
Special publics

Special public: Teens, adolescents

AGE groups Youth Teens, adolescents
Number of studies
Additional keywords
teenagers, puberty
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Related correlational subjects

List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Simmons et al. (1973): study US 1968 Disturbance in the Self-Image at Adolescence. Public school pupils age 8-18, Baltimore, USA, 1968 CBS (1984b): study NL 1979 De Leefsituatie van de Nederlandse Jeugd van 13-24 jaar in 1979. Deel 4.(Life Situation of the Dutch Youth of 13-24 in 1979, Vol. 4: An Analysis of Youth in One-Parent Families.) Adolescents, The Netherlands, 1979 Ramzy-Saleh Guirguis & Hermans (1973): study NL 1970 Correlates of Psychological Well-Being and Emotionality. Secundary school pupils, The Netherlands, 1970 Daly & Carpenter (1985): study US 1982 Adjustment of Vietnamese Refugee Youths: A Self- Report. 15 - 21 aged Vietnames refugees living in a foster home, USA, 1982-83 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1976 /4 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). 16-29 aged and pensioners, West-Germany, 1976 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1976 /5 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). 16-29 aged and pensioners, West-Germany, 1976 Noelle-Neumann (1977a): study XZ Germany West 1976 /8 Politik und Glück. (Politics and Happiness). 16-29 aged and persioners, West-Germany, 1976 Simmons et al. (1977): study US 1972 /1 Gift of Life: The Social and Psychological Impact of Organ Transplantation. 8-20 aged renal (ex-)patients and controls, USA, 1972-1973 Verkuyten (1986a): study NL 1984 The Impact of Ethnic and Sex Differences on Happiness among Adolescents in the Netherlands. Adolescents, autochtones and allochtones, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1984 Schaefer & Bayley (1963): study US 1929 Maternal Behavior, Child Behavior and Their Intercorrelation. Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47 Schaefer & Bayley (1963): study US 1929 /1 Maternal Behavior, Child Behavior and Their Intercorrelation. Girls, followed from age 0 to 18, Berkely, California, USA, 1929-47 Bachman et al. (1978): study US 1966 /1 Youth in Transition, Vol. VI. Adolescence to Adulthood. Change and Stability in the Lives of Young Men. Public highschool boys followed 8 years from grade 10, USA, 1966-74 Kalmuss et al. (1992): study US 1989 Short-Term Consequences of Parenting Versus Adoption among Young Unmarried Woman. Unmarried teenage mothers, USA, 1989-1990 Larson (1989): study US 1984 /2 Is Feeling "In Control" Related to Happiness in Daily Life? Adolescents suburban Chicago high school, USA, followed 2 years, 198?-8? Charness & Grosskopf (2001): study ES 1998 Relative Pay offs and Happiness: An Experimental Study. University students, Barcelona, Spain, 1998 Spruijt (1997): study NL 1992 Stepfamily Lifestyles and Adolescent Well-Being in the Netherlands. 12 - 24 aged children of divorce, 1992, The Netherlands Abdel-Khalek (2006a): study KW 2002 Measuring Happiness by a Single Item Scale. Secondary school students, Kuwait 2002 Lee (2003): study KR 2000 Daily Contextual Variations in Levels of Adolescent Happiness. Middle school students, South Korea, 200? Loehlin & Nichols (1976): study US 1963 Heredity, Environment and Personality. A Study of 850 Sets of Twins. Adolescent same-sex twins, USA, 1963 Winkelmann (2006): study DE 2000 Parental Separation and Well-Being of Youths. Evidence from Germany. 16-18 aged, Germany, 2000-2001 Winkelmann (2004): study XZ Germany West 1984 Subjective Well-Being and the Family: Results from an Ordered Probit Model with Multiple Random Effects. Parents and their 16+ aged children, West-Germany, followed from 1984 to 1997 Veenhoven & Verkuyten (1989): study NL 1986 The Well-Being of Only Children. Secondary school pupils, The Netherlands, 1986 Spijkerboer et al. (2006): study NL 2006 Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents after Invasive Treatment for Congenital Hearth Disease. Children treated for heart disease 8 years ago, Netherlands, 2006 Hanrahan (2005): study MX 2005 Using Psychological Skills Training from Sport Psychology to Enhance the Life Satisfaction of Adolescent Mexican Orphans. 15-20 aged, before and after training, Mexico, 2005 Duimel (2007): study NL 2005 Tieners en Geluk: Liever een Leven Online dan een Gezinsleven? ( Teenage Happiness: Link with Family Life and Life On-Line.) Teenagers, Netherlands, 200? Zullig et al. (2005): study US SouthCarolina 2005 Adolescent Health-Related Quality of Life and Perceived Satisfaction with Life. 13-18 aged high school students, public high schools grades 9-12, South Carolina, USA, 200? TerBogt et al. (2003): study NL 2001 Psychische Gezondheid, Risicogedrag en Welbevinden van Nederlandse Scholieren. ( Psychlogical Health, Risk Behavior and Well-Being of Dutch Adolescents). 11-15 aged schoolchildren, the Netherlands, 2001 Bradshaw et al. (2006): study ZZ OECD member states 2001 Comparing Child Well-Being in OECD Countries: Concepts and Methods. Adolescents, 29 nations, 2001 Currie et al. (2004): study ZZ Developed nations 2001 Young People's Health in Context, Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study: International Report from the 2001/2002 Survey. Health Policy for Children and Adolescents No.4 11,13 and 15 aged, school children, 33 countries and regions, 2001 Langeveld (1998): study NL 1992 Quality of Life in Adolescents with Migraine and Other Headaches. Secundary school pupils, Netherlands, 199? Unicef (2001): study ZZ East Asia 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. 