 Campione (2008): study US 1997 Employed Women's Well-Being: The Global and Daily Impact of Work. Female employees, USA, 1997 Gonzalez-Herero & Garcia-Martin (2012): study ES Málaga, Andalucía 2007 Personality, Activities, and Well-Being: A Study Based on Women in Late Adulthood 50-82 aged middle class women, Spain, 200? Choi (2001): study US 1982 Relationship between Life Satisfaction and Postretirement Employment among Older Women. Female pensioners, followed 9 years, USA, 1982-1991. Baranowska-Rataj & Matysiak (2011): study PL 2003 Does Parenthood increase Happiness? Evidence for Poland. 18-35 aged women, Poland, 2003-2011 Bull & Mittelmark (2009): study ZZ Scandinavia 2004 Work Life and Mental Wellbeing of Single and Non Single Working Mothers in Scandinavia. Employed mothers, 4 Scandinavian countries, 2004 Huss & Pollmann-Schult (2020): study DE 1994 Don't blame the kids: mothers' satisfaction with different life domains after union dissolution 18-65 aged separated women, Germany, followed 2 years or more, 1994 - 2016 Dierker et al. (2023): study DE 1984 Re-partnering and single mothers' mental health and life satisfaction trajectories Single mothers, Germany, followed 2 years before and 5 years after becoming a single mother, 1984 - 2020 Dierker et al. (2023): study GB 1996 Re-partnering and single mothers' mental health and life satisfaction trajectories Single mothers, United Kingdom, followed 2 years before and 5 years after becoming a single mother, 1996 - 2020 Baranowska-Rataj et al. (2014): study PL 2003 Does lonely motherhood decrease women's subjective wellbeing? Evide3nce from qualitative and quantitative research in Poland 18-35 aged women, Poland, 2003-2011 Wells Gladow & Ray (1986): study US Washington 1983 The impact of informal support systems on the well-being of low income single parents. Single mothers, low income, Washington, USA, 1983