Goldsmith & Campos (1990): study US Denver, Colorado
- Author(s):
- Goldsmith, H.H.; Campos, J.J.
- Title:
- The Structure of Temporal Fear and Pleasure in Infants: A Psychometric Perspective.
- Source:
- Child Development, 1990, Vol. 61, 1944 - 1964
- Public
- 9 months aged, infants, Denver, United States, 198?
- Survey name
- Unnamed study
- Sample
- Non-probability purposive sample
- Respondents
- N = 168
- Non Response
- Assessment
Behavioural observation
Twins were assessed with the other twin present in room. Mother & father completed Infant Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ) independently from one another at home.
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Time sampling of happy behaviors
Analysis of video recordings of child reactions in 4 situations
- Peekaboo game
- with mother
- with experimenter
- Walking finger game
- with mother
- with experimenter
Each episode rated for the amount of pleasure during that period. - Classification:
- A-CA-mi-tsb-v-3-b
- Author's label:
- Joy/pleasure (broad)
- Page in publication:
- 1956
- Error estimates:
- 2-week stability: r=+.55, p<.05, one-tailed
- Full text:
Time sampling of happy behaviors
Analysis of video recordings of child reactions in 4 situations
- Peekaboo game
- with mother
- with experimenter
- Walking finger game
- with mother
- with experimenter
Each measured in seconds:
a: latency to smile
b: duration of smiling
or rated on 3-step scale:
c: peak intensity of smile
Computation: (a+b+c)/3 - Classification:
- A-CA-mi-tsb-v-3-ba
- Author's label:
- Joy/smiling (narrow)
- Page in publication:
- 1956
- Error estimates:
- 2-week stability correlations - peek (to mother): r=+.42 - peek (to experimenter): r=+.37 - Walking Finger (to mother): r=+.35 - Walking Finger (to experiementer): r=+.20 (all significant at p<.05, one-tailed) correlation among laboratory composites and IBQ scale: paternal: +.19 maternal: +.23
- Full text:
Time sampling of happy behaviors
Analysis of video recordings of child reactions in 4 situations
- Peekaboo game
- with mother
- with experimenter
- Walking Finger game
- with mother
- with experimenter
Each measured in seconds:
a: latency to laugh
b: duration of laughing
Computation: (a+b)/2 - Classification:
- A-CA-mi-tsb-v-3-bb
- Author's label:
- Joy/laughter (narrow)
- Page in publication:
- 1956
- Error estimates:
- 2-week stability correlations - peek (to mother): r=+.50 - peek (to experimenter): r=+.50 - Walking Finger (to mother): r=+.26 - Walking Finger (to experiementer): r=+.46 (all significant at p<.05, one-tailed) correlation among laboratory composites and IBQ scale: paternal: +.02 maternal: +.11
- Full text:
Rating by parents of smiling and laughter in 15 different situations, such as
During the last week, when being undressed, how often did your child smile or laugh?
1 never
2 very rarely
3 less than half the time
4 about half the time
5 more than half the time
6 almost always
7 always
Full list of situations not reported
Part of Rothbart Infant Behavior Questionnaire IBQ - Classification:
- A-CA-cw-rdf-v-7-a
- Author's label:
- Smiling and laughter
- Page in publication:
- 1956
- Error estimates:
- reliability: +.73