9-17 aged children, 17 countries/regions East Asia and Pacific 2001 Csikszentmihalyi & Hunter (2003): study US 1998 Happiness in Everyday Life: the Uses of Experience Sampling. Teenagers, USA, 199? Man (1991): study CN 1983 The Influence of Peers and Parents on Youth Life Satisfaction in Hong Kong. 13-16 aged students, Hong Kong, 1983-1984. Cheng & Furnham (2003a): study GB London 2003 Personality, Self-Esteem, and Demographic Predictions of Happiness and Depression. Students, London, UK, 2003 Petersen-Ewert et al. (2005): study ZZ Europe 2003 Development and Pilot-Testing of a Health Related Quality of Life Chronic Generic Module for Children and Adolescents with Chronic Health Conditions: A European Perspective. 8-16 aged chronic patients, 7 EU countries, 2003 Prins (2008): study NL 2007 De Deugd van Tegenwoordig. Onderzoek naar Jongeren en hun Grenzen. ( Virtue today; a study on risk behavior among youngsters). 12-18 aged, The Netherlands, 2007 Casas et al. (2007): study ES 1999 The Well-Being of 12-to-16-Year-Old Adolescents and their Parents: Results from 1999 to 2003 Spanish Samples. Adolescents, Spain 1999 Casas et al. (2007): study ES 2003 The Well-Being of 12-to-16-Year-Old Adolescents and their Parents: Results from 1999 to 2003 Spanish Samples. Adolescents, Spain 2003 Middle class families, Catalonia Langeveld (1998): study NL 1993 Quality of Life in Adolescents with Migraine and Other Headaches. 12-18 aged migraine patients and controls, followed 26 months, The Netherlands, 199? Zuzanek (2006): study CA 2001 Adolescent Time use and Well-Being from a Comparative Perspective. 12-19 aged, Ontario, Canada, 2001/2003 Langeveld (1998): study NL 1990 /1 Quality of Life in Adolescents with Migraine and Other Headaches. 12-18 aged chronic headache patients, Netherlands 199? Langeveld (1998): study NL 1992 /1 Quality of Life in Adolescents with Migraine and Other Headaches. 12-18 aged, chronic headache patients, The Netherlands, 199? Brown & Kasser (2005): study US 2005 Are Psychological and Ecological Well-Being Compatible? The Role of Values, Mindfulness, and Lifestyle. 10+ aged, middle and high school students, USA Currie et al. (2008): study ZZ Developed nations 2005 Inequalities in Young People's Health: International Report from the HBSC 2005/2006 Survey. Health Policy for Children and Adolescents, No.5, 11,13 and 15 aged, school children, 41 countries and regions, 2005-2006 Trzcinski & Holst (2006): study DE 2001 Setting the Set Point. Initial Predictors of Life Satisfaction in Early Adulthood. 17 aged, Germany, 2001-2004 McKnight-Hexdall & Huebner (2007): study US 2004 Subjective Well-Being in Pediatric Oncology Patients. 11-21 aged lymphoma patients and controls, USA, 2004 Langeveld et al. (1999): study NL 1997 Do Experienced Stress and Trait Negative Affectivity Moderate the Relationship between Headache and Quality Adolescents? 12-18 aged headache patients, The Netherlands, 1997 Freeman et al. (1986): study US 1979 Adolescence and its Recollections: Toward an Interpretive Model of Development. Adolescents, USA followed 2 years, 1979-1981 VanHoof & Raaijmakers (2002): study NL 1997 The Spatial Integration of Adolescent Identity: Its Relation to Age, Education, and subjective Well-Being. 12-21 aged, secondary schools, The Netherlands, 1997? Wu (2008): study TW 2005 Examining the Appropriateness of Importance Weighting on Satisfaction Score from Range-of-Affect Hypothesis: Hierarchical Linear Modeling for Within-Subject Data. Secondary school pupils, Taiwan, 2005 Baltatescu (2003): study RO Oradea 2003 Sport Participation and Subjective Well-Being of Adolescents: Mediation of Self-Esteem and Leisure Satisfaction. High school students, Oradea, Romenia, Casas et al. (2003): study ES Cataluna 1999 Strategies to Achieve Goals Related to TV or Computer Activities: Their Correlates with Adolescents' Well-Being. 12-16 aged, secondary schools pupils, Catalunya, Spain, 1999 Rees et al. (2012): study GB 2008 The Good Childhood Report 2012. A Review of Our Children's Well-Being. Children 8-15, United Kingdom, 2010 Iannotti et al. (2009): study ZZ Developed nations 2008 Interrelationships of Adolescent Physical Activity, Screen-based Sedentary Behavior and Social and Psychological Health. 11, 13 and 15 aged, 41 nations, 2008-2009 Eurobarometer (1991): study BE 1989 /1 Eurobarometer. (1991). Trends 74-90 B1: The Public Opinion in the E.C. Teens, adolescents, Belgium, 1989 Ukrainian Monitoring Center (2000): study UA 1999 Personal communication Teens, adolescents, Ukraine, 1999 Nauenburg (2002): study AT 2000 Euro Module Data Tables, June 2002 18+ aged, general public, Austria, 2000 BHPS (2010): study GB 1994 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 1994-95 BHPS (2010): study GB 1995 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 1995-96 BHPS (2010): study GB 1996 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 1996-97 BHPS (2010): study GB 1997 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 1997-98 BHPS (2010): study GB 1998 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 1998-99 BHPS (2010): study GB 1999 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 1999-2000 BHPS (2010): study GB 2000 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2000-01 BHPS (2010): study GB 2001 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2001-02 BHPS (2010): study GB 2002 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2002-03 BHPS (2010): study GB 2003 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2003-04 BHPS (2010): study GB 2004 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2004-05 BHPS (2010): study GB 2006 /1 British Household Panel Survey: website Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2006 Unicef (2001): study AU 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Australia, 2001 Unicef (2001): study KH 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Cambodia, 2001 