Special publics Special public: Elderly Path AGE groups Elderly Number of studies 268 Additional keywords 65+ aged, retired, old age Related publics Related correlational subjects List of Studies on this Public Reference Title of publication Public Lee & Ihinger-Tallman (1980): study US Washington 1975 Sibling Interaction and Morale: The Effects of Family Relations on Older Family. 60+ aged, Washington State, USA, 1975 Rempel (1985): study CA 1979 Childless Elderly: What are They Missing? Elderly persons, noninstitutionalized, Canada, 1979 Storandt et al. (1975): study US 1970 Predictors of a Dimension of Well-Being in Relocated Healthy Aged. 60+ aged, followed 15 months after move, USA, 197? Suchman et al. (1958): study US 1952 An Analysis of the Validity of Health Questionnaires. 65+ aged, followed 2 years, USA, 1952-54 Gubrium (1974): study US 1972 Marital Desolation and the Evaluation of Everyday Life in Old Age. Aged persons, Detroit, USA, 197? Pierce & Clark (1973): study US 1962 Measurement of Morale in the Elderly. 60+ aged, psychiatric cases and controls, San Fransisco, USA, 1962 Tissue (1972): study US 1969 Another Look at Self-Rated Health among the Elderly. Aged persons, welfare recipients, USA, 1969 Graney & Graney (1973): study US 1971 Scaling Adjustment in Older People. 62-89 aged females, USA, 1971 Graney (1975): study US 1967 Happiness and Social Participation in Aging. 62-89 aged females, followed 4 years, USA, 1967-71 Thompson et al. (1960): study US 1952 The Effect of Retirement on Personal Adjustment: A Panel Analysis. 60+ aged, employed at start, followed 2 years, USA, 1952-54 Graney (1973): study US 1967 The Affect Balance Scale and Old Age. 62-89 aged females, followed 4 years USA, 1967-71 Hacker & Gaitz (1969): study US 1966 The Moral Career of the Elderly Mental Patient. Aged mental patients, 1 year after admission, USA, 1966 Henley & Davis (1967): study US 1959 Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction: A Study of the Chronically-Ill Aged Patient. 60+ aged chronically-ill, followed three years, USA, 1959-62 Peretti & Wilson (1975): study US 1973 Voluntary and Involuntary Retirement of Aged Males and Their Effect on Emotional Satisfaction, Usefulness, Self-Image, Emotional Stability and Interpersonal Relationships. 60-70 aged living in a retirement home, USA, 197? Moriwaki (1973): study US 1971 Self-Disclosure, Significant Others and Psychological Well-Being in Old Age. 60+ aged, retirees, Los Angeles County, USA, 1971 Moriwaki (1974): study US 1971 The Affect Balance Scale: A Validity Study with Aged Samples. 60+ aged, psychiatric cases and controls, Los Angeles, USA, 1971 Palmore & Luikart (1972): study US 1968 Health and Social Factors Related to Life Satisfaction. 46+ aged, whites, North Carolina, USA, 1968-70 Palmore (1975): study JP 1973 The Honorable Elders: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Aging in Japan. 60+ aged, Japan, 1973 Kahana & Kahana (1975): study US 1970 The Relationship of Impulse Control to Cognition and Adjustment among Institutionalized Aged Women. 55+ aged white females living in nursing home, USA, 197? Antonovsky et al. (1971): study IL 1968 Twenty-Five Years Later: A Limited Study of Sequelae of the Concentration Camp Experience. Females, born between 1914-1923 in Central Europe, Israel 1968 Hynson (1975): study US 1973 Rural-Urban Differences in Satisfaction among the Elderly. 60+ aged, general public, USA, 1973 Baker (1976): study US 1971 Relationship of Retirement and Satisfaction with Life Events to Locus of Control. 55+ aged males, USA, 1971 Kivett (1976): study US 1970 The Aged in North Carolina: Physical, Social and Environmental Characteristics and Sources of Assistance. (The Guilford Study) 65+ aged, North Carolina, USA, 1970-71 Keith (1985a): study US 1969 Work, Retirement and Well-Being among Unmarried Men and Women. 58-63 aged unmarried, followed 10 years, USA, 1969-1979 Fowler & McCalla (1969): study US 1965 Correlates of Morale among Aged in Greater Boston. 65+ aged, Metropolitan Boston, USA, 1965 Fillenbaum & Willis (1976): study US 1970 Effects of a Training Program: Older Persons Caring for the Elderly. 50-79 aged, females, trainees and controls, USA, 1970 Lowenthal & Boler (1965): study US 1962 Voluntary vs. Involuntary Social Withdrawal. 60+aged, San Francisco, USA, 1962 Levy (1978): study US 1977 Some Determinants of Temporal Experience in the Retired and its Correlates. 52-74 aged white male retirees, from two universities Mid-West U.S.A. 1977 Michalos (1982): study CA Huron County Ontario 1977 The Satisfaction and Happiness of Some Senior Citizens in Ontario. 60+ aged, rural townships,Southern Huron County, Ontario, Canada, 197? Michalos (1986): study CA 1984 An Application of Multiple Discrepancies Theory (MDT) to Seniors. 60+ aged, rural districts, Canada, 1984 Schulz & Decker (1985): study US 1985 Longterm Adjustment to Physical Disability: The Role of Social Support, Perceived Control and Self-Blame. 40+ aged, spinal-cord-injured, non-institutionalised, Portland Oregon, USA, 198? Lohmann (1977): study US Tennessee 1975 Correlations of Life Satisfaction, Morale and Adjustment Measures. 60+ aged, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, 197? Mitchell (1985): study US 1974 Family Helping Behavior and the Elderly: A Two-Dimensional Approach. 65+ aged, with children, USA, 1974 Medley (1976): study US 1971 Satisfaction with Life among Persons 65 Years and Older: A Causal Model. 65+ aged, USA, 1971 Yeo et al. (1987): study US 1979 Effects of Geriatric Clinic on Functional Health and Well-Being of Elders. 65+ aged, patients, ambulatory medical center, followed 18 mth, California, USA, 198? Neugarten et al. (1961): study US 1955 The Measurement of Life Satisfaction. 