
Special publics

Special public: Infants

AGE groups Youth Infants
Number of studies
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List of Studies on this Public

Reference Title of publication Public Henggeler & Borduin (1981): study US 1981 /1 Satisfied Working Mothers and their Preschool Sons: Interaction and Psychosocial Adjustment. 4 year old boys, sons of married white mothers, USA, 1981 McGrade (1968): study US 1963 Newborn Activity and Emotional Response at Eight Months. Infants followed from birth to 8 month, USA, 196? Caudill & Weinstein (1969): study ZZ East-West pairs 1961 Maternal Care and Infant Behavior in Japan and America. Infants and first born in intact middle class families, Japan and USA, 1961-64 Schaefer & Bayley (1963): study US 1929 Maternal Behavior, Child Behavior and Their Intercorrelation. Children followed from age 0 to 18, Berkeley, California, USA, 1929-47 Schaefer & Bayley (1963): study US 1929 /1 Maternal Behavior, Child Behavior and Their Intercorrelation. Girls, followed from age 0 to 18, Berkely, California, USA, 1929-47 VanAgt et al. (2005): study NL 2000 Quality of Life of Children with Language Delays.. 3 years aged children, The Netherlands, 200? Crnic et al. (1984): study US 1981 Maternal Stress and Social Support: Effects on the Mother-Infant Relationship from Birth to Eighteen Months. Mother-child pairs, followed 18 months after birth, USA, 1981-82 Crnic et al. (1983): study US 1981 Effects of Stress and Social Support on Mothers and Premature and Full-term Infants. 16-42 aged mothers with newborns, Seattle, USA, 197? Goldsmith & Campos (1990): study US Denver, Colorado The Structure of Temporal Fear and Pleasure in Infants: A Psychometric Perspective. 9 months aged, infants, Denver, United States, 198? Robinson et al. (2001): study US 1986 Dispositional Cheerfulness. Early Genetic and Environmental Influences. Toddlers, same-sex twins, Colorado, United States, followed from 14 to 24 months of age, 1986-1989 Klein (1984): study IL Petah Tikva 1980 Behavior of Israeli Mothers toward Infants in Relation to Infants' Perceived Temperament. 6 months aged infants, Israel, followed from 1980-1981 Lauzon-Guillain et al. (2012): study GB East England 2006 Breastfeeding and Infant Temperament at Age Three Months 3 months aged infants, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2006-2009 Gartstein & Rothbart (2002): study US Oregon 1997 Studying infant temperament via the Revised Infant Behavior Questionnaire 3-12 months aged infants, Oregon, United States, 199? Emde et al. (1992): study US Colorado 1986 Temperament, Emotion, and Cognition at Fourteen Months: The MacArthur Longitudinal Twin Study 14 months aged, same-sex twin pairs, Colorado, United States, 1986-1989 Plomin et al. (1993): study US Colorado 1986 Genetic change and continuity from fourteen to twenty months: The MacArthur Longitudinal Twin Study Same-sex twins, Colorado, United States, followed from 14 to 20 months, 1986-1989 Rothbart (1981): study US Oregon 1976 Measurement of Temperament in Infancy 3-12 months aged infants, Oregon, United States, 197? Carey (1970): study US Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1965 A Simplified Method for Measuring Infant Temperament. 4-8 months aged infants, Philadelphia, United States, 196? Rozga et al. (2010): study US California 2005 Behavioral Profiles of Affected and Unaffected Siblings of Children with Autism: Contribution of Measures of Mother-Infant Interaction and Nonverbal Communication 6 months aged infants, California, United States, 200? Volk & Quinsey (2002): study CA Ontario 1997 The influence of infant facial cues on adoption preferences Infants, portrait of which rated by parents and non-parents, Kingston, Canada, 1997 Whiffen & Gotlib (1989): study CA Ontario 1984 Infants of Postpartum Mothers: Temperament and Cognitive Status 2 months aged infants, Canada, 198?