Unicef (2001): study CN 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, China, 2001 Unicef (2001): study TL 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Timor-Leste, 2001 Unicef (2001): study HK 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Hong Kong, 2001 Unicef (2001): study ID 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Indonesia, 2001 Unicef (2001): study LA 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Laos, 2001 Unicef (2001): study MO 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Macao, 2001 Unicef (2001): study MY 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Malaysia, 2001 Unicef (2001): study MN 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Mongolia, 2001 Unicef (2001): study MM 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Myanmar, 2001 Unicef (2001): study PG 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Papua New Guinea, 2001 Unicef (2001): study PH 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Philippines, 2001 Unicef (2001): study KR 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Korea,(South), 2001 Unicef (2001): study SG 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Singapore, 2001 Unicef (2001): study TH 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Thailand, 2001 Unicef (2001): study VN 2001 Speaking Out! Voices of Children and Adolescents in East Asia and the Pacific: Regional Opinion Survey. Teens, adolescents, Viet Nam, 2001 Simoes et al. (2009): study PT 2001 Personal and Social Features in Adolescent's Health. Adolescents, Portugal, 2001-02 Newman (1946): study US 1937 The Adolescent in Social Groups. Studies in the Observation of Personality. Teenagers observed 4 years during after school activities, USA, 194? Vieno et al. (2009): study IT Veneto 2006 Health Status in Immigrants and Native Early Adolescents in Italy. 10-18 aged general public, Vieno: Italy, 2006 Verkuyten (1989): study NL 1984 Happiness among Adolescents in the Netherlands: Ethnic and Sex Differences. 13-16 aged general public, Netherlands, 198? HBSC (2002): study AT 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Austria, 2001 HBSC (2002): study CA 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Canada, 2001 HBSC (2002): study CH 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Switzerland, 2001 HBSC (2002): study CZ 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Czech Republic, 2001 HBSC (2002): study DE 2001 /1 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Germany, 2001 HBSC (2002): study DK 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Denmark, 2001 HBSC (2002): study EE 2001 /1 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Estonia, 2001 HBSC (2002): study GB 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2001 HBSC (2002): study ES 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Spain, 2001 HBSC (2002): study FI 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Finland, 2001 HBSC (2002): study FR 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, France, 2001 HBSC (2002): study GL 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Austria, 2001 HBSC (2002): study HR 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Croatia, 2001 HBSC (2002): study HU 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Hungary, 2001 HBSC (2002): study IE 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Ireland, 2001 HBSC (2002): study IL 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Israel, 2001 HBSC (2002): study IT 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Italy, 2001 HBSC (2002): study LT 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Lithuania, 2001 HBSC (2002): study LV 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Latvia, 2001 HBSC (2002): study MK 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Macedonia, 2001 HBSC (2002): study NL 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Netherlands, 2001 HBSC (2002): study NO 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Norway, 2001 HBSC (2002): study PL 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Poland, 2001 HBSC (2002): study PT 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Portugal, 2001 HBSC (2002): study RU 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Russia, 2001 HBSC (2002): study GB Scotland 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Scotland, United Kingdom, 2001 HBSC (2002): study SE 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Austria, 2001 HBSC (2002): study SI 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Slovenia, 2001 HBSC (2002): study UA 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Ukraine, 2001 HBSC (2002): study US 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, United States, 2001 HBSC (2002): study GB Wales 2001 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Wales, United Kingdom, 2001 HBSC (2005): study AT 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Austria, 2005 HBSC (2005): study BE 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Belgium, Flanders, 2005 HBSC (2005): study BG 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Bulgaria, 2005 HBSC (2005): study CA 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Canada, 2005 HBSC (2005): study CH 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Switzerland, 2005 HBSC (2005): study CZ 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Czech Republic, 2005 HBSC (2005): study DE 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Germany, 2005 HBSC (2005): study DK 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Denmark, 2005 HBSC (2005): study EE 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Estonia, 2005 HBSC (2005): study GB 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2005 