50+ aged, whites followed 2,5 years, Kansas City, USA., 196? Adams (1988): study US 1981 Which comes First: Poor Psychological Well-Being or Decreased Friendship Activity? 62+ aged, white non-married females, middle class suburb of Chicago, USA. followed 1981-84 Goudy & Goudeau (1981): study US 1975 Social Ties and Life Satisfaction of Older Persons: Another Evaluation. 50+ aged, general public, North-Central Iowa, USA, 1975 Hunsberger (1985): study CA 1982 Religion, Age, Life Satisfaction and Perceived Sources of Religiousness: A Study of Older Persons. 65+ aged, general public, Ontario Canada, 1982 Glenn & McLanahan (1981): study US 1973 The Effects of Offspring on the Psychological Well-Being of Older Adults. 50+ aged, with no children under age 18 at home, USA,1973-78 Maxwell (1985): study US 1966 The Retirement Experience: Psychological and Financial Linkages to the Labor Market. 45+ aged males, USA, followed 12 years 1966-1978 Peil (1988): study NG 1984 Personal Communication. 60+ aged, towns, Nigeria, 1984 Ward (1979): study US 1972 The Never-Married in Later Life. 50+ aged, USA, 1972-1977 George (1978): study US NorthCarolina 1973 The Impact of Personality and Social Status Factors upon Levels of Activity and Psychological Well-Being. 50+ aged, whites, Durham, North Carolina, USA, 197? Clement (1980): study FR 1975 /1 De la Variation de Quelques Traits de Personalité en Fonction, notamment, de l'Age, du Sexe et du Niveau Intellectuel. (The Variation of Certain Personality Traits in Relation to Age, Sex, and Intelligent Level). 60-69 aged women, lower class, France 1975 Clement (1980): study FR 1975 /3 De la Variation de Quelques Traits de Personalité en Fonction, notamment, de l'Age, du Sexe et du Niveau Intellectuel. (The Variation of Certain Personality Traits in Relation to Age, Sex, and Intelligent Level). 50-69 aged women, France, 1975 Duckitt (1982): study ZA 1980 Social Integration and Psychological Well-Being: A Study of Elderly Persons living in the Inner-City Area of Pretoria. 65-90 aged whites Pretoria, South Africa, 198? Snider (1980): study CA 1976 Explaining Life Satisfaction: It's the Elderly's Attitudes that Count. 65+ aged, retired whites, Edmonton, Canada, 1976 Leon et al. (1983): study US 1978 Survivors of the Holocaust and their Children: Current Status and Adjustment. European born Jews, Survivors of WW II and controls, USA, 1978 Herzog et al. (1982): study US 1975 Subjective Well-Being among Different Age Groups. 50+ aged, general public, USA, 1975 Dobson (1985): study US 1964 Attitudes and Perceptions. 50+ aged males, fulltime employed at T1, followed ten years, Iowa, USA, 1964-74 Kozma & Stones (1980): study CA 1975 The Measurement of Happiness: Development of the Measurement of Happiness: Development of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness (M.U.N.S.H.). 65-95 aged, New Foundland, Canada, 197? Kozma & Stones (1980): study CA 1975 /1 The Measurement of Happiness: Development of the Measurement of Happiness: Development of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness (M.U.N.S.H.). Eldery, living in old age home,New Foundland, Canada, 197? Blandford & Chappell (1990): study CA 1985 Subjective Well-being among Native and Non-Native Elderly Persons: Do Differences Exist? 50+ aged, Winnipeg,Canada, 1985 Xu & Wu (1988): study CN 1986 A preliminary survey of the psychological and social situation of the elderly in Beijing. 55+ aged, Being China, 198? Rahtz et al. (1988): study US 1983 Elderly Life Satisfaction and Television Viewership: Replication and Extension. 60+ aged, mid-Atlantic region, USA, 198? Larson (1989): study US 1984 /1 Is Feeling "In Control" Related to Happiness in Daily Life? Retired inhabitants of middle-sized Ontario metropolitan, USA, 198? Mookherjee (1997): study US 1986 Assessment of Happiness among the Elderly Population in the United States. 60+ aged, general public, USA 1982-91 Wilken & Kemmler (1997): study XZ Germany West 1985 Ledige Frauen der Kriegsgeneration: Eine explorative Studie zu ihrer Lebenszielen und ihrer Lebenszufriedenheit. (Never-Married Women of the World War II Generation: An Explorative Study of Their Life Goals and Their Life Satisfaction). 66-80 aged women, Germany,1985 Holahan et al. (1999): study US 1960 Self Appraisal, Life Satisfaction and Retrospective Life Choices Across One and Three Decades. Gifted (IQ>135) followed unto old age, USA, 1960-1992 Lee (1978): study US Washington 1975 Marriage and Morale in Later Life. 60+ aged marrieds, Washington State USA, 1975 Keith & Landry (1992): study CA 1985 Well-Being of Older Canadians. 55+ aged, Canada, 1985 Keith & Landry (1992): study CA 1990 Well-Being of Older Canadians. 55+ aged, Canada, 1990 Lee & Ellithorpe (1982): study US Washington 1975 Intergenerational Exchange and Subjective Well-Being among the Elderly. 60+ aged, living near children, USA, Washington State, 1975 Ardelt (2003a): study US 1997 Emperical Assessment of a Three Dimensional Wisdom Scale. 55+ aged, USA, North-Central Florida, 1997 Smits et al. (1995): study NL 1992 Well-being and control in older persons: The prediction of well-being from control measures. Elderly, Sassenheim, the Netherlands, 1992 Bell (1975a): study US 1973 The Limitations of Crisis Theory as an Explanatory Mechanism in Social Gerontology. Males shortly before and after retirement, USA 1973-74 Bell (1974): study US 1973 Cognitive Dissonance and the Life Satisfaction of Older Adults. Males, shortly before and after retirement, USA 1973-74 Pokasova (2002): study SK 2000 Quality of Life: Specific Problems of Senior Citizens. 