
Private freedom in nations

Freedom to travelFreedom to travel in country1990FreeTravel1_199073Humana 1992 (item 1)
Freedom to travel abroad1990FreeTravel2_199073Humana 1992 (item 2)
Freedom of religionLegal restrictions to1990FreeReligion_199073Humana 1992 (item 38)
Freedom of marriageLegal restrictions to1990FreeMarriage_199073Humana 1992 (item 36-37)
Freedom of divorcePublic opinion. “Please tell me for each of the following statements whether you think it can always be justified, never be justified, or something in between.”
Values represent scores on statement “Divorce”, 1 meaning never justifiable, 10 always justifiable.
1990-91AcceptDivorce_199042WVS2 item 310
1995-98AcceptDivorce_199548WVS3 item 200
1999-2000AcceptDivorce_199978WVS4 item f119
Freedom of sexPublic acceptance of free sex1990-91AcceptFreeSex_199041WVS2 item 197
1995-98AcceptFreeSex_199648WVS3 item 95
1999-2002AcceptFreeSex_199913WVS4 item d024
1990-2000AcceptFreeSex_1990s65mean fsex790+95+99
Freedom of homo-sexualityPublic opinion. “On this list are various groups of people. Could you please sort out any that you would not like to have as neighbours?” People with a criminal record; People of different race; Political extremists; Heavy drinkers; Emotionally unstable people; Muslims, Jews, Members of religious movements or People with different religion; Blacks; Muslims; Whites; Christians; Coloureds; Indians; Immigrants/Foreign workers; People who have AIDS; Drugaddicts; Homosexuals.
% not mentioning homo-sexuals
1990-98AcceptHomoSex1_1990s61WVS2 item 80
WVS3 item 60
Public opinion. “Please tell me for each of the following statements whether you think it can always be justified, never be justified, or something in between.”
Values represent scores on statement “Homosexuality”, 1 meaning never justifiable, 10 always justifiable.
1990-91AcceptHomoSex2_199042WVS2 item 307
1995-98AcceptHomoSex2_919547WVS3 item 197
1999-2000AcceptHomoSex2_199980WVS4 item f118
1990-2002AcceptHomoSex2_1990s84mean fsex290+95+99
Freedom of prostitutionPublic opinion. “Please tell me for each of the following statements whether you think it can always be justified, never be justified, or something in between.”
Values represent scores on statement “Prostitution”, 1 meaning never justifiable, 10 always justifiable.
1990-91AcceptProstitution_199042WVS2 item 308
1995-98AcceptProstitution_199546WVS3 item 198
1999-2002AcceptProstituion_1999??WVS4 item f198
1990-2000AcceptProstitution_1990s82mean fsex490+95+99
Freedom of sex with minorsPublic acceptance of1990-91AcceptMinorSex_199040WVS2 item 305
1999-2002AcceptMinorSex_199915WVS4 item f135
1990-2000AcceptMinorSex_1990s46mean fsex690+99
Freedom of abortionLegal and practical restrictions; expert rating 1 to 91990FreeAbortion1_199037PAI 1995
19??FreeAbortion1_1990s92PAI 2001
Legal grounds, number in law. Grounds are: 1) to save women’s life, 2) to preserve physical health, 3) to preserve mental health, 4) rape or incest, 5) foetal impairment, 6) economic or social reasons, 7) on request.
Higher number indicates more freedom.
1995FreeAbortion2_199591World Abortion Policies 1999
Public opinion. “Please tell me for each of the following statements whether you think it can always be justified, never be justified, or something in between.”
Values represent scores on statement “Abortion” 1 meaning never justifiable, 10 always justifiable.
1990-91AcceptAbortion_199042WVS2 item 309
1995-98AcceptAbortion_199547WVS3 item 199
1999-2002AcceptAbortion_199981WVS4 itemf120
1990-2000AcceptAbortion_1990s85mean fabo390+95+99
Freedom of sterilization Legal/practical restrictions, expert rating198?-90FreeSterilization1_199034IPPF 1990
Access to female sterilization1994FreeSterilization2_199491PAI 1997
Freedom of contraceptionAccess to contraceptives1994FreeContraception_199489PAI 1997
Access to condoms1994FreeCondoms_199491PAI 1997
Freedom of (planned) unmarried motherhoodPublic opinion. “If a woman wants to have a child as a single parent but she does not want to have a stable relationship with a man, do you approve or dissaprove?”
1: approve, 2: depends (if volunteered), 3: dissapprove.
1990-91AcceptSinglemoth_199040WVS2 item 217
1995-98AcceptSinglemoth_199546WVS23 item 96
1999-2000AcceptSinglemoth_199980WVS4 item d023
1990-2000AcceptSinglemoth_1990s84mean fmot2 90+95+99
Freedom of suicidePublic opinion. “Please tell me for each of the following statements whether you think it can always be justified, never be justified, or something in between.”
Values represent scores on statement “Suicide”, 1 meaning never justifiable, 10 always justifiable.
1990-91AcceptSuicide_1990401WVS2 item 313
1995-98AcceptSuicide_199547WVS3 item 202
1999-2002AcceptSuicide_199980WVS4 item f123
1990-2000AcceptSuicide_1990s83mean fsui290+95+99
Freedom of euthanasiaPublic opinion. “Please tell me for each of the following statements whether you think it can always be justified, never be justified, or something in between.”
Values represent scores on statement “Euthanasia”, 1 meaning never justifiable, 10 always justifiable.
1990-91AcceptEuthanasia_199040WVS2 item 312
1995-98AcceptEuthanasia_199545WVS3 item 201
1999-2002AcceptEuthanasia_199979WVS4 item f122
1990-2000AcceptEuthanasia_1990s83mean feut290+95+99
Summed personal freedom Mean of freedom to: 1) travel, 2) religion, 3) marriage, 4) divorce, 5) euthanasia, 6) suicide, 7) homosexuality, 8) prostitution
No missing values accepted
1990-91PrivateFreedom_199056mean z-scores of: fabo1+2+3 90, fdiv290, feut290, fmot290, frel190, fsex2+4+6+7 90, fsui290, ftrav1+2 90
Mean of freedom to: 1) travel, 2) religion, 3) marriage, 4) divorce, 5) euthanasia, 6) suicide, 7) homosexuality, 8) prostitution
Maximally 2 missing values accepted per country
1990-2002PrivateFreedom_1990s86mean z-scores of: fabo1+2+3 90s, fdiv290s, feut290s, fmot290s, frel190, fsex2+4+6+7 90s, fsui290s, ftrav1+2 90

Related topics: Individualism, Human rights, Sex life
Related themes: Freedom

The dataset States of Nations is about characteristics of countries in periods (macro variables). It is part of the World Database of Happiness. Developed for the identification of societal conditions for happiness, the source can also be used for other purposes.