HBSC (2005): study ES 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Spain, 2005 HBSC (2005): study FI 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Finland, 2005 HBSC (2005): study FR 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, France, 2005 HBSC (2005): study GL 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Greenland, 2005 HBSC (2005): study GR 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Greece, 2005 HBSC (2005): study HR 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Croatia, 2005 HBSC (2005): study HU 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Hungary, 2005 HBSC (2005): study IE 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Ireland, 2005 HBSC (2005): study IL 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Israel, 2005 HBSC (2005): study IS 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Iceland, 2005 HBSC (2005): study IT 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Italy, 2005 HBSC (2005): study LT 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Lithuania, 2005 HBSC (2005): study LU 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Luxembourg, 2005 HBSC (2005): study LV 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Latvia, 2005 HBSC (2005): study MK 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Macedonia, 2005 HBSC (2005): study NL 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Netherlands, 2005 HBSC (2005): study NO 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Norway, 2005 HBSC (2005): study PL 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Poland, 2005 HBSC (2005): study PT 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Portugal, 2005 HBSC (2005): study RO 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Romania, 2005 HBSC (2005): study RU 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Russia, 2005 HBSC (2005): study GB Scotland 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Scotland, United Kingdom, 2005 HBSC (2005): study SE 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Sweden, 2005 HBSC (2005): study SI 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Spain, 2005 HBSC (2005): study SK 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Slovakia, 2005 HBSC (2005): study TR 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Turkey, 2005 HBSC (2005): study UA 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Ukraine, 2005 HBSC (2005): study US 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, United States, 2005 HBSC (2005): study GB Wales 2005 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Wales, United Kingdom, 2005 HBSC (2009): study AM 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Armenia, 2009 HBSC (2009): study AT 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Austria, 2009 HBSC (2009): study BE 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Belgium, Flanders, 2009 HBSC (2009): study BE 2009 /1 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Belgium, Wallonia, 2009 HBSC (2009): study BE 2009 /2 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Belgium, 2009 HBSC (2009): study CA 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Canada, 2009 HBSC (2009): study CH 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Switzerland, 2009 HBSC (2009): study CZ 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Czech Republic, 2009 HBSC (2009): study DE 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Germany, 2009 HBSC (2009): study DK 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Denmark, 2009 HBSC (2009): study EE 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Estonia, 2009 HBSC (2009): study GB 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Estonia, 2009 HBSC (2009): study ES 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Spain, 2009 HBSC (2009): study FI 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Finland, 2009 HBSC (2009): study FR 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, France, 2009 HBSC (2009): study GL 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Greenland, 2009 HBSC (2009): study GR 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Greece, 2009 HBSC (2009): study HR 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Croatia, 2009 HBSC (2009): study HU 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Hungary, 2009 HBSC (2009): study IE 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Germany, 2009 HBSC (2009): study IL 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Israel, 2009 HBSC (2009): study IS 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Iceland, 2009 HBSC (2009): study IT 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Italy, 2009 HBSC (2009): study LT 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Lithuania, 2009 HBSC (2009): study LU 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Luxembourg, 2009 HBSC (2009): study LV 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Latvia, 2009 HBSC (2009): study MK 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Macedonia, 2009 HBSC (2009): study NL 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Netherlands, 2009 HBSC (2009): study NO 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Norway, 2009 HBSC (2009): study PL 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Poland, 2009 HBSC (2009): study PT 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Portugal, 2009 HBSC (2009): study RO 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Romania, 2009 HBSC (2009): study RU 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Russia, 2009 HBSC (2009): study GB Scotland 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Scotland, United Kingdom, 2009 HBSC (2009): study SE 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Sweden, 