60-94 aged in pensioners homes, Slovakia, 2002 Barefoot et al. (1998): study US 1978 Trust, Health and Longevity. Elderly, USA, followed from 1978 to 1992 Sullivan et al. (2000): study NL 1993 Models of Health-Related Quality of Life in a Population of Community-Dwelling Dutch Elderly. 57+ aged, The Netherlands, 1993 Henkens (1997): study NL 1992 Inactiviteit en Sociaal Isolement, Gezondheid en Welbevinden: Mannelijke Werkelozen, Arbeidsongeschikten, Werkenden en Vutters Vergeleken. (Inactivity and Social Isolation, Health and Well-Being: Employed and Unemployed Compared). 55-64 aged men, The Netherlands, 1992 Moen et al. (1995): study US 1956 Caregiving and Women's Well-Being: A Life Course Approach. Mothers USA, followed 30 years 1956-1986 Korfage et al. (2005): study NL 1996 Five-Year Follow-Up of Health Related Quality of Life after Primary Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer. Prostate cancer patient, The Netherlands, followed five years after treatment Jelicic & Kempen (1999): study NL Goningen 1992 Short Report: Chronic Medical Conditions and Life Satisfaction in the Elderly. 57+ aged, North Netherlands, 1992 Fernandez Ballesteros (1998): study ES 1993 Quality of Life: The Differential Conditions. 65+ aged, Spain, 199? Groot & Maassen-VandenBrink (2001): study NL 1993 De Verborgen Kosten van de WAO. (The Hidden Expenses of the Disability Insurance Act). Middle aged living in households, The Netherlands,1993 Henkens & Bronsema (2000): study NL 1992 Arbeiden Welbevinden. Oudere Werklozen, Arbeidsongeschikten, Werkenden en Vutters Vergeleken. (Work and Well-Being. Comparison between Older Unemployed, Disabled Employers, Employers and Early Retired Workers.) 55-65 aged, Netherlands 1992 Kao et al. (2005): study TW 2001 WHOQOL-BREF as Predictors of Mortality: A Two-Year Follow-up Study at Veteran Homes. 65+ aged males living in veteran homes, Taiwan, followed 2 years 2001-2003 Pitkälä et al. (2004): study FI 1989 Positive Life Orientation as a Predictor of 10-Year Outcome in an Aged Population. 75-85 aged, Helsinki, Finland followed 1989-1999, ( T1 1989, T2 1994, T3 1999) Lai et al. (2005): study TW 2000 Health Related Quality of Life and Health Utility for the Institutional Elderly in Taiwan. Elderly living in long-term care settings, Taiwan 2000 Mollenkopf & Kaspar (2005): study DE 2000 Ageing in Rural Areas of East and West Germany: Increasing Similarities and Remaining Differences. 55+ aged, general public, rural areas, East and West Germany, 2000 Mollenkopf (2002): study DE 1995 Mobilität und Lebensqualität im Alter. Objektive Voraussetzungen und subjektive Bedeutung in der mobilen Gesellschaft. (Mobility and Quality of Life in Old Age). 55+ aged, East and West Germany, 1995 and 1999 Kawamoto & Doi (2002): study JP 1998 Self-Reported Functional Ability Predicts Three-Year Mobility and Mortality in Community-Dwelling Older Persons. 65+ aged, Nomura, Japan, followed 3 years, 1998-2001 Mollenkopf et al. (2004): study FI 2000 Quality of Life in Urban and Rural Areas of Five European Countries: Similarities and Differences. 55+ aged, Finland, 2000 Mollenkopf et al. (2005): study ZZ Europe 2000 Mobility and the Quality of Life. 55+ aged, 6 European countries, 2000 DeGroof & Elchardus (2003): study BE Flanders 2002 Onderzoek naar de Effecten van Langdurige Pensionering. Deelrapport 1: Welzijn. (Investigation to the Effects of Long-Term Retirement. Section 1: Welfare). 75 aged, Flanders, 2002 Gonzalez (2008): study ES 2005 Bienestar Personal y Activades en la Edad Adulta Tardía. (Personal Well-Being and Activities in Late Adulthood). Elderly, city Spain, 2005 Baker et al. (2005): study US 1986 Productive Activities and Subjective Well-Being among Older Adults: The Influence of Number of Activities and Time Commitment. 60+ aged, USA, followed 3 years 1986-1989 Benyamini et al. (2004): study US 1998 Self-Rated Oral Health as an Independent Predictor of Self-Rated General Health, Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction. Residents retirement community, USA, 1998 Reynolds & Nelson (1981): study US 1975 Personality, Life Satisfaction and Life Expectancy. Institutionalized elderly chronically ill males, Los Angeles, USA, 1975-1978 Jackson & Gibson (1985): study US 1979 Work and Retirement among the Black Elderly. 55+ aged blacks, USA, 1979-80 Calvo et al. (2007): study US 1992 What Makes Retirees Happier: A Gradual or 'Cold Turkey' Retirement? Eldery, United States, followed through retirement 1992-2004 Milman (1998): study US 1993 The Impact of Tourism and Travel Experience on Senior Travelers' Psychological Well-Being. 50+ aged, before and after holiday trip, USA 199? Börsch-Supan & Jürgens (2006): study XZ Germany West 1984 Early Retirement, Social Security and Well-Being in Germany. 50-65 aged, West-Germany, followed 18 years, 1984-2002 Kivett (2000): study US 1976 Very-Old Rural Adults: Functional Status and Social Support. Very old, rural area USA, followed 20 years, 1976-1997 Lee (2005): study HK 2001 An Exploratory Study on the Quality of Life of Older Chinese People Living Alone in Hong Kong. 60+ aged living alone, Hong Kong, 2001 Laukka (2007): study SE 2006 Uses of Music and Psychological Well-Being among the Elderly. 65-75 aged, Sweden, 2006 Michalos et al. (2001): study CA British Columbia 1999 Health and Other Aspects of the Quality of Life of Older People. 55-95 aged, Northern Interior Health Region, British Columbia, Canada, 1999 Francis & Bolger (1994): study GB 1990 Personality and Psychological Well-Being in Later Life. 55-85 aged retired civil servants, UK, 1990 Thomas (1991): study GB 1986 Correlates of Sexual Interest among Elderly Men. 70-94 aged males, London, UK, 198? Parker et al. (1992): study SE 1986 Predictors of Mortality for the Oldest Old. A 4-Year Follow-Up of Community-Based Elderly in Sweden. 75+ aged, rural community, Sweden, followed 4 years, 1986-1990 Dykstra & Liefbroer (1998): study NL 1992 Kinderloos en toch Gelukkig? (Childless but Still Happy?) 55-89 aged, The Netherlands, 1992 Lehr (1968): study XZ Germany West 1965 Attitudes Towards the Future in Old Age. 60-65 aged, middle class, Germany, 1965 Thomas & Chambers (1989): study ZZ East-West pairs 1984 Phenomenology of Life Satisfaction among Elderly Men: Quantitative and Qualitative Views. 70+ aged, highly educated men, New Delhi, India & London, England, 198? Palmore (1974): study US 1955 Predicting Longevity: A New Method. 60-94 aged, USA, 1955-1959, followed 15 years Lehr & Dreher (1969): study XZ Germany West 1965 Determinants of Attitudes towards Retirement. 60-75 aged middle class employees or former employees, Germany, 1965 Goudy et al. (1975): study US 1964 The Work-Satisfaction, Retirement-Attitude Typology: Profile Examination. 50+, employed, male, USA 1964 Michalos et al. (2007): study CA British Columbia 2005 Health and Quality of Life of Older People: A Replication after Six Years. Elderly, British Columbia, Canada, 2005 Cutler (1976): study US 1974 Membership in Different Types of Voluntary Associations and Psychological Well-Being. 65+, aged, USA,1974-1975 Monk et al. (1976): study ZZ Scandinavia 1976 Personal and Social Value Concerns of Scandinavian Elderly: A Multivariate Study. 50+ aged, Denmark, Norway, 1973 French et al. (1995): study CA Ontario 1990 Gender Differences in Relating Life Events and Well-Being in Elderly Individuals. Elderly people, Ontario, Canada, 1990 Chappell & Badger (1989): study CA Winnipeg, Manitoba 1985 Social Isolation and Well-Being. 60+ aged, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1985 Fernandez Ballesteros et al. (2001): study ES 1996 The Contribution of Socio-Demographic and Psychological Factors to Life Satisfaction. 65+ aged, Spain, 1996 Mookherjee (1998): study US 1991 Perception of Happiness among Elderly Persons in Metropolitan USA. 60+aged, metropolitian areas, USA, 1982-1991 Li et al. (2007): study CN Yunnan 2000 Health and Life Satisfaction of Ethic Minority Older Adults in Mainland China: Effects of Financial Strain. 60+aged, China, 2000 Pearson-Scott (1978): study US NorthCarolina 1976 Single Rural Elders. A Comparison of Dimensions of Life Satisfaction. 65+ aged rural area, United States, 1976-77 Bookwala & Schulz (1996): study US 1991 Spousal Similarity in Subjective Well-Being: The Cardiovascular Health Study. 65+ aged couples, United States, 1991 Chan & Lee (2006): study CN 2000 Network Size, Social Support and Happiness in Later Life: A Comparative Study of Beijing and Hong Kong. 60+aged, China, 2000 Bowling & Gabriel (2004): study GB 2001 An Integrational Model of Quality of Life in Older Age. Results from the ESRC/MRC HSRC Quality of Life Survey in Britain. 65+aged, Britain, 2000-2001 Cheung et al. (2005): study HK 2001 Quality of Life in Older Adults: Benefits from Caring Services in Hong Kong. Elderly, Hong Kong, 2001 Lai & McDonald (1995): study CA Calgary, Alberta 1991 Life Satisfaction of Chinese Elderly Immigrants in Calgary Chinese elderly immigrants, Canada, 1991 Ho et al. (1995): study HK 1992 Life Satisfaction and Associated Factors in Older Hong Kong Chinese. 70+aged, Hong Kong, 1991-1992 Staats et al. (1995a): study US 1989 Uplifts, Hassles, and Quality of Life in Older Workers. 50+aged full time employees, USA, 1989 Shmotkin & Hadari (1996): study IL 1991 An Outlook on Subjective Well-Being in Older Israeli Adults: A Unified Formulation. 60+ aged, Israel, 1991 Wahl et al. (2007): study ZZ Various nation sets 2000 Environmental Aspects of Quality of life in Old Age. 55+aged, urban and rural regions in 5 EU nations 2000-2003 Mancini (1978): study US NorthCarolina 1976 Leisure Satisfaction and Psychological Well-Being in Old Age: Effects of Health and Income. Elderly living in Public Housing Complexes, Grensboro (North Carolina) USA, 1976 Moon & Mikami (2007): study JP 2004 Difference in subjective Well-being between ethnic Korean and Japanese elderly Residents in an Urban Community in Japan. 65+aged, ethnic Korean naturalized as Japanese and Japanese, Japan, 2005 Oshio (2011): study JP 2007 Gender Differences among Elderly Japanese: Importance of Family and Social Relations for Life Satisfaction. 50-75 aged, Japan, 2007 Tissue & Wells (1971): study US 1971 Antecedent Life Styles and Old Age. Applicants for old age assistance, USA, 1971. Scales & Scase (2001): study GB 2001 Fit and Fifty? Britain Towards 2010. 50-59 aged, Britain, 2001 Lopez-Torres Hidalgo et al. (2007): study ES Albacete, La Mancha, Castilla 2001 Functional Status in the Elderly Insomniac 65+aged with Insomnia, Spain, 2001 VanWeert et al. (2004): study NL 2001 Behavioral and Mood Effects of Snoezelen Integrated in 24-h Dementia Care. Demented elderly and controls, before and after sensory stimulation program,The Netherlands, 2001-2003 Schulz & Hartman-Hanusa (1978): study US Pennsylvania 1976 Longterm Effects of Control and Predictability Enhancing Interventions: Findings and Ethical Issues. Elderly living in retirement homes, US, 1976 Steverink & Lindenberg (2006): study NL 2001 Which Social Needs are Important for Subjective Well-Being? What Happens to Them with Aging? 65+aged, Netherlands, 2001 Isaacowitz & Smith (2003): study DE Berlin 1990 Positive and Negative Affect in Very Old Age. 70-100+aged, Germany, 1990-1993. Cheng & Chan (2006): study HK 2000 Relationship with Others and Life Satisfaction in Later Life: Do Gender and Widowhood make a Difference? 