2009 HBSC (2009): study SI 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Slovenia, 2009 HBSC (2009): study SK 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Slovakia, 2009 HBSC (2009): study TR 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Turkey, 2009 HBSC (2009): study UA 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Ukraine, 2009 HBSC (2009): study US 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, United States, 2009 HBSC (2009): study GB Wales 2009 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, Wales, United Kingdom, 2009 HBSC (2002): study GB 2001 /1 HBSC Survey 2001/2002 Survey (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2001 HBSC (2005): study GB 2005 /1 HBSC (Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Survey 2005/2006 Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2009 HBSC (2009): study GB 2009 /1 HBSC Survey 2009/2010 Survey(Health Behavior in School-aged Children) Distributional data from personal communication Teens, adolescents, United Kingdom, 2009 McCullough et al. (2000): study US 1995 Life Events, Self Concept, and Adolescents Positive Subjective Well-Being. High school students, USA 199? Honkala et al. (2006): study KW 2002 Consumption of Sugar Products and Associated Life- and School- Satisfaction and Self-Esteem Factors among Schoolchildren in Kuwait. 11-13 age, schoolchildren, Kuwait, 2002-2003 Gilman & Handwerk (2001): study US 1996 Changes in Life Satisfaction as a Function of Stay in a Residential Setting. 11-14 aged in residential treatment followed 4 months, USA, 1996 Brulé & Veenhoven (2014a): study ZZ Developed nations 1997 Participatory Teaching and Happiness in developed Nations. Adolescents, 22 developed countries, 1997-2006 Cheng & Furnham (2003a): study GB London 2001 Personality, Self-Esteem, and Demographic Predictions of Happiness and Depression. Students. London, UK, 2001 Joiner et al. (1996): study US 1996 Tripartite Structure of Positive and Negative Affect, Depression, and Anxiety in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients. 8-16 aged psychiatric inpatients, USA,1996 Grant et al. (2009a): study ZZ 1999 The relationship between life satisfaction and health behavior: a cross-cultural analysis of young adults 17-30 aged students, 21 countries, 2000 Mendolia (2014): study GB 1994 Maternal Working Hours and the Well-Being of Adolescent Children. Children living with working mothers, UK, followed 12 years 1994 - 2006 Singh et al. (2014): study IN 2014 Effects of the demographic Variables and psychometric Properties of the personal Well-being Index for School Children in India. 8-13 aged,school children, India, 2014 Rees et al. (2010): study GB 2010 Developing an Index of Children's Subjective Well-Being in England. Children aged 8-15, England, 2010 Yucel & Vogt Yuan (2016): study GB 2000 Parents, Siblings, or Friends? Exploring Life Satisfaction among Early Adolescents 10-15 aged, UK, 2009 - 2011 Pollock-BarZiv et al. (2003): study CA 2002 Quality of Life and Function Following Cardiac Transplantation In Adolescents 10-18 aged, cardiac patients, Canada, 200? Land et al. (2017): study US 1976 Objective and Subjective Indices of Well-Being: Resolving the Easterlin Happiness-Income Paradox High school seniors, USA, 1976-2012 VanBeuningen & Dewitt (2016): study NL 2015 Welzijn van Jongeren: Geluk en Tevredenheid met het Leven onder Jongeren van 12 tot 25 Jaar. (Well-Being among Youngsters: Happiness and Satisfaction with Life among youngsters aged 12 - 25) 12-25 aged, general public, Netherlands, 2015. Crous et al. (2018): study ES 2017 What Aspects are Important to Adolescents to Achieve Full Satisfaction in Life? 11-16 aged secondary school pupils,Spain, 2017 Alfaro et al. (2016): study CL 2011 Propiedades Psicométricas de la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida en los Estudiantes (SLSS) de Huebner en Niños y Niñas de 10 a 12 años de Chile. 10-12 aged, Santiago Valparaiso Concepcion, Chile, 201? Alfaro et al. (2016a): study CL 2011 Satisfaccion Global con la Vida y Satisfaccion Escolar en Estudiantes Chilenos. Students aged from 10 to14 years, Chile three cities,201? Froh et al. (2008): study US 2006 Counting Blessing in Early Adolescents: An Experimental Study of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being. 12-17 aged participants in a gratitude exercise and controls, USA 2006 Froh et al. (2009a): study US 2006 Who Benefits the Most from a Gratitude Intervention in Children and Adolescents? Examining Positive Affect as a Moderator. 8-19 aged participants in a gratitude intervention and controls, USA, 200? Boerefijn & Bergsma (2011): study NL 2009 Geluksles verbetert Schoolprestaties. (Happiness Training adds to School Performance). Students of a happiness course and controls, Netherlands 2009 Proctor et al. (2011a): study GB 2009 Strengths Gym: The Impact of a Character Strengths-based Intervention on the Life Satisfaction and Well-being of Adolescents. Adolescents, participants in a strengt training and controls, UK, 2009 Mcdool et al. (2016): study GB 2010 Social Media Use and Children’s Wellbeing. 