60+ aged, Hong Kong, 2000 Kunzmann et al. (2000): study DE Berlin 1990 Is Age-Related Stability of Subjective Well-Being a Paradox? Cross-Selection and Longitudinal Evidence from the Berlin Aging Study. 70-103 aged, Germany, 1990-1993 Ingersoll -Dayton et al. (2004): study TH 1999 Measuring psychological Well-Being: Insights from Thai Elders. 60+aged, Thailand, 1999 Eryilmaz & Atak (2011): study TR Turkey Aegean 2009 Ailesiyle Yasayan Yaslilarda Mutuluk Modeli. ( A Model of Happiness for older Adults living with their Families.) 60-75 aged, Ankara,Turkey, 2009-2010 Leonardi et al. (1999): study IT 1995 The Top-Down/Bottom-Up Controversy from a Constructionist Approach: A Method for Measuring Top-Down Effects Applied to Sample of Older People. 55+aged, Italy, followed 5 years 1995-200 Lomranz et al. (1988): study IL Tel Aviv 1983 Indoor and Outdoor Activities of Aged Women and Man as Related to Depression and Well-Being. 60-80 aged, Israel, 1983 Palmore (1969): study US NorthCarolina 1955 Physical, Mental and Social Factors in Predicting Longevity. 60-94 aged, North Carolina, USA 1955-59 Oswald et al. (2007): study ZZ Europe 2002 Relationships Between Housing and Healthy Aging in Very Old Age. 75-89 aged, living alone in urban districts, five European nations 2002-2004 Zhang & Liu (2007): study CN 2002 Childlessness, Psychological Well-being and Life Satisfaction among the Elderly in China 65+ aged, China, 2002 Ajrouch (2007): study US Detroit 2001 Resources and Well-being among Arab-American elders 56+aged, Arab-Americans, USA, 2001-2002 Haski-Leventhal (2009): study ZZ Europe 2007 Elderly Volunteering and Well-Being: A Cross-European Comparison Based on SHARE Data 50+ aged, 12 European Nations, 2007 Gaymu & Springer (2010): study ZZ Europe 2004 Living Conditions and Life Satisfaction of Older Europeans Living Alone: A Gender and Cross-country Analysis 60+ aged living alone, 10 European Nations, 2004 Gee (2000a): study CA British Columbia 1996 Living Arrangements and Quality of Life among Chinese Canadian Elders. 65+ aged, Chinese Canadians, Canada, 1996 DenDraak (2010): study NL 2008 Oudere Tehuisbewoners Landelijk Overzicht van de Leefsituatie van Ouderen in Instellingen 2008/2009. ( Institutional Living of Older People National Survey of the Living Situation of Older People in Homes 2008/2009.) 50+ aged, living in institution, Netherlands, 2008-2009 Scales & Scase (2001): study GB 1991 Fit and Fifty? Britain Towards 2010. 50-59 aged, general public, UK, 1991-1998 Francis & Bolger (1994): study GB 1993 Personality and Psychological Well-Being in Later Life. 55-85 aged, retired civil servants, United Kingdom, 199? Kleban & Turner-Massey (1978): study US 1975 Short-Range Effects of Community Housing. 62+ aged applicants for community housing, followed 6 months, Philadelphia, USA, 1975. Keng & Wu (2014): study TW 1989 Living Happily Ever After? The Effect of Taiwan's National Health Insurance on the Happiness of the Elderly. Elderly, Taiwan, folowed 14 years 1989-2003, before and after change health insurance law in 1995 Angel & Angel (1992): study US 1988 Age at Migration, Social Connections, and Well-Being among Elderly Hispanics. 65+aged, Hispanics, United States, 1988 Chow (2012): study CA Calgary, Alberta 2007 Health Care Service Needs and Correlates of Quality of Life: A Case Study of Elderly Chinese Immigrants in Canada 65+aged Chinese migrants, Calgary, Canada, 2007 Amit & Litwin (2010): study IL 2006 The Subjective Well-being of Immigrants Aged 50 and Older in Israel. 50+aged immigrants, Israel, 2005-2006 Li et al. (2008): study CN 2002 An Exploration of the Subjective Well-Being of the Chinese Oldest-Old. 80+ aged, China, 2002 Li et al. (2008): study CN 2002 /1 An Exploration of the Subjective Well-Being of the Chinese Oldest-Old. 65+ aged, China, 2002 Bowling & Farquhar (1993a): study GB London 1989 The Health and Well-being of Jewish People Aged 65 to 85 Years Living at Home in the East End of London. 65-85 aged, East End of London, 1989 Mollenkopf et al. (2004): study NL 2000 Quality of Life in Urban and Rural Areas of Five European Countries: Similarities and Differences. 55+ aged, Netherlands, 2000 Mollenkopf et al. (2004): study DE 2000 Quality of Life in Urban and Rural Areas of Five European Countries: Similarities and Differences. 55+ aged, Germany, 2000 Mollenkopf et al. (2004): study HU 2000 Quality of Life in Urban and Rural Areas of Five European Countries: Similarities and Differences. 55+ aged, Hungary, 2000 Mollenkopf et al. (2004): study IT 2000 Quality of Life in Urban and Rural Areas of Five European Countries: Similarities and Differences. 55+ aged, Italy, 2000 Gagliardi et al. (2010): study ZZ Western Europe 2000 Associations of Personal and Mobility Resources with Subjective Well-being Among Older Adults in Italy and Germany. 55+ aged, Germany and Italy, 2000 Gfellner (1989): study CA 1984 Perceptions of Health, Abilities, and Life Satisfaction among very Old Adults. 80+ aged, hospitalized within 2 years, Canada, 1984 Becchetti et al. (2016): study ZZ Europe 2006 Inside the Life Satisfaction Blackbox. 50+ aged, general public, Europe, 2006,2007 Hsieh (2012a): study US 2007 Importance is Not Unimportant: The Role of Importance Weighting in QOL Measures Frail older adults in the USA,, 200? Hsieh (2014): study US 2009 Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater: Evaluation of Domain Importance Weighting in Quality of Life Measurements 50+ aged, Chicago area , USA, 200? Dolan & Metcalfe (2012): study US 2011 Valuing Health: A Brief Report on Subjective Well-Being versus Preferences. Elderly, United States, 2011 Hsieh (2008): study US 2001 The Relative Importance of Health 50+ aged, Chicago area , USA, 2001 Gao & Meng (2015): study CN 1998 The Impact of Government Size on Chinese Elders' Life Satisfaction: 1998-2008 65+ aged, China, followed 10 years, 1998-2008 Borgatta et al. (1982): study US 1978 Alcohol Use and Abuse, Life Crisis Events, and the Elderly. 18+ aged general population USA, 1978 -1980 Braithwaite et al. (1986): study AU 1981 An Exploratory Study of Poor Adjustment Styles Among Retirees. 60+aged, retired people, Sydney Australia, 1981 Caligiuri et al. (2012): study CA 2000 Changes in food group consumption and associations with self-rated diet, health, life satisfaction, and mental and physical functioning over 5 years in very old Canadian men: The Manitoba follow up study 79 + aged men, Canada, followed 5 years, 200-2005 Stolar et al. (1992): study CA Vancouver, British Columbia 1987 Seniors' Assessment of their Health and Life Satisfaction: The Case for Contextual Evaluation. Community dwelling seniors, Vancouver, Canada, 1987-88 Calys-Tagoe et al. (2014): study GH 2007 Predictors of Subjective Well-Being Among Older Ghanaians. 50+ aged, Ghana, 2007-2008 Allain et al. (1996): study ZW 1994 Determinants of Happiness and Life Satisfaction in Elderly Zimbabweans. 60+ aged, general public, regions, Zimbabwe, 1994-1995 Chan, D. et al. (2017): study ZZ Developing nations 2012 Is trusting others related to better health? An investigation of older adults across six non-western countries 50+ aged, 6 non-Western developing countries, 201? Chan, D. et al. (2017): study CN 2012 Is trusting others related to better health? An investigation of older adults across six non-western countries 50+ aged, China, 201? Chan, D. et al. (2017): study GH 2012 Is trusting others related to better health? An investigation of older adults across six non-western countries 50+ aged, Ghana, 201? Chan, D. et al. (2017): study IN 2012 Is trusting others related to better health? An investigation of older adults across six non-western countries 50+ aged, India, 201? Chan, D. et al. (2017): study MX 2012 Is trusting others related to better health? An investigation of older adults across six non-western countries 50+ aged, Mexico, 201? Chan, D. et al. (2017): study RU 2012 Is trusting others related to better health? An investigation of older adults across six non-western countries 50+ aged, Russia, 201? Chan, D. et al. (2017): study ZA 2012 Is trusting others related to better health? An investigation of older adults across six non-western countries 50+ aged, South Africa, 201? Lengyel et al. (2009): study CA 2000 The Relationships Between Food Group Consumption, Self-Rated Health, and Life Satisfaction of Community-Dwelling Canadian Older Men: The Manitoba Follow-Up Study 80+ aged World War II veterans, Canada 2000 Headey & Wooden (2004a): study BR 2006 The Importance of Wealth for Subjective Well-Being. 60+ aged visitors of a university geriatric polyclinic, Campinas state,Brazil 2006-2007 Kim et al. (2012): study US 2006 Cross-National Insights into the Relationship between Wealth and Wellbeing: A comparison between Australia, the United States of America and South Korea. 50+ aged general public, USA, 2006 Bowling (2007): study GB 2006 Quality of Life in older Age. 65+ aged, general public, United Kingdom, 2006 Sagie (2015): study IL 2009 Predictors of Well-being Among Older Gays and Lesbians 56-80 aged gays and lesbians, Israel, 2009 Hochman & Skopek (2013): study DE 2006 The Impact of Wealth on Subjective Well-Being: A Comparison of Three Welfare-State Regimes. 50+ aged general public, Germany, 2006 Gerstorf et al. (2015): study DE Berlin 1993 Secular Changes in Late-life Cognition and Well-being: Towards a Long Bright Future with a Short Brisk Ending? Elderly, Berlin Germany cohorts 1990-93 and 2013-14 Herbers & Mulder (2017): study ZZ Europe 2012 Housing and Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults in Europe. 50+ aged, general public, 16 European nations, 2012 Forjaz et al. (2012): study ES 2012 Rasch Analysis of the International Wellbeing Index in Older Adults. 60+ aged, community-dwlling adults, Spain, 2012 Hochman & Skopek (2013): study IL 2006 /1 The Impact of Wealth on Subjective Well-Being: A Comparison of Three Welfare-State Regimes. 50+ aged, general public, Israel, 2006 Killen & MacasKill (2015): study GB GB North East 2014 Using a Gratitude Intervention to Enhance Well-Being in Older Adults. Elderly participants in a gratitude training,UK 2014 Mehta & Ee (2008): study SG 2004 Effects of Good Life Program on Singaporean Older Adults’ Psychological Well-Being. 60+ aged, participants in a good life training, Singapore, 2004-2005 Lelkes (2012): study ZZ EU 27 2010 Happier and Less Isolated: Internet Use in Old Age. 65+ aged, 26 European nations, 2010-2011 Haight (1988): study US 1982 The therapeutic Role of a structured Life Review Process in homebound elderly Subjects. Homebound elderly participating in life review program, USA, 198? VanCampen & Verbeek-Oudijk (2017): study NL 2015 Gelukkig in een Verpleeghuis? (Happy in a Nursing Home?) Nursing home residents, Netherlands, 2017 Niedzwiedz et al. (2015): study ZZ EU 12 2006 The Relationship Between Financial Distress and Life-Course Socioeconomic Inequalities in Well-Being: Cross-National Analysis of European Welfare States. 50-75 aged, general public, 12 European nations, 2006-2007 White et al. (1999): study US 1999 Surfing the Net in Later Life: A Review of the Literature and Pilot Study of Computer Use and Quality of Life . 65+ aged, residents of a retirement community, USA, 1999 Scheffel & Zhang (2019): study CN 2011 How Does Internal Migration Affect the Emotional Health of Elderly Parents Left-Behind? Elderly left behind after migration, China, 2011-2013 Windsor et al. (2009): study US 2006 Individual Well-Being in Middle and Older Adulthood: Do Spousal Beliefs Matter? 