10-15 aged, United Kingdom, 2010-2014 Orben et al. (2019): study GB 2009 Social Media's Enduring Effect on Adolescent Life Satisfaction 12-15 aged, UK, folowed 7 years 2009-2016 Leung & Zhang (2000): study HK 1998 Modelling Life Satisfaction of Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong. Chinese adolescents, Hong-Kong, 1998 Yancey & Berglass (1991): study US Texas 1989 Love Styles and Life Satisfaction Undergraduate students, Austin, Texas, USA OECD (2017): study TN 2015 PISA 2015 Results. Students' Well-Being. Volume III. 15-16 aged, secundary school students, Tunisia, 2017 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study CA 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Canada, 2009-2010 Lambert et al. (2019a): study KW 2017 Wellbeing Matters in Kuwait: The Alnowair’s Bareec Education Initiative Highschool students participating in a positive psychology training, Kuwait, 2017 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study ZZ Developed nations 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, multiple nations, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study GB 2009 /1 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, England, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study DE 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15,Germany, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study HU 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Hungary, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study IL 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Israel, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study IT 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Itally, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study NL 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Netherlands, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study PL 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Poland, 2009-2010 Boniel-Nissim et al. (2015): study GB 2009 Supportive Communication with Parents Moderates the Negative Effects of Electronic Media Use on Life Satisfaction during Adolescence Students, aged 11-15, Scotland, 2009-2010 Casas et al. (2013b): study ZZ Europe 1999 School Satisfaction among Adolescents: testing different Indicators for its Measurement and its Relationship with overall Life Satisfaction and subjective Well-being in Romania and Spain. 13-16 aged children Romania and Spain 1999 VanRens et al. (2018): study AU 2013 Domain Specific Life Satisfaction in the Dual Careers of Junior Elite Football Players: The Impact of Role Strain Junior elite footbal players, Australia, 201? Kansky et al. (2019): study US 2003 The young adult love lives of happy teenagers: The Role of adolescent Affect in Adult Romantic Relationship Functioning Teenagers USA, followed 11 years 2003-2014 Agbaria & Natur (2018): study IL 2016 The Relationship between Violence in The Family and Adolescents Aggression: The Mediator Role of Self-Control, Social Support, Religiosity, and Well-Being Palestinian Arab Adolescents, Israel, 201? Inchley et al. (2020): study AL 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Albania, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study AM 2017 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Armenia, 2017 Inchley et al. (2020): study AT 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Austria, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study AZ 2017 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Azerbaijan, 2017 Inchley et al. (2020): study BE Flanders 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Belgium-Flanders, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study BE Walonie 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Belgium -Walonie, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study BG 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years,Bulgaria, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study HR 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Croatia, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study CZ 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Czech Republic, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study CA 2017 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Canada, 2017 Inchley et al. (2020): study DK 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Denmark, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study GB England 2017 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, England, 2017 Inchley et al. (2020): study EE 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Estonia, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study FI 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Finland, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study FR 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, France, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study GE 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Georgia, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study DE 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Germany, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study GR 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Greece, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study GL 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Greenland, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study HU 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Hungary, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study IS 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Iceland, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study IE 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Ireland, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study IT 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Italy, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study KZ 2017 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Kazakhstan, 2017 Inchley et al. (2020): study LV 2017 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Latvia, 2017 Inchley et al. (2020): study LT 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Lithuania, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study LU 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Luxembourg, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study MT 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Malta, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study NL 2017 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Netherlands, 2017 Inchley et al. (2020): study MK 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, North Macedonia, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study NO 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Norway, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study PL 2017 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Poland, 2017 Inchley et al. (2020): study PT 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Portugal, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study MD 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Moldova, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study RO 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Romania, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study RU 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Russia, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study GB Scotland 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Scotland, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study RS 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Serbia, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study SK 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Slovakia, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study SI 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Slovenia, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study ES 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Spain, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study SE 2017 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Sweden, 2017 Inchley et al. (2020): study CH 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Switzerland, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study UA 2018 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Ukraine, 2018 Inchley et al. (2020): study GB Wales 2017 Spotlight on Adolescent Health and Well-Being. Findings from the 2017/2018 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey in Europe and Canada. International Report. Volume 2. Key Data Teenagers aged 11-13-15 years, Wales, 2017 OECD (2019a): study ZZ 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, multiple countries, 2018 OECD (2019a): study AE 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, United Arab Emirates, 2018 OECD (2019a): study AL 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils,Albania, 2018 OECD (2019a): study AR 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Argentina, 2018 OECD (2019a): study AT 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Austria, 2018 OECD (2019a): study BG 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Bulgaria, 2018 OECD (2019a): study BA 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Bosnia Herzegovina, 2018 OECD (2019a): study BY 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils,Belarus 2018 OECD (2019a): study BR 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Brazil, 2018 OECD (2019a): study BN 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Brunei Darussalam, 2018 OECD (2019a): study CA 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Canada, 2018 OECD (2019a): study CH 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Switzerland, 2018 OECD (2019a): study CL 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Chile, 2018 OECD (2019a): study CO 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Colombia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study CR 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Costa Rica, 2018 OECD (2019a): study CZ 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Czech Repubic, 2018 OECD (2019a): study DE 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Germany, 2018 OECD (2019a): study DO 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils,Dominican Republic, 2018 OECD (2019a): study ES 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Spain, 2018 OECD (2019a): study EE 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Estonia, 2018 Desousa et al. (2008): study GB Wales 2004 School Policies and Binge Drinking Behaviours of School-Aged Children in Wales - a Multilevel Analysis Secundary school children, Wales, UK, 2002 Farhat et al. (2011): study US 2005 Psychosocial Correlates of Adolescent Marijuana Use: Variations by Status of Marijuana Use. Tenth-graders, USA, 2006 OECD (2019a): study FI 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Finland, 2018 OECD (2019a): study FR 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, France, 2018 OECD (2019a): study GB 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, United Kingdom, 2018 OECD (2019a): study GE 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Georgia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study GR 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils,Greece, 2018 OECD (2019a): study HK 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Hong Kong, 2018 OECD (2019a): study HR 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Croatia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study HU 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Hungary, 2018 OECD (2019a): study ID 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Indonesia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study IE 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Ireland, 2018 OECD (2019a): study IS 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils,Iceland, 2018 OECD (2019a): study IT 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Italy, 2018 OECD (2019a): study JO 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Jordan, 2018 OECD (2019a): study JP 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Japan, 