50+aged, married couples, USA, 2006 Lin et al. (2008): study TW 2004 Quality of life in elders living alone in Taiwan Elderly, aged 66-90, Taiwan, 2004 Ferguson et al. (2017): study AU 2015 Hope for the Future and Avoidance of the Present: Associations with Well-being in Older Adults. 65+ aged, Australia, 2015 D'Elboux Diogo (2003): study BR 2001 Satisfação global com a vida e determinados domínios entre idosos com amputação de membros inferiores (Satisfaction with life overall and with specific life domains among elderly persons with a lower limb amputation) Elderly patients, Brazil, 2001 Caycho-Rodríguez et al. (2018): study PE Trujillo, La Libertad 2017 Psychometric Evidence of the Diener’s Satisfaction with Life Scale in Peruvian Elderly Elderly, Peru, 2017 Li et al. (2001): study US 1996 Enhancing the Psychological Well-Being of Elderly Individuals Through Tai Chi Exercise: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis Low active elderly participants in an exercise training and controls, USA, 199? Osgood et al. (1990): study US 1986 The Impact of Creative Dance and Movement Training on the Life Satisfaction of Older Adults: An Exploratory Study Elderly participants in dance therapy and controls, USA 1986 Allemand et al. (2013): study CH 2010 Effects of a Forgiveness Intervention for Older Adults Elderly people with a serious and unresolved interpersonal transgression, Switzerland, 2010 Arola et al. (2020): study SE 2015 Impact of a Person-Centered Group Intervention on Life Satisfaction and Engagement in Activities among Persons Aging in the Context of Migration Elderly migrants, Sweden, 2015 Blumenthal et al. (1991): study US 1985 Long-Term Effects of Exercise on Psychological Functioning in Older Men and Women. 60-83 aged participants in 14 month exercise training and controls,USA,1985-1987 Brown et al. (1995): study US Bristol County, Massachusetts 1995 Chronic Psychological Effects of Exercise and Exercise plus Cognitive Strategies 40-69 aged participants in physical training and controls,USA,1995 Abdel-Khalek (2015): study KW 2010 Quality of Life, Subjective Well-Being, and Religiosity, among Kuwaiti Patient and Non-Patient Retired Workers. Retired civil service worker, Kuwait, 2010 Gonzalez-Herero & Garcia-Martin (2012): study ES Málaga, Andalucía 2007 Personality, Activities, and Well-Being: A Study Based on Women in Late Adulthood 50-82 aged middle class women, Spain, 200? Hill & Dorfman (1982): study US 1977 Reaction of Housewives to the Retirement of Their Husbands. Housewives whose husbands had retired within past two years. USA, 197? Palmore et al. (1979): study US Durham, North Carolina 1968 Stress and Adaption in Later Life. 45-70 aged Durham, USA, followed 6 years 1968-1976 Easterlin (2002a): study US 1972 Happiness of Women and Men in Later Life: Nature, Determinants and Prospects. 50+ aged, USA, followed 26 years 1972-1998 Beck (1982): study US 1976 Adjustment to and Satisfaction with Retirement. 55-69 aged men, USA, 1976. Burton et al. (1993): study US 1976 Roles, Race and Subjective Well-being: A Longitudinal Analysis of Elderly Men. 55-69 aged men, USA, followed 5 years, 1976-1981 Cameron et al. (2015): study NZ 2008 Labour Force Participation, Human Capital and Wellbeing among Older New Zealanders. 65-79 aged general public, New Zealand, 2008 - 2012 Crowley (1986): study US 1981 Longitudinal Effects of Retirement on Men's Well-Being and Health. 54-69 aged men, USA, 1981 DeVaus et al. (2007): study AU 1998 Does Gradual Retirement have Better Outcomes than Abrupt Retirement? Results from an Australian Panel Study. 50+ aged Australia, followed 3 years before and after retirement, 1998-2002 Fonseca et al. (2014): study ZZ EU 11 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, 12 nations, followed 4 years, 2006/08-2010 Hershey & Henkens (2013): study NL 2001 Impact of Different Types of Retirement Transitions on Perceived Satisfaction with Life. 50+ aged, employed, Netherlands, followed 6 years, 2001-2007 Horner (2014): study ZZ EU 14 2004 Subjective Well-Being and Retirement: Analysis and Policy Recommendations. 50-70 aged men, 16 western nations, 2004-2006 Nguyen et al. (2020): study AU 2001 Does Retirement Lead to Life Satisfaction? Causal Evidence from Fixed Effect Instrumental Variable Models 55-75 aged adults, Australia, followed 17 years, 2001-2018 Pinquart & Schindler (2007): study DE 1984 Changes of Life Satisfaction in the Transition to Retirement: A Latent-Class Approach. Retirees, Germany, followed 19 years, 1984-2003 Richardson & Kilty (1991): study US Ohio 1986 Adjustment to Retirement: Continuity vs. Discontinuity. Reterees Ohio USA, followed 1 year, 1986-1987 Soumerai & Avorn (1983): study US Massachusetts 1981 Perceived Health, Life Satisfaction, and Activity in Urban Elderly: a Controlled Study of the Impact of Part-Time Work. 60+ aged retired participants in a work program and controls,followed 6 months, USA 1981 Wetzel et al. (2016): study DE 2004 Transition into Retirement Affects Life Satisfaction: Short- and Long-Term Development Depends on Last Labor Market Status and Education. 57-65 aged Germany, followed 6 years before to 8 years after retirement, 2004-2018 Sohier (2019): study ZZ EU 9 2006 Do Involuntary Longer Working Careers Reduce Well-being? 