2018 OECD (2019a): study KZ 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils,Kazakhstan, 2018 OECD (2019a): study KR 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Korea (south), 2018 OECD (2019a): study LB 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils,Lebanon, 2018 OECD (2019a): study LT 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Lithuania, 2018 OECD (2019a): study LU 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Luxembourg , 2018 OECD (2019a): study LV 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils,Latvia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study MO 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Macao, 2018 OECD (2019a): study MD 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Moldova, 2018 OECD (2019a): study MX 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Mexico, 2018 OECD (2019a): study MK 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, North Macedonia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study MA 2018 /1 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Morocco, 2018 OECD (2019a): study ME 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Montenegro, 2018 OECD (2019a): study MY 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Malaysia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study NL 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Netherlands, 2018 OECD (2019a): study PA 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Panama, 2018 OECD (2019a): study PE 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Peru, 2018 OECD (2019a): study PH 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Philippines, 2018 OECD (2019a): study PL 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Poland, 2018 OECD (2019a): study PT 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Potugal, 2018 OECD (2019a): study QA 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Qatar, 2018 OECD (2019a): study AZ Baku 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils Azerbaijan (Baku) 2018 OECD (2019a): study CN 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, China (B-S-J-Z), 2018 OECD (2019a): study RU Moscow 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Russia (Moscow Region), 2018 OECD (2019a): study RU Kazan 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Russia (Tatarstan), 2018 OECD (2019a): study DK 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Denmark, 2018 OECD (2019a): study XY Kosovo 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Kosovo, 2018 OECD (2019a): study SA 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Saudi Arabia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study RS 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils Serbia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study SK 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Slovakia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study SI 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupil, Slovenia, 2018 OECD (2019a): study SE 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Sweden, 2018 OECD (2019a): study TW 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Taiwan, 2018 OECD (2019a): study TH 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Thailand, 2018 OECD (2019a): study TR 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Turkey, 2018 OECD (2019a): study UA 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Ukraine, 2018 OECD (2019a): study UY 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Uruguay, 2018 OECD (2019a): study US 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, United States of America, 2018 OECD (2019a): study VN 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Viet Nam, 2018 Fischer et al. (2015): study AU 1995 Cannabis Use and Quality of Life of Adolescents and Young Adults: Findings from an Australian Birth Cohort Youngsters Australia, followed from age 14 to age 21, 1995-2002 Colombo et al. (2006): study IT Piemonte 2001 Subjective Well-Being and Optimism in a Sample of Italian Students. High school students; Italy; 200? Fischer et al. (2015a): study AU 1995 Quality of Life, Age of Onset of Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use Disorders in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: Findings from an Australian Birth Cohort 14 year olds, Australia, followed to age 21, 1995-2002 OECD (2019a): study RO 2018 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Romania, 2018 OECD (2019a): study RU 2018 /1 PISA 2018. Insights and Interpretations 15-years-old highschool pupils, Russia, 2018 Flouri & Buchanan (2002): study GB 1998 Life Satisfaction in Teenage Boys: The Moderating Role of Father Involvement and Bullying. Boys; teens; UK; 1998 Proctor et al. (2010): study GB 2007 Very Happy Youths: Benefits of Very High Life Satisfaction Among Adolescents. 16-18 aged, UK, 200? Shoshani & Slone (2013): study IL 2009 Middle School Transition from the Strengths Perspective: Young Adolescents’ Character Strengths, Subjective Well-Being, and School Adjustment. Midle school pupils, Israel, followed 1 year 2010? Tlenchiyeva (2022h): study KZ 2021 Results of a sociological study on Internet addiction, gambling addiction, cyberbullying and bullying among adolescents and children - 2021 Schoolchildren and teenagers, Kazakhstan 2021 Archer et al. (2008): study SE Göteborg 2002 Affective Personality as Cognitive-Emotional Presymptom ProfilesRregulatory for Self-Reported Health Predispositions. Highschool students, Gotenborg, Sweden 200? Archer et al. (2008): study SE Göteborg 2002 /1 Affective Personality as Cognitive-Emotional Presymptom ProfilesRregulatory for Self-Reported Health Predispositions. High school students, Goteborg, Sweden 200?