50-70 aged adults, 9 nations, followed 7 years, 2006-2013 Abolhassani & Alessie (2013): study DE 1994 Subjective Well-Being Around Retirement 50-70 aged, followed 15 years, Germany, 1994-2009 Venkatraman (1995): study IN Chennai 1988 A Cross-Cultural Study of the Subjective Well-Being of Married Elderly Persons in the United States and India. Elderly marrieds, Madras, India1988 Venkatraman (1995): study US 1986 A Cross-Cultural Study of the Subjective Well-Being of Married Elderly Persons in the United States and India. Elderly marrieds, USA 1986 Ding (2017): study CN 2011 Personal Life Satisfaction of China's Rural Elderly: Effect of the New Rural Pension Programme 45+ aged, rural hukou, China, 2011 Danzer & Danzer (2016): study UA 2003 Pension Generosity and Mental Wellbeing: The Effect of Eradicating Poverty at Old-Age. Elderly followed 5 years before and after reaching pension age, Ukraine, 2003-2007 Olivera & Ponomarenko (2017): study ZZ Europe 2006 Pension Insecurity and Wellbeing in Europe 50+ aged, not yet retired, 18 European Nations, 2006, 2011. Kesavayuth et al. (2016): study GB 2005 Retirement, personality, and well-being 50-75 aged adults,UK, followed 6 years, 2005-2011 Blekesaune & Hansen (2021): study NO 2007 Human Values and Retirement Experiences: a Longitudinal Analysis of Norwegian Data 40-85 aged, Norway, followed 10 years, 2007-2017 Dingemans & Henkens (2014): study NL 2001 Involuntary Retirement, Bridge Employment, and Satisfaction with Life: A Longitudinal Investigation. 50-64 aged, Netherlands, followed before and after retirement, 2001-2011 Ponomarenko (2019): study ZZ EU 12 2006 Increases in Wellbeing in the Transition to Retirement for the Unemployed: Catching up with Formerly Employed Persons 50-70 aged, 12 European countries, followed 5 years into retirement, 2006/07-2011/12 Ponomarenko (2016): study ZZ EU 13 2006 Cumulative Disadvantages of Non-Employment and Non-Standard Work for Career Patterns and Subjective Well-Being in Retirement 50+ aged, 13 European countries, 2006/07 Dingemans & Henkens (2015): study NL 2001 How do Retirement Dynamics Influence Mental Well-being in later Life? A 10-year Panel Study. 50+ aged, Netherlands, followed before and after retirement, 2001-2011 Fonseca et al. (2014): study AT 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, Austria, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study BE 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, Belgium, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study DK 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, Denmark, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study FR 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, France, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study DE 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, Germany, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study GR 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, Greece, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study IT 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, Italy, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study NL 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, Netherland, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study ES 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, Spain, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study SE 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, Sweden, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study SZ 2006 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, Switzerland, followed 4 years, 2006-2010 Fonseca et al. (2014): study US 2008 Does Retirement Make you Happy? A Simultaneous Equations Approach. 50+ aged, USA, followed 2 years, 2008-2010 Tran et al. (2018): study VN 2011 Economic Inequality and Happiness: A quantitative study among the elderly in Rural Vietnam 50+ aged, rural Vietnam, 2011 Kolosnitsyna et al. (2014): study RU 2009 What Happens to Happiness when People get Older Socio-Economic Determinants of Life Satisfaction in Later Life. 55+ aged, Russia, 2009 - 2012 Diwan et al. (2004): study US Atlanta, Georgia 1999 Resources Predicting Positive and Negative Affect During the Experience of Stress: A Study of Older Asian Indian Immigrants in the United States. Elderly immigrants, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America, 1999 Kim et al. (2015): study US Los Angeles County, California 2010 Social Capital and Life Satisfaction among Chinese and Korean Elderly Immigrants. Elderly Asian migrants, Los Angeles County, California, United States of America, 2010 - 2011 Kim et al. (2017a): study US Los Angeles County, California 2011 Differences in the relationship between depression and self-rated life satisfaction in older Korean and Chinese immigrants 65+ aged Chinese and Korean immigrants, Los Angeles County, US, 2011 Haslam et al. (2022): study AU Queensland 2017 Ageing well in a foreign land: group memberships protect older immigrants’ wellbeing through enabling social support and integration 54+ aged immigrants , Queensland, Australia, 2017 Di Belgiojoso et al. (2022): study IT 2011 The effect of migration experiences on wellbeing among ageing migrants in Italy Elderly migrants, Italy 2011 - 2012 Qi et al. (2022): study US Honolulu, Hawai 2018 Social isolation and psychological well-being among older Chinese Americans: Does resilience mediate the association? 55+ aged Chinese migrants, Honolulu, USA, 2018 Chen et al. (2018): study US Chicago 2011 The influence of acculturation level and family relationships on quality of life among U.S. Chinese older adults 60+aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013 Guo et al. (2019): study US Chicago 2011 Is migration at older age associated with poorer psychological well-being? Evidence from Chinese older immigrants in the United States 60+aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2011 - 2013 Liu et al. (2021a): study US Chicago 2012 Loss of friends and psychological well-being of older Chinese immigrants 60+ aged Chinese migrants, Chicago, USA, 2012 - 2013